This is funny

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Based alconigger.

>This is funny
Why? Seems thoughtful and kind if anything


I'd appreciate someone doing that for me

If I'm going to die, I might want to get drunk first.

Based as fuck if you ask me.

Stuck at home and bored, literally what is the problem?

Knowing their average IQ, this nigger likely thinks Hennessy actually works as antiviral gel. Kek

>throat sanitizer

If only niggers solely existed on TV, I wouldn't watch anything else

Well, first of all he's trying to sell it as a preventative, also hennessy isn't cheap

Why do nogs like Hennesy so much?

Let the man have his booze in peace you parasite journalists

Sign me the fuck up, saves me spending my own money on it
t. alcoholic

Here it is

Attached: EV3orL3WoAAtdGm.jpg (815x921, 219.07K)


is that beer with a picture of his face on it too?

based alco-pop-pop



Not bad. Smart man if shit hits the fan siiiip.

Honestly, this should be done in every civilized country.

not a fan of henn but based nonetheless

Hand sanitizer

elected for life

Based and redpilled, I would love that

You're a poorfag

Because it's cheap and niggers are poor.

None of you faggots are keeping it more real than this nigger right here so shut the fuck up.

Nigs gonna nog

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Holy shit. Thats a nice package.

That's my nigger right there.

Attached: BasedAndRedpilled.webm (1440x508, 1.75M)

Assuming Kenyans are locked in their homes and cant leave, I wouldn't mind getting some booze in my package.

How much is Hennessy in the US? it would be on the pricier side of the cheap whiskies here.

Gullible Europeans paid for this while their own countrymen starve and get mugged.

>he has a significant population of blacks in his country

It probably does work.
But if you get the necessary amount in your lungs, you have bigger problems than a virus killing you in some days.

He's pretty based. I'd take bottles of Hennessey in a covid care package right now. Liquor stores are still shut down in PA , the online portal is an absolute joke i.e., it is a literal lottery system and so inundated with customer orders that you have better odds at winning the actual lottery than the liquor one; oh and we have to drive to fucking Ohio to stock up. Thanks Tom Wolf, you teetotaling asshole.

>Doesn't know what's happening in his cities

>let me tell you about your county.
Oh shit it's an american with a VPN.
Based retard.

Hennesey is some good shit. Kim Jong Un is addicted to that stuff.

He’s also a rapper

Attached: 547B618D-B4ED-4114-9754-33BC4E2D9472.jpg (480x640, 36.39K)

That looks like a surprisingly high amount of stuff. And this relief package is for Africans?
