In the 1960s African American dressed and behaved like a normal human. But today's black people dress and behave like retards.
Can any Amerimutt explain me how this happened?
In the 1960s African American dressed and behaved like a normal human. But today's black people dress and behave like retards.
Can any Amerimutt explain me how this happened?
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successfull CIA operation called "the nigering"
The top group are all rich conservatives now.
Low IQ idiots controlled by the zog. It's really not any more complicated than that. You will notice actual intelligent blacks like Thomas Sowell dont dress like that.
Psychological warfare conducted by media and pop culture (both arms of the CIA).
Their two most relevant cultural leaders were assassinated within a couple years of each other. That opened up space for the hip-hop scene to take over. Picked up by (((major))) record labels almost right off the bat.
You're comparing wealthy, educated, and/or professional activists from the 60s to poor people from today. It's almost like racial groups aren't monolithic blocs.
>Crack, Rap, and Single motherhood
The nigger trifecta
Don't worry, we didn't take you seriously then either.
Fuck niggers though.
The civil rights movement was a propaganda campaign.
Those photos and all that were staged.
Jay-Z is literally built for SJC (small jewish cock)
Well the jews and white supremacists got afraid by the civil right so they simply assasinated the leadeers. But they knew they would be replaced so they invented 2 things, ghetto rap culture, it's 100% produced by kikes, they encourage them to promote sex, drugs and gangsterism. The other thing is feminism. After the civil rights movement, blacks should have earned their place in society, they invented feminism so that white women could take those jobs that should have went to blacks. That's why the governments encouraged women in the workplace, they'd rather have female bosses than blacks working on equal positions.
ironically, the white supremacsist who helped the jews shaping this system are now the new niggers of society as jews and white women turned against white men after destroying black men.
>The civil rights movement was a propaganda campaign.
Was getting murdered part of the propaganda?
based linksposter
I think, and I could be wrong, that the biggest change was welfare laws. Once the word got out that you'd get free gov't money if you were poor and not married, the number of unwed births skyrocketed. Most black kids up until the 70s were born into fairly stable two parent households.
After the 60s/70s, most were born to single mothers. I think now it's something like 70%+ of black people were born out of wedlock.
america is a niggers country with satanic pedo jews ruling over everything
niggers will play sports ball and white american retards will cheer and clap
The government started paying women when they have children out of wedlock. This ran the black father out of the home.
Government overreach always backfires.
integration happened and then hip hop. in that order. thanks to the former, everybody wants to be like them now.
You still want your (((M)))tv, goyim?
Both of these were done by Jews. They wrote MLK's speeches, invented his image and gave him the media campaigns he needed, also covered for his rapist communist ass.
The bottom was post MTV rap, thug culture and some drog pushing. Sumner Redstone and music producers, goy.
Agency. Self-liberation. /SIG/
tell us more about lyon cohen
this shit is embarrassing
blink 182 is bad enough, but this man is such a tool
dont bother telling them they dont care
mlk is the nigger god martyr of america
Name change to (((MLK))) was always interesting. Reeks of glowniggerism. However, I have mixed feelings about King having good intentions, but being COMPED.
Damn son. Actually not a bad logic.
Niggers these days are ruined. I can’t even get one to fight me before arresting them. way
Is it true that when they black people was given freedom in the states that they formed highly conservative communities, had intact families and there where lower crime rates, unemployment and all that shit?
Then “Workfare” to change them back into everyone’s house niggers at everything from nursing homes to food service.
How niggerish their name almost decides how successful they are in life Sheniqua vs Sarah.
The blacks (American ADOS) that could be upped are upped now, the cream has been cut from the crop.
But one thing to ponder; aren’t whites as successful as they are because of eugenics (sterilization of retards and low performers) and because all the wars killed off those too stupid to find a way from front lines?
No one has the answer because it’s complicated,
some people think all the welfare and non stop abortions completely destroyed their values and work ethic
Other people think they act out as a race because they lack heritage and culture like the rest of us, they don’t have holidays or heroes or geniuses like us and that must suck
No. In my southern state niggers were always the majority of the crime even right after they were freed when the confederacy lost. They were always the violent criminals, the thieves, the rapists.
Might be. He used to read Gandhi I heard, which was influenced by Tolstoi and thus Schopenhauer. But he went totally off the rails.
Post-WWII ZOGDOD created (((suburbs))) for low-IQ golems and forced them into jobs that may have integrated middle-class, independent, Christian blacks.
Abortion of millions of future doctors Probly did more damage than rap
Nigger likes Socrates, so he's (((OK))) by me.
You're a nigger to the Canaanite, Gentile.
That's all a lie. You watched jew brainwashing media in the 70s-80s that depicted niggers as happy families just like whites and became a stupid zombie. Kill all boomers.
>meme flag