Nurse hate-cringe thread

Can we please get one going? Feel free to dump all the tiktok cringe you have of these over glorified aspirin pushers. As if female egos where not bloated enough....

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Is there a bigger joke than white people at the gyms?
Noodle armed people can't lift anything where as an Indian can easily deadlift , bench press and squat using 100 150 pounds.
They also have problems bulking maybe living too long in the caves harmed them,
Also they lack gym etiquette, stink , don't use a deo and shower.
I saw a whitey pee in the shower too


I'm sure you're doing so much more for society than those nurses, user.

Bitch should be glad she's fucking working right now. A lot of people are wondering if they'll be able to feed their kids in the next few months because of over-reacting medical 'professionals' in the media blowing things out of proportion.

If a few months of actual hard work makes you feel like "a hero without a cape" or "an underappreciated protector" then your profession isn't used to hard work

Most thots became nurses for social validation and so that they could appear virtuous

Meanwhile cops, doctors, industrial engineers, carpenters and any other actually important and far more strenous jobs have been dominated by men for decades

TL;DR nurses are pussies

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ass on the left is fucking disgusting

>Clean shit
>Give meals
>Change diapers

Wow, nurses are the unsung heroes of this crisis.

>actual hard work
Unless they're in NYC or maybe a couple of other cities, this shitshow has been the slowest couple of months American hospitals have seen in decades. As evidenced by the fact that they have the time to make these clearly choreographed and rehearsed dance videos.

>t.NEET who has never contributed anything to society

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dumb bitches keep wasting n95 masks when the rest of us need them

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Yeah let's believe the Russian spamming the same shit on multiple threads for the past 5 hours lmao, now I know where the saying RED FLAG comes from

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Modern healthcare is dysgenic and unethical, it should be completely dismantled

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t. Seamus O'Potatofamine

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> be woman
> invest money and time into preferred career
> become nurse
> yay.jpg
> omg I have to deal with sick people?
> my clothes might get a virus on them?
> I'm at a higher risk of becoming ill?
> how did I get into this position?
> I must be a real life heroin
> supergirl.jpg
> see people engaging in risky behavior
> reeeeee.jpg
> is... is this career mostly just me putting my life in potential danger to help idiots that won't help themselves?
> shit

Found the nurse.

these fuckers seeing this as a damn joke, right now their fucking frontline soldiers and they don't get to complain.

How are contagious diseases spread then if not through germs?

>this shitshow has been the slowest couple of months American hospitals have seen in decades
This. Violent crime is down so there's even fewer urban scholars showing up with gun shot wounds.

well d'uh, SARS-CoV-2 causes bronchitis and pneumonia. maybe the tests came back positive, Holmes?

I'm a programmer. It's just funny seeing all these seething losers who live off mommy and daddy's paycheck or better yet NEETbux trying to shit on people who actually contribute to society. You are literally the lowest of the low in society. Homeless people laugh at you - at least they have their independence.

dont forget they also have to pretend to give a shit about random people
honestly these are the things i cant do, just imagining dealing with people for 8 hours straight makes me sick, so i appreciate the people that can

From the videos I seen of NYC hospitals I completely agree. They look like third world hospitals with all the muds they hire, no wonder that city got hit so hard.

Im a UPS driver. We get a 20 minute paid break and a half hour unpaid lunch (non mandatory). We don't even have the luxury of time to even make tiktok videos - and that's without there even being a pandemic. Im averaging about an hour more of work everyday now than I was a month ago. With that said fuck it Im loving the OT.

OMG girls we are saving the world from the corona virus, quick let me take a selfie. I can't wait to post this on insta.

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>Attention whoring over a chinese virus on a chinese app

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Like what? Killing people's loved ones by mixing up meds,leaving old people to rot in with bed sores while they gossip and nap,leaving surgical sponges inside patients,generally fucking up and killing people with their incompetence in the thousands each year? fuck em.

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>go to work
>make tik tok videos with my friends all day in an empty hospital
>come home
>see people bitching about the quarantine on line
Wft, why can't people see that this is a serious situation. I should be the only person aloud to leave my house because I'm saving the world

>stop living your lives so I don't have to work so hard

Holy fuck I've read some retarded shit on the internet but this one might take the cake

Yes because this applies to all nurses and not a small minority. You certainly aren't an unhinged low IQ schizo

Is this post even real?