Name a reason to ban abortion that doesn't rely on religion or appeals to emotion

Name a reason to ban abortion that doesn't rely on religion or appeals to emotion.
>muh killing babbies
Is an appeal to emotion.
>muh degeneracy
Undefined and subjective buzzword.
You can't argue against this

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Other urls found in this thread:

abortion kills your next generation of babies. That is bad for your country because it causes a population collapse.

t. dysgenicist

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Killing babies is degenerate.

Not if they're bulgarian

>that flag
>this thread
not surprised, enjoy getting cucked as a country retard.

It makes liberals angry.

Because it deprives someone of life without due process. It’s pretty simple.

Fucking retards ‘I’m not ready to be a parent’. Too late you’re a parent. Question is if you’re going to be a parent that kills their kid or not.

Abortion kills niggers. Can you imagine a society without nignogs hiding behind every corner? Who would play basketball for us? Who would clean the bathrooms at Chuck E. Cheese? Who would blast rap music from their shitty car speakers at 3 am? Pro-life now. Save the niggers.

Bulgarian > Nigger > Leaf

>Name a reason to ban murder that doesn't rely on religion or appeals to emotion.
Leafs are not people so it is okay to rake them.

No one wants a haunted pussy.

You think thats her moaning ? Try again bud

Han > Human > Bulgarian > Nigger > Leaf > Anglo

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>Name a reason to ban abortion that doesn't rely on religion or appeals to emotion

i could but i've stopped negotiating with terrorists

It’s abandoning responsibility for materialism. You care more about your fancy car than helping another human being be born. It’s disgusting.

I just think that there is always a way to make something work, and people today don’t even try. But you’ll never know once it’s dead. Seems like an extreme solution, to a problem that can be solved by lifestyle changes and budgeting.

Because murder is a crime unless it’s being performed in an abortion clinic.

Name a reason to ban murder that doesn't rely on religion or appeals to emotion.
>muh killing people
Is an appeal to emotion.
Undefined and subjective buzzword.
You can't argue against this

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abortion= less kids the pedophiles who rule you can rape.

All forms of birth control allow women to over estimate their value sexually and financially this leading to them putting off marriage and reproduction until a later time in their life. At which point their most of their eggs are "left overs" with high propensity to be retarded (scientifically) and their only male choice is a beta loser who will most likely abuse their child since he has repressed urges he wasn't able to fulfill as a young man since all eligible women were giving away sex to the Chad's. This leads to economic and social collapse as several generations suffer the I'll effects of this. The population continues to choose for large fucked dumbies and ultra beta males who then choose trapdom instead of being cucked. At a certain point, large fucked dumb males realized traps are better/easier meant than self agrandizing whores and takes that boipuss on the daily. This leads to greater economic decline, more retarded eggs getting retarded sperm, and an eventual total societal collapse

Or because God said abortions were wrong.

Take your pick.

where the fuck even is bulgaria?
i bet its one of those "nobody cares about" armpit european countries

Listen I guess it would be a waste of a perfectly good warhead but could you fuckers down south finally put us out of our misery?

>Because it deprives someone of life without due process. It’s pretty simple.
Sorry but forcing a woman to have a baby she doesn't want is depriving her of her life. Your argument is fucking stupid.

Nice deflection. A medical procedure is not murder you fucking idiot

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Name a reason why abortion should be legal....

Pretty sure it violates the NAP

Humans have inherent value. Mothers who consent to the sex consented to the possibility that children could result. Murdering your child because they become inconvenient is fucked up.

Faggot OP starts off the discussion by claiming that being against murder is an emotional appeal. Murder is crime. Making an argument against a crime isn't an emotional appeal.

Under US law:
>Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Every murder perpetrated by poison, lying in wait, or any other kind of willful, deliberate, malicious, and premeditated killing;

Legalizing abortions created a loophole allowing unborn human babies to be murdered without consequence. This isn't about "banning" abortions, this is about restoring order.

Its just a post-partum abortion.

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Name a reason to keep making slide threads

If some shithead murders your pregnant wife, they are justifiably charged with two murders.
>inb4 my body my choice
You have a choice not to open your whore legs
You have a choice to use prophylactics
You have a choice to take the morning after pill or other chemical means
If you're so subhuman you can't make a decision that fast than I actually agree with abortion, as long as you're sterilized too


the news will say


90% abortions here, a fetus not a baby.

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The women by choosing abortion are snuffing out a life of an unborn human being, this is plain out murder. One of the alienable rights in the US constitution is life.

A fucking leaf

100% human baby here, it can breathe, see, smell, taste, hear, touch, cry.

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Removing negative consequences of promiscuity encourages promiscuity.


Murder being illegal is based on an appeal to emotion, to suggest there is no value to that as a judgement base is to suggest that murder itself should not be frowned upon. Law and judgement is built on subjectivity of the objective, and the objective fact is that human life starts with a zygote. Get rekt

-Abortion is the LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH on planet earth
-over 41 million people were killed from abortion in 2018
-World Health Organization believes this number closer to be 56 million.
-This is an increase from the 50 million annual abortions from years 1990-1994
-From 2010-2014 74% of all abortions were obtained by married women.
-Globally, 25% of all pregnancies end in abortion.
-women are the global statistical leaders in all categories of murder and death
-more humans were killed through abortion in 2018 alone, than all Wars combined since WWII
>Nearly as many people are killed via abortion annually, then all deaths from the entirety of WWII.

The state of Florida records a reason for every abortion that occurs within its borders each year. In 2015, there were 71,740 abortions in Florida. Here are the Percentage Reason for abortion reported:
.001% The pregnancy resulted from an incestuous relationship
.065% The woman's life was endangered by the pregnancy
.085% The woman was raped
.288% The woman's physical health was threatened by the pregnancy
.294% The woman's psychological health was threatened by the pregnancy
.666% There was a serious fetal abnormality
6.268% The woman aborted for social or economic reasons
92.330% No reason (elective)





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>name one single reason not to kill people that isnt religious

Gods chosen people know better what they do to us we should obey Jewish wisdom with out questioning. Where ever you have usury farm you have some regulations and casualties.


If I kill a Pregnant woman, I Go To Jail For DOUBLE HOMICIDE.
Im John M, I approve this msg

Human > bulgarian > leaf > nigger > chink > kike

The alternative to birth for maintaining our population growth is immigration.

Never a single argument, always just pure
low IQ butthurt and rhetoric. Why can't you formulate a logical argument against this?

Abortion is eugenic, PROVE ME WRONG

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I paid for the resources that my body required to produce the sperm that was needed to inseminate the egg which would then become the fetus. This is a clear violation of my personal liberty and flagrant destruction of my property!

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OK we can just abort whores, problem?

>murder is an appeal to emotion
If you’re going to that level of subjectivity, you can’t argue for or against anything. That said, I support abortion because it kills black babies.

Okay I'll bite. While I may be an atheist, I do believe in the existence of the "soul". I do not have, nor does anyone, have the ability to identify/locate the soul, thus I have no knowledge as to WHEN the soul enters/is created by, the human body. This being the case I cannot condone abortion as it could/does kill another sapient.
There is also evidence that abortions cause psychological problems in the woman who has an abortion performed upon her. But that is minor compared to the issue of the soul.

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Why don't we just abort the mother at the same time as her child?

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Flying to Mars and finding a single celled organism and saying we found life on Mars isn't low IQ.
Plus I got double-bubs which makes everything you say irrelevant.

Killing of the most innocent and vulnerable is an evil act.

Name a reason to ban murder that doesn't rely on religion or appeals to emotion.
>muh killing pepo
Is an appeal to emotion.
>muh degeneracy
Undefined and subjective buzzword.
You can't argue against this

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You shouldn't ban abortion. It overwhelming favors white conservatives in the US. You should bring back bullying and social shaming instead, so that you can ridicule the stupid whores who ride the cock carousel and kill their children.
