how does he do it?
This autistic faggot literally changed the way I see the world
Other urls found in this thread:
he looks at the data
Who is that? It looks like Randy Stair, the guy who shot up a grocery store because he thought he would reincarnate as a tranny cartoon ghost
Ryan Faulk.
I think the best video of his is What The British did to India.
the european revolution is his best video because i unironically think its the best biological and genetic approach to world history yet published. fuck jared diamond
if you dont know who this is you dont belong here
Because he's based (and also redpilled).
His video shitting on guns, germs and steal was pretty good too, but it's quite long.
why does he care about his race if he's a fag? i don't understand you wiggers
>t. beaner
Kraut saga is also kino
he looks like a mongoloid
because he has crippling autism
Thats right, this is a fan board for literally who
It's hard to pick a favorite.
"A celebration of the jewish people" was quite special too
>Kraut spends months making videos with the help of numerous "scientists"
>Ryan takes a day to slap together a video completely refuting everything Kraut claimed
He's really the one who broke Kraut. Even on the discord server Kraut was crying about how fast Faulk could throw together a video.
Even though he's made a ton of great videos, none quite packed the emotional punch of the one he made about the Pittsburgh shooting. It was so impactful it got deleted from jewtube
Sir, you have just sparked my interest
based alternative hypothesizer.
Not really, his shooting was the definition of lackluster. Pretty cringe in every shape and form. He is great lolcow material but I don't know if I would go as far as to say he changed my view of the world.
hes been doing holocaust denial on FB recently
Only problem with European Revolution I see is that it doesn't explain East Asian IQ. The idea that explained both white and asian IQs is that having to farm and prepare/store food for winter encouraged the development of long term planning and more social cooperation and things like this, but if the average white IQ pre-"revolution" was 80-90ish then I don't see how that idea fits in anymore or how high asian IQ can be explained. This isn't a deal breaker for me it's just a question I've had about the whole thing. Perhaps I'm just a brainlet and there's a simple answer to this I didn't understand or haven't thought of.
>Who is that?
He is a very Inteligent man. Please it is time to DOWNLOAD and ARCHIVE the Nuremberg Documents with a MODERN TIMESTAMP.
>1 post by this ID
Because you're stupid or shilling. I've never seen an unemployed talking head that could prove anything positive.
I'm not watching your stupid video. Give me five sentences that's said, that changed your life.
Dumbass, half assed fuck tard. You're not even a good salesman for your free product. Fuck off back to a highly edited place that might respond positively to your horse shit.
It's a shame that he has a habit of unlisting/privating his old videos. I get why he does it but some of them were still good despite the less concealed autism and low production values. Also the amount of defunct channels he has is very funny to me, plus these channels often have videos he either doesn't bother unlisting or forgot about. I have a "collection" of his old channels and sometimes I still find a new one.
>Only problem with European Revolution I see is that it doesn't explain East Asian IQ. The idea that explained both white and asian IQs is that having to farm and prepare/store food for winter encouraged the development of long term planning and more social cooperation and things like this, but if the average white IQ pre-"revolution" was 80-90ish then I don't see how that idea fits in anymore or how high asian IQ can be explained. This isn't a deal breaker for me it's just a question I've had about the whole thing. Perhaps I'm just a brainlet and there's a simple answer to this I didn't understand or haven't thought of.
I ve never thought about this before, but something came to mind, you know how in machine learning, the more powerful the machine that's running the program, the faster the program itself will develop because it can have more simulations at the same time? There s always been A LOT more chinks than Europeans, what if because they had such large numbers, they could have a faster and higher evolution of iq because, theoretically, the more specimens there are in a species/race, the rate of wich mutations happen should also be higher. So maybe that's why they have high iqs, a lot more trial and error than us
wew lad, I wonder if he'll actually put out a video going into it heavily. Dude, that'd be fucking awesome.
Literal newfagging retard holy shit
european revolution is essentially class replacement of the underclass every few centuries by higher birthrates combined with executing the most antisocial elements of society (usually) before they reproduce and pass on their more aggressive and less intelligent genes. in principal the same thing coould have happened in asia
With facts and logic.
No, it's more likely the fact that they' have slower life history than Europeans. The reason why Asia eventually lagged behind the West isn't average IQ but outliers - geniuses. Geniuses are basically high IQ criminals, with fast life history and as said before - high cognitive ability. Thus the Chinese for instance may have higher average IQ and similar standard deviation but they get less 160IQ autists.
He also says that the European upper classes replaced the lower classes with a higher rate of reproduction and that prolific use of the death penalty ended up getting rid of the crappier elements of society.
There was probably other factors too though you're right about that.
>With facts and logic.
go back to israel ben
>production values
who gives a shit you fucking jew
DAAAAMN. Ryan looks like that? Smart and handsome.
mega based
he won't, he's alluded to "questions" over the years but wisely (I think) he doesn't talk about it on YT and never will. Frankly I was surprised he even did his series on how the Nazis could've won the war. He's unironically not a fan of the nazis and honestly believes everything he's said criticizing them, but he can also see through obvious lies. He gets enough shit for dropping redpills on stuff like the native american "genocide" or what the Belgians did in Congo, I don't blame him for avoiding the holocaust almost entirely,
He is probably going to do it and release it on Bittchute.
>I think the best video of his is What The British did to India.
one of his more underrated ones is him eviscerating Eric Turkheimer. I went on Turkheimer's twitter and saw he's active with almost no followers etc, and when this video came out people spammed him with it so you know he saw it, kek.
...he does? It seems like he does anyway, I don't know why else he would delete the old videos. Did I do something to you?
>No, it's more likely the fact that they' have slower life history than Europeans. The reason why Asia eventually lagged behind the West isn't average IQ but outliers - geniuses. Geniuses are basically high IQ criminals, with fast life history and as said before - high cognitive ability. Thus the Chinese for instance may have higher average IQ and similar standard deviation but they get less 160IQ autists.
I was talking about how they got high iqs compared to other races who are dumb as a bag of rocks, but you are right, I also think most people choose to ignore what you re saying because that would imply most of the continent does nothing until a Leonardo da vinci or a Tesla is born once every 100 years and that doesn't fall in line with the european master race
Not an argument, new/pol/
Ok, he's hasn't said anything worthy of repeating because two of you fucktards can't make five sentences to prove his worth.
useless faggots. Just keep repeating stupid shitposts with no value.
it would attract an element that he would fucking hate, how long do you think he could put up with the spergs that would flood his channel afterward? It's like inviting all the non-HBD people he was talking about in the Heimbach video back.
ok boomer, everyone sees you. You can fuck off back to /ptg/ and talk about muh demonRATS and how great the GOP is
Yeah so the kind of "golden middle" here would be a population smart enough to maintain a society that lets geniuses flourish, and then polish their inventions, while also not being super low in life history, so they have a decent "spawn rate" of geniuses.
what is this webm. sauce me
>low in life history
>A celebration of the jewish people" was quite special too
Clearly his best work
>still can't answer a simple question
How's it feel to know you'll always live in your parents basement? That's probably a question you could answer.
it was literally engineered in china, where your social class is determined by your ability to take a philosophy exam
If I stop neeting he's the only youtuber I'd actually give money to. Shame he gets relatively little attention.