WTF is wrong with women?

This is supposedly some dire 1918 tier pandemic,they're supposedly low on PPE gear and overworked yet they have time to do this shit in hospitals where people are dying?

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>omg if people stop working for even 1 minute they should be fucking shot
gonna need you to downgrade that "seethe" to a more gentle "cope" mate, you're disturbing the peace.

This shit is utterly ridiculous. They should have some dignity and respect for their patients. Discipline action is necessary. If I had a relative in the hospital dying of corona and the nurse was spending their time making Tiktok slut videos, I'd sue the shit out of them.

A womans purpose in life is to gain as much attention as possible, they are becoming more emboldened over the years especially since social media came about because nobody is keeping them in check.need more beatings

Hypergamy and freedom don't add up too well.

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Slide thread


OP has a point. If I agreed with you then only after I had "fun" at my job would I spit in your food before serving it to you then asking for a tip just because I walked my ass to your table.

Their profession is finally starting to get attention so ofcourse their biology is not going to let it pass. It's no wonder doctors kill themselves so much.


Given that I already posted my seething, you are seriously a cunt. She is a damn dentist, she knows jackshit about dealing with diseases or even comforting a patient, damn assholes always drill my teeth do damn hard my mouth hursts a whole damn day after each visit.

even doing this shit on your break will get you a earful from your employer.

Have white children eggcel.

I'm sorry they wont fuck you. But you dont have to be a cuck about it. If you want just go buy a whore. Women and sex are overrated.

I wish I knew who you were so I could spit in your food.

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>It's no wonder doctors kill themselves so much
You mean paramedics? Or male emergency doctors? Man, am not even sure how many categories of medics there are in the emergency wards but I know is a literal fuckton.

t.roast potato

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Imagine if a male doctor or medic got caught doing this goofy shit on 10 thousand dollar medical equipment.

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>wasting PPE (every single piece in OP pic needs to be discarded after the photo is taken to keep a sterile environment)
>choreographing dances on Chinese owned social media (tiktok)
gonna need you to downgrade that "kvetch" to a more gentle "oy vey" mate, you're disturbing the peace

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Ahhh sex, the ultimate achievement. So complex of an accomplishment even down's syndrome eggheads achieve it.

says a lot about academic standards

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I wish more gay guys would do this then sue if they got fired. If a black gay immigrant did this and sued then maybe it would start opening people's eyes to how bad women are. But what am I saying, cucks will always defend women. She would be fired already if it where not for the cucks defending her.

people would unironically say the doctor is unprofessional and call for him to be fired if it was a dude

>Waaaaa why wont everyone worship me and fall for my fear mongering tactics over this 98% recovery rate flu?!! PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEE!!!

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Kill yourself

not every hospital facing a New York situation.
most hospitals outside of it are not running at max capacity at all, enough that workers are actually getting let go or in furlough.

How do you know corona didn't kill the patient because their immune system is weakened due to cancer? Its still a corona death because if they didnt have it they would have otherwise survived even if they did also have cancer.

Sounds just like what I had to do when I cleaned septic tanks...

Based, for being a spic and knowing that word

What in the actual fuck is wrong with her foot? Is it rooting or something?

probably a standard star or bird tattoo


its so tiresome.
