What the fuck is wrong with modern society? Yes, this includes you Trump consoomerist fucks too, what have you conservatives conserved? Jewish profits? The destruction of our beautiful planet created by God for us? The destruction of the functional family unit for more profits to your Jewish overlods so they can make us all work for 60 hours a day, drugged us with happy pills so we don't die and keep CONSOOMING? HAHA I AM SO HAPPY I DON'T HAVE KIDS AND INSTEAD HAVE MY PET CAT AND MY BABY YODA TOY HAHA.
Society is fucked, the world is fucked, both sides are destroying society and you're both eating it up pretending you're better than the other.

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imagine wanting to bring children into this doomed shit hole

even though when we are all free most of us choose evil we are always free to choose good user

what exactly are you trying to tell us that we don't already know, user?

isn't a pet cat a merciful decision to not bring a new life into this so called "fucked" society?

go yell at the sky

"yes, goy, trump is jewish... you hate jews, right?"

It's all part of the plan. The end of birth is death; the end of death is birth. Civilizations are no exception.

>go yell at the sky
do this and record it too

And what do you think is dooming this planet? Consumerism.
No, it's a way to fill your empty vapid life and pretend everything is fine.
Brainwashed pig.

right. but that shits only going to get worse from here. you cant stop the consequences of the industrial revolution.

>latest hits
99% are fucking garbage. Rdr2 and doom eternal we’re the last two games I’ve bought since 2016 doom came out. I haven’t touched anything since. Witcher 3 was pretty good too I guess, repetitive as fuck tho.
>inb4 weeb or animal crossing shit

It can all be stopped overnight if we stop the plague that is consumerism, people need to wake up and stop being fed bullshit by Google, Apple, Netflix, Amazon, Snapchat, their governments, Disney, whatever the fuck else.
Just go on any other board, it's filled to the brim with consumerist pigs. Fighting over which of their brands is the best brand, Jesus fuck I don't even know how to cope with this realization and society would deem me the crazy one for pointing it out.
They have already tried to put me on antipsychotic medications even though I am not PSYCHOTIC.

you're trying to reason with a bunch of shut-in incels

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Unfortunately I am, most of which are obese fuck heads consooming Macca's and KFC just like their fat fuck excuse of a leader.
Learn to cook healthy meals? Nah, I'll just use UberEats while I tell Yas Forums users why """THEY""" are infiltrating video games without realising that video games are rotting their brains inside and out. At least my digital asian wife is cute, right boys?

I'm building a business and employing people in this Covid bullshit while you're here shitposting. I'm starting a family and being fiscally responsible. I shop local and am familiar with most local business men/women who cater to the needs (and sometimes consumerist desires like you describe) of my community. 45% ROI on my FOREX account, 20% on my stonks and six figures in the bank with precious metals to boot (inb4 Jew).

People were always this retarded. But you never heard about most of them because no one wasted time writing about them. It only seems like a new problem now because the mediums now exist to perceive it all.

The world has always been "fucked" but to those with half a spine we go out and forge rich and meaningful lives despite it. You should try it some time instead of worrying about all the retards.

Also; OP's a faggot

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>this beautiful planet created by God
lmao libtard prolly eats bug paste and bows to trees before sitting against them while he plays guitar for the drum circle
>muh jewish overlords
wow your dialect is pretty hip/edgy. Show us your kids/wife and what you bench since you like to blog so much straya

Good thread OP.
Not sure how to tackle this. When I go into consumerism mode, I count the days till I get back to productivism mode. When going into consumerism mode, you just consume videos, games, shit food, porn and the like. I feel glued to it yet I deeply hate it and eagerly wait until I switch it off and get back to optimal productivism where high work ethics and creativity blossoms.
Sometimes I can take a break from productivism without totally switching it off, but other times I just sink in man.
Maybe it's not just the media's fault, maybe it's also our procrastination and surrender to binging on our animal stimuli.

Interesting stuff, what do you think about this problem?

You're part of the problem faggot, what grow man buys a fucking stuffed animal for himself.
I'd tell you to breed but I think we're all better off if your genes die with you.

If you don't think consumerism is getting worse with corporations gaining more and more power as they control more of the world, then I don't know what to tell you. I am quite young and doing well for myself financially though I am not on my way to start a family and that's something I obviously have to pursue more actively in the future.
Let me guess, Trump supporter?
It's the fault with the way our society has become, constant advertising through at you no matter what you do, all friends you make buy into consumerism and try to get you to participate, you can't do anything in this world without being blasted with advertisements and propaganda. We are not "close" to a dystopian scenario you'd read in books and books, we are living in one with the only difference is that in reality, corporations know they must keep people at a certain standard of living so they don't see past all the bullshit.
The fact that you don't see I was making fun of people with toy yodas and 30+ year olds with no kids goes to show how stupid you are.

Sorry Chang, but video games are the last refuge of the white man. Video games instill the values of survival of the fittest that also form the bedrock of our capitalist society.

Lel you're right I apologize I didn't realize it until after I posted.

I'll bite. The retards stashing 50 meme guns like CZ-75 Shadow, Taurus Judge, and the like are actual socialist bolshevik basedboys. Sensible conservatives own their AR-15, a 9mm, and a 12 gauge. MAYBE a good plinking gun and hunting gun/bow. That's 5 guns at max.

It's natural to consume...after all...we all need to consume at some degree to simply exist, let alone thrive. Too much consumption, too often, is the problem...not consumption itself. As long as you're not a nigger and you contribute more than you consume, then you're fine.

Absolutely consumerism is getting worse, but recognize at the same time everyone (on average) is becoming more and more specialized. Put in the most blunt terms, do you know how to engineer and design a satellite? How about a phone? Fuck, even a car? Could you acquire the materials? The tools? The skill? If not that, what of medicines? Clothing? The point here is that as society as a whole goes down this path, we become increasingly dependent on others requiring the highly specialized items we it would follow you require a higher degree of consumerism.

Historically, industries (if you want to even call them that at that point) were primarily driven by the needs of the state. This in turn was mainly driven by the necessities of war. Is it so bad that now the needs of industry are more primarily driven by the populace at large?

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Not their fault their lower paid employees are retards.

They could've said 700 dollars to your 401k instead of some money grubbing do nothing, but a new console is more tangible.


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>Sits on Yas Forums consuming ironic political theater day in day out
"And yet your participate in the system, curious!" I am smart.
Delta sounds based, fuck union commies that send money to leftist politicians and fuck you.

Speak for yourself faggot. Take your meme flag and fuck off.

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That's the 3 I own.

>consoom is bad nature good
HOLY SHIT NOTORIOUS B.I.G. thonk my friend

You kiwis are a retarded inbred lot...but're ok.

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Unironically agree. Unless you're in the maritime union they're all fuckon useless.

You don't have to spend it on games. But if you pay it to a union you know they'll just waste it on affirmative action.