How long is this pandemic gonna last?

How long is this pandemic gonna last?

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Worldwide? Another 2 months
In the US? Til may

It’s never going to end. Just like the war on terror.

If it is like malaria where the symptoms keep appearing, expect this to never end.


If its not going to end in 2 months, I'm infecting myself with corona, let the immune system take its course and get it over with.

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Once the scientist finds some toxic crap they can inject you with and charge millions for, it will all be over

Lockdowns 6 weeks locally, 12 weeks for into travel.... Sounds like I'm stuck here for snapper season


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Gassing yourself... Sweet

You have to have foresight and think this through rationally and logically, not hysterically with panic.

Look at the actual data of the virus - the death toll and the mortality rate, and see if that merits a global economic collapse and global depression. It doesn’t.

Think through the logical chain reaction of an economic shutdown.

First everyone stays home so people don’t go to work. Businesses get a month of no revenue and go bankrupt. After just a few days of loss of revenue big companies already had to do mass layoffs.

There won’t be jobs for people to return to if all the industries crash. Our government cannot bail out every industry in the country. Not to mention the loss of revenue counties, states, and the federal government will suffer from this.

50% of the country is employed by small businesses and even large companies are already doing mass layoffs. Norwegian Air laid off 90% of their staff. Businesses, small and large, go bankrupt. People don’t have jobs and can’t pay their mortgages.

Do you know what fractional reserve banking is? It means the money you think is in the bank isn’t there. They loaned it out and pay the withdrawals from the interest payments coming in.

What happens when banks don’t get their interest payments, they cannot pay their depositors and the banks fail.

Last month when the economy was great a bank failed. How many will fail when there is mass unemployment? If the whole nation isn’t working, ALL the banks will fail. That means everyone loses whatever they had in the bank.

That is why it’s called bank-rupt. It’s what happened in the Great Depression after the stock market crash.

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Bro people that are clear keep getting sick over and over again. It's like herpes or malaria. It may never go away. China might have started cremating live citizens because of this. That may be the only permanent solution.

That means you can’t feed your family. You can’t buy anything. All your cash is gone. Your bank card won’t work. It’s just whatever change you have in your pocket or cash tucked away.

But wait. The FDIC insured the nations depositors up to $250,000 an account. Yes, but just like the bank does fractional reserve banking, insurance does fractional reserve insurance.

The FDIC doesn’t have enough money to cover all the banks they insure. If everyone makes a claim, insurance companies go bankrupt.

Already, the reserve amount required by the Federal Reserve has dropped from 10% reserves down to 0%, meaning banks are not required right now to have any reserve to cover their depositors.

If you have money in the bank, take it - now.


>stealth happeningcuck shillthread
It's fucking over. Nobody is talking about it anymore.

Until we get herd immunity or a vaccine, whichever comes sooner.
At least a year, but we need to open up a lot sooner.

>implying it’s ending

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This virusis is like HIV. There's no herd immunity. The more people that get it, the more screwed we all are.

Two more weeks

>How long is this pandemic gonna last?
Are we talking just about this first wave of infections and deaths?

Or grand total?

It's over, like Bernie's campaign. People with weak immune systems will die, who gives a fuck other than their immediate family.

The real question is, how many more months left do we have to create a vaccine to prevent civilization from collapsing

The actual virus doesn't even exist.

The real question is - how much time do the elites need to do whatever they're doing.

And the answer is - until people riot en masse.

Doesn’t matter at this point. We are about a month away from food riots in the US and stonks are soaring. If you think things are going to return to any semblance of normal you are in for a extra special surprise.

>muh elites bogeyman

Have you not heard the dreaded words "new normal" being spoken by people with power? This is the way things will be from now on.

One more year

take everything at face value, goy. They wouldn't lie to us, never in a million years!

Until I get a full year of gibsmedat coofbux totaling 24k. Then I'm going to renovate my home and sell it for 400k, pay off my mortgage, and buy a nicer place with the rest, even I end up with a new mortgage, I can put down enough to make it a trivial amount each month.

Don't fucking ruin my plan assholes. Get back inside and start coofin.

I'm thinking 6-12 months for international travel.

there are thousands of mutations. it doesnt end.

>schizo posting
who are "they" and what are they lying to us to? what do suppose the end game is?

what pandemic? a pandemic where the virus doesn't even cause symptoms in 60% of cases?

retarded faggot. zero evidence.

Ummmmmm who is going to buy your house for 400k when everyone is out of work, retard?

>in b4 ahhh I’m romanian
I thought the Jews had the vaccine

The crisis won't last forever engrish teacher. After it's over there will be a surplus of cash floating around and lots of morons looking to buy homes.

You aren't looking far enough ahead.

Zero evidence of HIV, or zero evidence of people getting this new virus multiple times? Both are documented. You're in denial.