Thoughts Yas Forums ????

Thoughts Yas Forums ????

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what has the world become

For girls transitioning to boys, they put them on medicine that's actually meant to treat endometriosis, who's side effects are temporarily causing menopause.
It's HIGHLY discouraged to take longer than 6 months if you're a woman.
But be trans? Well let's keep them on it until they're body is wrecked!

Imagine smiling about your daughter's barren womb
Peak clown world is near

This world needs to burn and rebuilt from the ashes.

I only see this shit in first world countries, lol. Good times make weak people.

mentally crazy or ill.

Either way as long as those people stay away from me then I'm good. They can be as crazy as they want.

How can it not be considered child abuse to pump a child full of so many chemicals that they go through menopause at 15 years old?

I read that headline and my fukken brain broke.

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Kill them all.

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Thats only because it causes ovarian cancer. If you just remove the male child's ovaries and all traces of his reproductive organs he'll be just fine goyim.

I hope everyone involved in the article, including the staff of the magazine dies, of unnatural causes.

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It will kill itself in the next few years, more than likely due to the data

It's that time again

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That smile is for all of her liberal acquintances, and really means "look at this! How are you gonna beat me now??? Ahahah!"

hitler rolling in his grave

>that nose

Im curious
Despite sounding like a broken recorded I've never read about such self destructive behavior in literature,
You know how history repeats itself this is probably the only time we're prosperous and self destructive at the same time
Have we reached rat utopia boyos?

Coronavirus wasn't good enough to kill degenerates

larping faggot, you aint gonna do shit but wait for better men than you to do something

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That’s fine until it reaches critical mass and you can’t avoid it anymore.

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Female soft totalitarianism is so much creepier than anything the nazis ever "did". "Look, here's my born-male son who's penis I decided to cut off so I could virtue-signal about to my cunt friends in Twitter."

fucking child abuse. And not even the extremely profitable kind.

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>Ya, ain't like it goy? We gave it real hard thinkin before shabbas

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That mother is pure fucking evil.

Boys, is it really true? I mean, ARE the fucking kikes behind all of this degenerate faggotry? To be honest, browsing through Yas Forums most of the time is just ironical, kind of tongue-in-cheek stuff to me: Yeah kike, nigger, faggot, retard, whatever, you know. But now I'm thinking: Maybe it's fucking true, maybe those semitic devils are really doing this.

Violent thoughts.
Maybe. Maybe not

Disgusting, this World deserves a good virus

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Is tranny boy shitting blood?