Just hear me out

I understand why the America First types want to talk about the USS liberty and other atrocities committed by Israel, but they are going about it the wrong way. The correct solution is to divide the neoliberals and leftists over the issue if Israel. I propose using Ilhan Omar for the following reasons:
>called out dual loyalty, financial control Israel has over our policies.
>woman, muslim, room temperature IQ somali who married her brother, she is far above criticism in most circles.
>there is no issue that exposes progressive hypocrisy more than supporting Israel. neoliberals will tie themselves in knots explaining how it is okay to shoot Palestinian children while the also advocate that the US abolishes all border enforcement.
>they just assfucked Bernie Sanders in broad daylight and many of the people on the left who support Bernie also oppose Israel. Now they are bitter and being asked to support a braindead child sniffer just to protect the establishment.

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gas yourself

good idea except she is irrelevant now

Yes good point OP
>is a nigger

only because of the china virus

Ilhan Omar talks like a jihadi

we aren't allowed to criticize niggers, so let neoliberals do it for us

exactly my point. they get to choose between siding with a jihadi and criticizing a retarded black woman who also happens to be a muslim refugee

donors vs trannies

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its too late, the truth is that the goyim always knew


Good luck, let us know how it goes.

there are so many boomer neocons leftover

keked and gassed

It doesn't matter.
Israel is just a tool.
The same people that put Israel in Palestine will use Israel to start WW3, which starts with Israels destruction.

we are the tool. Israel controls our entire politic establishment

>divide the neoliberals and leftists over the issue if Israel
this could work. israel controls our politics. just look at how israel infiltrated the Labour party in UK and destroyed them in the papers.

Either dems get an anti-semitic platform and calling out israel goes mainstream or they get absolutely destroyed.

d/c should be our main tactic because we know where to him them

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I got one: It's okay to be white

I think we should talk about the USS Liberty at every opportunity but this is a good idea as well.

From Alber Pike's 'Three World War Letter' 1871
>The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…

>d/c should be our main tactic because we know where to him them
this. the modern democrats are a coalition of mentally ill and retarded fringe groups held together by a thread.

At least someone has studied.
Based tea drinker!

This quote and its many variants are all fake, just so you know.

we are correct about the USS liberty but it is much tougher to actually infiltrate a movement controlled by neocons. progressives have no actual beliefs they just bribe low IQ retards into voting for them. we can turn them against each other easily

Wrong. They believe they do but they themselves are tools to higher powers.

How so?

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>black nobility
I stopped reading

uh huh

Did factchecker.org tell you this?

who cares? This is completely irrelevant

Why so?

because nobody controls the jews

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>Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
