Will Coronavirus be the liberator that finally slays Moloch and frees us from economic servitude.
Are We Witnessing the Death of Materialism?
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In short, yes. It's the birth bangs of the dawning of a new era..Moloch (i.e. Saturn/Satan) is being dethroned and Jupiter (i.e Jesus/son of man) will take precedence. The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction occurs on 12/21/20...this is when shit really gets real. Watch to learn more...
Your owners will never let you go. They will see you dead before you are free.
birth pangs
lol fuck no
No, it's just a contraction of disposable income. Once prices hit bottom people will go back to consooming since they'll think "HEY IT'S A BARGAIN BETTER BUY THE NEW IPHONE AND FORD F35439230294029024920223"
But as long as coronavirus looms over us, people will refuse to go work to make Big Line go up for master.
If it lasts long enough, people will (re)discover other values other than arbitrary production and accumulation of wealth.
No they are celebrating the mass global sacrifice they have unleased
I don't think it's preferable for them. They'd rather have the masses consuming.
This is the year it all ends.
Economic materialism is only a secondary evil.
Real niggas know the primary problem is philosophical materialism (the belief that all things in the universe are reducible to material interactions).
No. Normalfags are aching to go back to "normal" and in some cases are breaking the law just to consoom.
I agree. Materialism is a holistic problem that has devolved into philosophical Positivism and Reductionism to the point where humanity has been reduced to mere economic units: soulless biological machinery.
Both the economics and philosophy of Materialism go hand-and-hand, and if one is discarded so goes the other.
How many will die for consumption?
That's the rub of this virus: it actively punishes those that wish to participate in consumerism: either in the production or the consumption of it.
No you got jewed now your gonna be living in poverty while the pedophiles who rule you laugh at you
The only power they had over us was economic power. Now that that is taken away/irrelevant, the pedo emperor has no clothes.
It's not like these people had moral, spiritual, intellectual or any other authoritative stance over us beyond economic control. They went all in on a neoliberal hegemony and are now bankrupt.
Exactly so.
If you have a healthy cow do you set it free?
sacred .223 defeats 888 if 888 not end in 8. These are the rules even demons must obey.
This. The Enlightenment was a mistake.
This will backfire on them so hard. So many ducking normies woke up from this shit it’s insane.
Take your meds shizo
No, and you're dumb for asking
>people will refuse to go work
Foreclosures and evictions are only suspended for 60 days. People are already going outside and actively demanding they be given the ability to go back to work well before that 60 days are up. This is just a fantasy of yours and not how things are playing out in the real world.
Yeah like 30 boomers
Why are Americans such bootlickers? You are the richest country on the planet as you constantly remind everybody. You have enough material goods over there to last 100 years, and masses of food and farmland. It might mean having to actually tax the kikes though, and stop buying missiles for them for a bit.
20 million were laid off and this month isn't even over yet. It's not just 30 people upset.
Your country has enough wealth to cover these people 1000 times over. You can choose to redistribute it now, or fight each other in the dust like mad dogs. The virus will not go away in the next three months.
How exactly is a random given American going to make it suddenly possible for himself to have his needs paid for by the state? You know welfare doesn't work like that in the US, right? It's generally only available for destitute single mothers and even then it's super-limited and not meant to replace working a job.
Yes that is what Madonna's tub video is about she ain't really talking about a virus though.
>choose to redistribute it
If we could choose to do that we would already have control of the resources you're talking about.
And who will enforce foreclosures and evictions en masse?
When happens when your neighborhood cop refuses to kick you out for Slumlord Shekelstein either because he empathizes with his fellow neighbors' plight or pragmatically doesn't want to get coofed on?
Economically, there is little demand for someone else to move into that real estate so it will just sit as a vacant and unproductive asset anyway (real estate showings have been suspended in many states indefinitely).
>Foreclosures and evictions are only suspended for 60 days.
Also, I think that suspension will be extended for much longer given the systemic and pervasive nature of this pandemic.
Whatever powers last understand that rendering half the population homeless and destitute is a guarantee to lose power.
>And who will enforce foreclosures and evictions en masse?
The same people who were already doing that for a living and don't want to lose *their* jobs.
jews are the ones pushing coronavirus. if there were not jews, there would be no pandemic.
That was the past. Now there is a pandemic. We also have a Conservative government. They changed the rules. They can do that. Otherwise they would have been lynched. Same in every other rich western nation. You are blaming the wrong people, it is not stare governers that control unemployment payments.
the new console is cooooming out i want to work hard to spend big bucks so i can sit in front of a tv for the 192929398 time and waste my life away over and over while all these cool and aswome titles come out i need to buy them all!!! so i can stay poor and keep wasting time on those games and burn my mind and physical body
MMT (Modern Monetary Theory).
The same method that allows the Fed/Treasury to pump out trillions from thin air to bail out Wall Street can be used to bail out the public. If the same monetary/fiscal policy that can pump trillions of dollars a month to the banks to stay afloat, then it can be used to pay the salaries of every American to stay afloat.
People are already starting to see how the "magic" works for (((them))), so it's not long before they demand the genie to conjure that fiat money for themselves.
As for the current welfare state, it's had been designed to be means tested to specifically disclude whites. This will inevitably be restructured where whites will be included into a welfare system they have generously been paying into their whole lives; there's no other option as "The Market" has failed and won't be able to bail everyone out this time through some kinda bootstrapped miracle; the Government will have to work for everyone this time not just for non-whites.
They can't afford to let unemployed and uninsured whites to not seek medical treatment for covid. It would exacerbate the problem and prolong the economic recovery further.
While the end result is more reliance on the State, at least this is an institution in which the public citizenry has sway; unlike relying on receiving healthcare provided from private corporations of which the public has virtually no leverage in negotiation.
And whose going to fire the cops?
If you haven't noticed, there's been massive demonstrations of unionized power lately. Whether from police forces, to Amazon and Walmart workers, to mail and parcel delivers.
All the essential workers are realizing how powerful they are right now and are exerting that power to keep themselves secured and safe. Capital no longer has the bargaining power it once had under nominal neoliberalism.