Are you ready?

Not a collapsitarian so hold your god damned horses. But my noggin got a good joggin earlier so bear with me.

Who here is honestly ready for the boog? Can the combined will of the oedipus-overdosed Asperger tards on r/definitelynotboogaloo and this place be counted on? Or was the entire concept of a boogaloo just a meme for everyone? If there ever DOES come a point where society collapses and you have to do anything to survive, would you truly do anything?

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It's not going to happen

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then I guess I'll just have to lose all this tannerite and my tracer rounds in a boating accident

Rate my prep.

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4/10 for canadian hunter. Learn to make your own shine or something

>he already hasn't lost all 10,000 rounds and 50 fire arms in 13 separate boating accidents across the country with all of them being triple vacuum sealed and placed inside post holes magically by accident on land
Never gonna make it

>DI gas system
yeah you're not ready

piece of shit too afraid to post to /k/?

Brenton Tarrant proved it's going to happen

the day a half dozen Tarrants go off at once is the day the jew loses all control

What exactly are you asking, your post is confusing.
>are you ready for civil collapse?
More ready than 95% of Americans, I won't post specifics because I assume feds monitor this shit.
If your pic is all you've got, it's an OK start but you need 10-20 ar mags and enough 556 hollowpoint and armour piercing ammo to fill them. Yes, you need both because I can assure you that looters won't be your only problem, you very well may be raided by folks in body armour.
For water/food, get water bricks from amazon and non perishable food.
Do you have any specific questions or points of discussion?

Please name the type of ammo that can pierce class 4 body plate armor so we can .....write our congressman to have it outlawed.

we need to go door-to-door talking to people, giving out literature, and organizing

we need to offer our communities help and get them to trust us more than the jewish system

It was more of a general thesis or prompt to question who was serious about bugging out and fighting and who wasn't. Not really a "who's got more greentips and AR500" kinda thing.

And yes it is a sightmark. I don't need a trijicon which will take up half my daddy Trump bucks.

you can supposedly buy AP ammo (if its real and available) but it's illegal to manufacture it (without a license from the jews)

you could probably cast your own bullets with AP ability but they'd probably be inaccurate as hell

greentips can't penetrate plates

yes, add unnecessary complexity and weight to the most highly developed and reliable rifle platform ever developed
Then you'll be ready
(To join the fat know-nothings)


Collapse is already happening lol what are you guys talking about.

you''ll have to do your own research,you should be able to find within 30-60 minutes of searching
>we need to go door-to-door talking to people, giving out literature, and organizing
You'll be painting a target on your back and putting yourself and family in danger. Instead try more discreet means by making friends with lads at local gun clubs and organizing with them, going door to door will instantly get you reported to police.

>going door to door will instantly get you reported to police
for what? so what?
you aren't comprehending the goal or its importance because you're afraid of being unpopular solely because of jewish propaganda

>you aren't comprehending the goal
My goal is to keep my family alive, as well as my "people" I've connected to on a local level. You don't want other people to know how prepared you are or they're the first ones to go to you for help. When the police force is starving and they know you're a "nutty prepper" they'll develop a pretext to raid your home and take your shit. This isn't going to a civil war where you can actually win an armed conflict, this is going to be a survival situation. Let the rats consume each other and the other groups kill each other off, there will be many factions. We will rise from the ashes.

>Please name the type of ammo that can pierce class 4 body plate armor so we can .....write our congressman to have it outlawed.
If it's real Level IV, nothing in 5.56 or .308 is gonna go through. But armor plates don't cover everything.

Sightmarker here to fren.
Don't need fancy.
Just need dot.

Thinking DI is bad, you're a fucking brainlet

calls /k know nothings, but buys a sight mark.

>But armor plates don't cover everything.
bingo. Also 12 gauge slugs are a good option. Even if it doesn't pierce, it'll knock them on their ass and break ribs, makes em an easy target.

I'm a pacifist

I use aimpoint and trijicon because I can afford it, but most people are better off buying affordable value shit rather than the top level stuff, spend that money on food and water.

308 will bust through ceramic level 4 at close range. Or at least render it useless after one hit.

No surprise there

Why would Mossad lose control when its own agents go off?

you just post this endlessly hoping someone will do what you won't.
STFU. You're useless and a embarrassment.

I'm down and I'm ready, but will I make it?

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>boogaloo just a meme
made by boomers

>taking boobaloo seriously
Holy shit, Nu/pol/ truly doesn't understand irony nor sarcasm

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No it won't. True Level IV ceramic can hold up to multiple .308 AP hits. It'll eventually start to fail, yes, all ceramics do, but if you're getting hit that much you've dome something seriously wrong.
Steel plates on the other hand will generally either get penetrated clean or stop things all day long - you just can't be sure which will happen, necessarily, because AR500 is not an armor rating and steel quality varies a lot. M193 at close range can cut through, if it has enough velocity and the angle is dead on.

so make your own tungsten penetrators. this isn't rocket surgery. pic related method isn't perfect, but you can figure it out from there if you're not a moron.
that's bullshit, but you can failure drill. There's a reason it's taught.

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