
Bleached women always look happy with their white looking kids. Does this explain is this why hapas are so angry. all the time? Because they dont look white so their mom isnt as happy?

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Bleaching out their blood lines is kinda based.

i wish i was white

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Sorry, but god hates you.


Sauce for pic related

Had the opportunity to sleep with a hot black chick once. We started making out and I smelled something that can only be described as rotting cheese and sweat from the top of her head. It was then that I realized it was from under her weave.

I settled for a blow job.

they always do seem smug about it

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This is what they meant.
But hey, bleached and based and colonized, right fellow kekistan redpill bros?

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Yeah i know it would be better for all if i kill myself....


Don't do it friend =). You have millions of beautiful Argentinian girls there. Find one, get married and raise your kids.

Dont be so hard on yourself bro. Just take the sosa pill

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>strong white genes
>weak asian gen
>not enough niggers
They'll inadvertently bleach themselves into Whiteness.
Honestly it sounds like a coping mechanism to excuse themselves for breeding with the enemy

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If we were allowed do-overs, rather than the blond german wife i have who turned into a fat lesbian bernie bro who tells fart jokes all day and smokes my income in pot, I would have married the skinny Trad Catholic mexican girl.

Other sources say black women are the most racially loyal

>Nows your chance 4chinx anons. Time to lose your virginities. Go fuck nigger bitches.

There are no skinny mexican girls, just mexican girls in various stages of getting fatter

>99% engorged

>undesirable traits like aggression

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Are you sure the study didn't just generally ask about white meat?

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there is truth to this. And german lesbo wife was quite attractive back in the day.

cope. White women are the most loyal by far

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Meat Lovers Breakfast Burritos.Mornings will never be the same with this protein-packed breakfast burrito full of delicious egg, our signature sausage, cheese and bacon—all wraped in a soft flour tortilla.

I’ve fucked a black woman I worked with a few years ago, she was married to a black guy but we sort of hooked up and had a hit affair for a few months. Best blowjobs I’ve ever had

probably both

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If the entire world were to suddenly have no whites and a massive amount of mixed race people growing into adulthood the amount of violence we see today in brown town would look like a shouting match at McDonald's compared to what would follow. Mixed race (white/african) are by far the most mentally unstable group on the planet.

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>white looking kids
If they are white-looking, why does society force them to identify with their negroid genes?

hahaha im talking to this cute light skin black girl atm. She got a boyfriend but I think she trying for some white meat instead

You really think her kid is gonna be able to pass as black?