Is it common knowledge on pol that polyunsaturated fats are the poison that's killing the world? Let me guess, you fucking morons think it's BPA or saturated fats right? Yeah BPA's aren't great but they don't even hold a candle to vegetable oils (PUFA). Look on the back of every single think you eat fuck heads!
Have you guys swallowed the PUFA pill yet?
And please contemplate your existence if you feel the need to reply with anything that consists of the phrase, "evidence based medicine".
I cook my eggs on sunflower oil fuck off schizo.
>not mentioning omega-3 to omega-4 ratio
kill yourself
>not cooking everything in lard
what's with all the piss jugs?
olive oil
avocado oil
coconut oil
What are safe oils? Olive oil, avocado oil, coconut, lard?
Yas Forums here, fats are great. Carbs are the enemy. Only consume sugar in the form of fresh fruits.
way of the road
It only takes a tablespoon to make my meal, OP. No big deal. Have to use oil to cook fried rice. Butter doesn't work well I've looked into it.
Wrong. Separate carbs into starch and sugar. Starch is for mass (fat or muscle) and depends on what you eat with. Eat starch with protein if you want to be a bodybuilder. Sugar is for metabolism. Think ripped and skinny. Sugar is more metabolic than starch but starch is better for storage.
Go as far saturated as you can. Do coconut oil (refined so it doesn't taste like coconut). Butter or ghee is also a good option. Keep your fat levels in your diet low, but keep them saturated. Don't listen to any other opinions.
Jesus, Ray
Olive and avocado or OK, but I'd opt for more saturated oils like butter or refined coconut oil.
That's liquid piss, son. Look up lipid peroxidation.
What should I fry my eggs and treat my cast iron pan with?
The more unsaturated the fat, the more double bonds in the fatty acid. That's a BAD thing. Double bonds break easier. Google "lipid peroxidation". Why can you store coconut oil and butter at room temperature for weeks and months? Oxidation. Why do you have to store unsaturated oils in the fridge in dark bottles? Oxidation. What is your blood? Warm and full of oxygen? Get it? Keep dietary fat levels low but keep them SATURATED.
i actually use urine as my shampoo and my scalp has never been healthier. soap and shampoo products are a (((consoomer))) meme
Not sure about the cast iron... maybe refined coconut oil? I would fry my eggs in butter, ghee or refined coconut oil. I only emphasize refined because it's tasteless and odorless. Otherwise it'll make things taste like coconut which isn't good if you don't want it. Also, unrefined coconut oil has some allergens not found in the refined variety. Coconut oil can handle being refined since it's so saturated. VERY resistant to heat damage.
I use mustard oil and ghee, as people in my country have been doing for centuries.
Eat what naturally grows in your land user and you will always be healthy. Your genes have adapted to it over generations
Those ingredients are good.
dont actually cook with olive oil
coconut if on medium heat at most, avocado oil and butter are basically fine,
the pufa oils are definitely cancer. the fact that they sell canola oil at all shows you how awful this society is.
Good for you, OP. Don't buy it, tell your friends, and when the price drops I'll buy gallons for my shtf stocks, even if I only use it for fuel.
>that polyunsaturated fats are the poison that's killing the world
i bet you dont even know what unsaturated means.
saturated fats are seen as less healthy due to a few factors. the most basic is that unsaturated fats are more likely to be solids at body temp. this means that the fat that is in your blood will be more difficult to dissolve as well as it being able to clog blood vessels and arteries. the higher the degree of unsaturation, the greater the effect on its melting point.
unsaturated fats can increase LDL and triglycerides, both of which are detrimental to you health at elevated levels. more unsaturated fats in your diet compared to saturated fats can lower LDL and triglycerides while increasing HDLs
that does not mean eat a bunch of unsaturated fats. too much of anything is bad. eating a proper diet is the key.
also, BPA is not comparable to the fats we eat. we need fats to live and are found in all our food. BPA is a synthetic polymer that mimics hormones in our body
>Starch is for mass (fat or muscle) and depends on what you eat with. Eat starch with protein if you want to be a bodybuilder.
Can you even hear yourself?
>carbs make fat unless you consume them with something that makes muscle
Just consume more fucking protein with no carbs at all dipshit
>but muh brain needs carbs
No it needs fat
I disagree with avocado, any kind of cooking you want to go as saturated as you can. Look up the composition of common oils. Coconut oil or butter is best.
>Separate carbs into starch and sugar
starch is a polymer of glucose you fucking pill
Don't fall for the memes, just get a decent Italian olive oil out of a glass container.
What did you go to a university and get a bachelor's degree in nutrition? You think saturated fats like butter, coconut oil and tallow are solid at 98.6 degrees F? The more saturated the fat the LESS double bonds in the fatty acid. The more unsaturated the fat the MORE double bonds. Double bonds are EASIER to be broken... which leads to lipid peroxidation. Google it retard.
Olive oil is okay, mostly monounsaturated (benign at worst). I wouldn't recommend cooking with it.
Starch and sugar are both considered a "carbohydrate" you fucking moron.
Safflower here vITAMin EEEEEE3EEEEEE
So you're a low carb dumbass huh? Brains need GLUCOSE. It eats up glucose like crazy. Starch stimulates INSULIN. Whatever happens to be in your bloodstream at the time (amino acids or fatty acids) with be STORED because of INSULIN. Why does starch increase insulin production? Because it's PURE GLUCOSE. Why doesn't sugar? BECAUSE IT'S HALF GLUCOSE HALF FRUCTOSE. What is fructoses glycemic index? Google it. I'll wait.... Oh it's lower than glucose? How weird. Maybe that's because fructose goes to the liver first and DOESN'T need the "storage hormone" inuslin to be used.
avocado has the best smoke point out of the oils.
ideally i prefer coconut and butter(or ghee) but you have to be careful how hot they get.
PUFA uses up vitamin E also.
I wouldn't focus so much on the smoke point as much as how saturated the oil is.
> Let me guess, you
Lurk more you fucking reddit faggot
What is sugar the enemy?
no you stupid fag it's partially hydrogenated oils, polyunsaturated is fine, that's natural ouls, partially hydrogenated are the engineered undigestable shit
When talking about estrogenic effects everyone loves to go to BPA. BPA doesn't even touch PUFA in estrogenic effects. The structure of PUFA and estrogen are VERY similar. It's making women out of men and ogre's out of women 10 fold what BPA does.
>Double bonds are EASIER to be broken... which leads to lipid peroxidation
oh, okay. you must be right, u did google it and all.
kys arm chair scientist.
>You think saturated fats like butter, coconut oil and tallow are solid at 98.6 degrees F
no, but your body should be around that. so when the fat enters your body, it is more likely to be in the solid phase and stay that way in your blood. thats just the physical properties that make saturated fats less healthy then unsaturated fats.
sure, the formation of radicals is not a good thing, but that is just the nature for organisms that live in and require oxygen as part of metabolism. thats why you should not chug a gallon of olive oil or a whole stick of butter.
You know the guy responsible for calling out trans fats (Fred Kummerow) railed against polyunsaturated fats just as hard? That didn't get any mainstream attention though did it? Why? Because seed oils run the agriculture industry and no one knows how to read a fucking study. Including you. Educated yourself on what a saturated fat is.