Started training because of incel threads

>started training because of incel threads
>only healthy food and 8 hours of sleep every day
>one day i wake up and see this shit in the mirror
What the fuck am I doing wrong?

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You appear to be Chinese
Try being less Chinese

I gave it up, fuck it.

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You look like you are smiling, thats doing better than most of us.

I eat what I want and look like Chad, doing 15 minutes sports every day.

Follow this video. I do this once every week.

Take steroids like a real Chad and live the good life.

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The body grows when it is required to with progressive loads. Lifting light weights doesn't strain your body enough. Go to Yas Forums

Eat meat

Never gonna make it

what the fuck did I just watch

starting strength

This take the juice


The Illuminati are going to steal your genes and remove your glands for transplant into one of their own dying members. Have fun being auctioned off for parts at an Eyes Wide Shut party. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down...or cut up into pieces and transplanted into Morlock overlords.

your genetics suck.

take the pinkpill and try being a cute girl instead.

Serious answer: Lift heavy every other day. Like this:

Mon: Bench press 5 x 5, front squat 5 x 5, rows 3 x 10, accessory work (e.g. curls, calf raises, neck work, whatever 3 x 10 to bring up lagging parts.)

Tues: sprint or jog, light calisthenics

Wed: Deadlift 10 x 3, weighted dips 3 x 10, accessory work.

Thurs: sprint or jog, light calisthenics

Fri: Back squats 5 x 5, overhead press 5 x 5, weighted pull ups 3 x 10. accessory work.

Sat & Sun: go outside and do some activity--hiking swimming bicycling whatever.

Keep eating lots of protein from whole foods and keep getting 8 hours sleep every night. Keep booze to a minimum.

>15 minutes

You don't do shit, your utter lack of specificity makes that clear.
Lying to people on the internet makes your penis shrink, y'know?

Wow, I didn’t think that there would be really useful advice

You don't understand. He's too chad to play sports. He just sits in front of the screen eating cheetos and watching porn and his muscles just grow and get stronger naturally. YOU WISH YOU WERE HIM.

What in the ever loving fuck

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Back in the day, Elliott Hulse had some pretty good advice. But there's only so many ways to tell people the same stuff over and over, so he started getting into kooky New Age stuff. He also took a ton of steroids in preparation for a strong-man contest and injured himself. He also got kind a psycho from the steroid abuse. I don't know when this video was made. Maybe during his steroid-abuse period. You can tell he wants to be a preacher or a cult leader.

Coach Rip FTW

Zyzz died for our sins. All hail Zyzz.

what's your diet like? Do you have a set plan each week or just eat whatever the fuck you feel like as long as it's not some sugary shit?

1-1.2g protein/lbs, find a good programming, upper/lower split or 5x5 (there are better programs maybe but you'll make good strength gains with a 5x5 program). Give it time, drink water, don't worry about supplements other than creatine. Keto is a fucking meme eat carbs if you want to do strength training, small deficit if you're trying to lose weight.

Arms and shoulders women dont care about abs

I eat a lot of meat and a lot of green vegetables, moderate amounts of lentils, potatoes, rice. I eat 3 meals a day plus a whey protein shake right after lifting. I eat about 12 oz of meat with each meal (more at dinner) and lots of veggies plus a little bit of starch. 300 g protein a day, 150 g carbs, 125 g fats (mostly saturated fats). I have a high metabolism anyway, so this diet works for me. YMMV.

One of the few non autistic simple answers here.
Creatine, water, good food and heavy lifting is all you need my dudes

leafy green vegetable are super testosterone boosters, many people neglect them because "lol pussy vegans", if you are not scarfing down leafy green veggies you are cucking yourself

Is there a bigger joke than white people at the gyms?
Noodle armed people can't lift anything where as an Indian can easily deadlift , bench press and squat using 100 150 pounds.
They also have problems bulking maybe living too long in the caves harmed them,
Also they lack gym etiquette, stink , don't use a deo and shower.
I saw a whitey pee in the shower too

Definitely. I feel like crap when I don't get my greens. Meat, greens, and a modicum of healthy (non-sugary) carbs for energy. That's really all you need.

Checked but I'm a big fan of keto and intermittent fasting, not for strength training specifically since that is more performance oriented but I think it is a good option for people who are naturally predisposed to weight gain. Carb cycling may be another good option. I also think a lot of strength programs aren't ideal for hypertrophy, they'll get you there but OP should definitely start looking and his physique and considering isolations if he's unhappy with certain aspects. I'd recommend hardgainers of course eat as many carbs as they can, especially post workout. Good luck bros, we're all gonna make it.

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>Streetshitter complains about someone peeing in the shower