How do you survive?
This is reality
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if evictions are stopped why not just squat
>disabled, trans, immunocompromised, couple
They hit the trifecta!
Hopefully these jews starve and freeze to death.
Too bad they’re dudes
Soon if you ever speak a single word negative about people like those two, they'll fire you and throw you into a mandatory reeducation program.
Neets won't care at first because they actually enjoy being always broke and irrelevant, but soon enough their outdated "rights" to be bigots will be done away with as well. There will be no allowances for bigots to be free. They Will bend the knee. They will bake the cake. We're so close to it already.
>Aids riddled faggots become homes, starve and die
Yes, sweatie, this is reality biting commie faggots in the ass.
we fought on the wrong side
>gluten allergies
Didn't used to be a thing. What happened?
>Soon if you ever speak a single word negative about people like those two, they'll fire you and throw you into a mandatory reeducation program.
>Soon if you ever speak a single word negative about people like those two, they'll throw them from the rooftop and laugh while the scream all the way to the ground.
Guess which one is more likely? I will give you a hint, it involves screaming and air time.
>faggot cross-dressers with AIDS on welfare
Sounds about democrat
they deserve to die, it's nature's way to make the human race stronger.
Nah Islam will just slaughter you fags when it overtakes the west.
>(420 is ok)
lol sure thing bud
Lads I am starting to think Hitler had a point.
so are they guys becoming girls or girls becoming guys. they have short hair so im inclined to think women becoming men.
Why the fuck can't either of them walk? How do you get this scuffed at such a young age?
They say they have mobility issues yet can stand upright for a picture in a park. Hmm.... I hope they perish, they are both societal deadweight.
Some guys will just do anything to avoid work.
They’re just freeloading art bums, seen it a thousand times
You dont know about the dangers of gluten?
"Homelessness is a death sentence for us..."
if either of their disabilities were real they'd already be getting disability and section 8.
Thank you for providing my hearthy chuckles when I read "disabled trans immunocompromised couple", a phrase I could not made up myself.
this. why aren't they getting neetbux? cause they are 'disabled'
Let it die
I'll take Both Raised By Single Mothers for 500, alex.
He married a tranny.
so they both have AIDS or what?
I'm pretty sure most of the gluten allergies/ sensitivities are just digestive problems in general. It's tendency to clump up is what makes dough stretchy, but also makes for less surface area for digestive juices and enzymes to act on it. Casein (milk protein) has similar problems as evidenced by the formation of curd in the presence of acid. As for the digestive problems themselves, it's probably systemic, meaning it's tied up in immune response (something like 80% of the immune system is centered around the gastrointestinal tract), and all the little things that add up, like estrogen poisoning, fluoride, heavy metals, etc.
When is anyone going to realize this is a fucking disease plaguing our gene pool? I mean come the fuck on\
>let us live in your house for free because of debt and our lifestyle choices
god I hate liberals so much
I'd share my house in exchange for threesomes. Surely they have at least one fuckable hole between them.
Wonder if they cannot walk up and down stairs because their fake botched vaginas would burst open.
They won't. Nature came and reminded everyone that all of this coddling from society is artificial, and can come crashing down at any moment. The fact is, a lot of people are going to be destitute and die before this gets under control, if it ever does. Weak people like that will die. A lot of us will die, as well. Society made a lot of us weak.
>imblying you lot doing shit
Not happening, you're all too much of a little bitch to actually see the Day of the Rooftop through. Anyone suggests it, you start popping off with the excuses.
>muh 41%, the problem will solve itself
That's attempts, retard, trannies rarely succeed at anything, let alone suicide. And if they did kill themselves at that rate, that leaves 59% left, and they can reproduce infinitely by corrupting children.
>y-your a fed
What if you fed some buckshot to a tranny, in Minecraft?
>Why don't you do it yourself?
I am 5'2" and 133 pounds, atm, I can't fight off a 1 year old golden retriever puppy, how the fuck am I gonna take down a 6'3" man in a dress?
You are all so useless. I swear you dickless little loudmouths are big a disappointment on the streets as you are in the sheets. You all just fucking suck, that's what you do. You all talk a good game, but when it comes time for PVP, you just log off the server. Does that metaphor work, by the way? I feel as though it should but I'm really ignorant of gamer culture.
someone help them you bigots
is anyone else here legit disabled?
I wanna know what they think of people like this, without a legit medical issue
They’re not gunna die if I feed em bread
Being a tranny isn’t a disability, it isn’t life threatening
They don’t need another person’s help to survive
They can work without risking death
They don’t have any hard core mental illness like schizophrenia
Being a tranny means you’re mentally ill but not to that extent
Anytime I see these scam artists get any airtime I wanna stomp their faggot faces in
No one gives a fuck about my disability because I’m not in a wheelchair even tho I could die at any fuckin second or if I miss medication
Yet these fucking queers get all the press and sympathy
Die trannies
I suffer in silence and so should you
Fuck off into hell
Why would I say anything about them at all
>willing to work something out
Does that mean you get to fuck them if you let them live with you?
I was on SSI for severe epilepsy until I moved to a state with medical weed and pretty much got cured. I could have kept collecting gibs but I wanted to work, way more money and I stopped feeling like a leech.
Mashallah, brother. Al-andalus when?