will weed be allowed in the ethnostate?
Will weed be allowed in the ethnostate?
No it's jewish
I’ll allow my dick in your ass for making all these shit ethnostate threads.
How the fuck is a plant Jewish
Yes, just not for consumption
>anything authoritarians dislike is jewish
>sure hope leader agrees
>leader doesnt agree
>licks boots and forgets is own opinions
it should be mandatory
It should be legal but frownd upon. Without freedom you can´t openly see how moraly integer a person is.
Yes, for medical and recreational in moderation.
It's kind of funny how it got the nickname weed. Reefer madness fags would claim that it's because it springs up unwanted like a weed, but the truth is that it was nicknamed weed because like a weed, it can grow just about anywhere and still manage to survive and thrive.
Nope. Get a job hippie.
Weed is for niggers.
You NPCs are going to give birth to a new cast system and it's going to be your own collective faults too.
>defending drug culture
>calling others NPCs
I'm pretty sure cannabis is a huge factor of programmation of NPCs. It makes you stupid ans unmotivated, the perfect weapon to push new firmwares without much resistance. Plus it's for niggers.
No. Weed is for niggers
You generalizing it as being for niggers is why I called you an NPC, NPC. Furthermore, your own words of generalizing it's effects based on your own experience with people who were stupid and/or obnoxious enough to come up on your radar for it, is now also why I call you an NPC, NPC. You've never encountered before a cannabis user that isn't retarded because cannabis users who are responsible know better than to try to reason with NPCs like you. You can't perceive variations inbetween extremes and only the extremes, NPC.
Sorrynotsorry, but that's the path you chose.
>To Jews in the cannabis space, it’s an inside joke just how many of us are involved in weed: as activists, professionals, medical marijuana patients, or simply as stoners. But funny as it is, it’s not surprising. To outsiders, the link between Judaism and cannabis may seem arbitrary, but both the Jewish religion and culture substantiate what many of us see as a natural connection.
>As for Nixon himself, he was among the first people to publicly call out the Jewish cannabis connection: “You know, it’s a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are out for legalizing marijuana are Jewish,” he told his chief of staff Bob Haldeman in May 1971. “What the Christ is the matter with the Jews, Bob, what is the matter with them?”
>Indeed, there are a number of Jews involved in cannabis activism. The famed marijuana strain Jack Herer was named after the Jewish activist and author of pro-hemp book The Emperor Wears No Clothes. The Drug Policy Alliance, a nationwide reform nonprofit, was established by Ethan Nadelmann, son of a rabbi, while Rick Doblin says he founded the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies as a contribution to “healthy social change, to the Jewish tradition of tikkun olam.” And in Portland, couple Roy and Claire Kaufmann host a cannabis seder every year, drawing parallels between Passover and the Drug War based on shared themes of bondage and personal freedom.
>Perhaps it is because Jews relate to the underdog, and victims of cannabis prohibition — mostly low income people of color — are today’s underdog.
Is everything Jewish to you fuckers?
You're defending degeneracy. I don't give a shit if you think you're less stupid than other stoners and an exception should be made for you because reasons, so that you continue practicing your vice.
I chose no path, you chose to behave like a negro. If at least you had shame, I'd be nicer, but you seem to be proud of acting like a negro.
So if there's a ethnostate tomorrow and weed is forbidden there, what would you choose, weed or living with your race ? Now that's the real question OP should have asked.
Broo chicks love weed bro, not the fact that it’s edgy and illegal.
Nope. You're just declaring it as such using generalizations...again. You associate the activity with the people that you don't like that exhibited behavior you don't like instead of looking at the plant itself objectively. That, you have chosen to do, so yes, you did choose that path. You just don't like having this shown to you and you're deflecting from it using....wait for it...generalizations.
>uses an ultimatum of extremes as his example
You just can't stop proving how much of an NPC you are, can you, NPC?
It serves their purposes. Weed makes people dumb and lazy. It's a great way to undermine a society.
So weed it is. Thanks for the answer. Clown.
Did I say that? Or did you assume that because you can't critically think to save your own life and you're taking what you feel is an easy out using the ultimatum you proposed and your own assumptions about me regarding it?
Not just allowed but mandatory. If your fragile mind can't cope then you are a genetic dead end anyway.
Come back when you have sobered up.
No. All recreational drug use is degenerate.
>Weed makes people dumb and lazy
No, weed makes dumb and lazy people dumber and lazyer.
Kek. More deflection and assumptions. I'm actually sober right now. See, dumdums like you don't even consider the medical aspect of it and only look at the recreational side of things because why? Gee, what is the pattern developing by your own answers? Generalizations!
Come back when you can actually critically think, NPC. Your words about shame and more specifically in my own words, humility and lack of it, are much more applicable to you. Btw your "clown" adhom was quite nigger-tier in response. But then I'd be generalizing towards you if I attacked you for it, which I won't, because I am not a hypocrite, and actually carry myself well, unlike you who just lashes out once you get put in the spotlight.
So very true
Ask Jews, if they will aloud in other tax enclosures
it promotes sexual promiscuity , perversion, give a flavor to porn. Miss usage does harm and Jews that control social gossip by mass media that are owned by Jews, they decide you just a cattle.
Answer just this : if there's a ethnostate tomorrow and weed is forbidden there, what would you choose, weed or living with your race ?
You don't dictate the conversation NPC. You refuse to even consider what I have to say and you run from it, but you expect me to comply with your own words? Very jewish behavior. Once again, you illustrate that you're an NPC.
Yes. It comes from the based Asian Himalayas and Jews have been trying to keep it Illegal since the 1920s (Look it up, retard)
>still not answering
So weed it is. Case closed.
Nope. You just keep running from my words, but you expect me to embrace yours. That's not how life works, and you can't force it with a logical fallacy through an ultimatum that you come up with. You're acting more and more jewish with each resulting post, NPC.
Natural people by nature humanity is like a stem of the tree that split in to race and every race have many nations and every nation is made up of tribes of relatives and each tribe made of families as a green leave of the tree.
I will choose to live with my family with my relatives with in my nation among nations of my race with respect to humanity as whole.
I will obey rule of the people by popular peoples congress (democracy) . everything else is you will be fucked as much as you agree up on because we live in competition of usury by lie and Jews are champions of that game. Because they all cooperate against us.
Right to the point, thank you.