What reason do you have to even be on Yas Forums?

What reason do you have to even be on Yas Forums?

At this point it's 40% shameless propaganda, 30% questionable coom material, 15% mentally ill musings, and 5% rapidly dwindling but actual hopeful debate and discussion

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What’s the alternative?

i like being able express with words that (((they))) don't like dumb nigger

rapid news

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>What reason do you have to even be on Yas Forums?
>shut it down.png

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>At this point it's 40% shameless propaganda, 30% questionable coom material, 15% mentally ill musings, and 5% rapidly dwindling but actual hopeful debate and discussion
So it's improving then


as good as reason as balls on a face faggot

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I'm here for the best 2% of that coomer content and the lulz.

Where else would I go?

Sadly is better argued and more balanced by far then reddit or any other big forum.

I keep waiting for other non-Jews to arrive.

I deleted snapchat and all my other social media so I could enjoy the outdoors more and relish life more.

Then we got hit with corona.

This is the only place I can go for bants now. I refuse to redownload social media. I quit coming in here in 2016.. it’s true, you never really leave. But, I’m hopefully once quarantine is lifted and we go back to our normal lives I can leave the chan on the past

I'm a jobless white person who was denied a career due to affirmative action and live as a prisoner in my own country because whenever I go out it's nothing but the brown people who took my job.

Nobody's giving us permission to civil war, so shitposting is at least enjoyable.

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i get to call you nigger kike faggot
and know that i am 100% correct

Its mostly bot-posting and edgy-redditors at this point. I really don't think there are this many miga-tards in existence.

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>15% mentally ill musings

That's one of my favorite parts.

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There is a growing political board for right wingers who dont support trump at

I'm here because it's a better place to get headlines than CNN or whatever and ignore almost every post.

What reason do you have to even be on Yas Forums?
I don't even know anymore, I fucking hate Yas Forums now. Most anons here are basic bitch conservative magatards with nothing at all interesting or insightful to say. The rest is shitposting and ironic pretend shilling.

Seems like an apt thread for me to post this. The self improvement thread I was replying to fell victim to the jannies before I finished typing.

>Embracing the suck
More than that it's about recognizing that struggle is what makes us grow. When it is easy enough to get what we need/want we tend not to exert any further effort to getting said needs and wants and that translates into other areas of our lives until we are putting in the bare minimum amount of effort towards everything. And if we are putting the bare minimum amount of effort in then not only are we not bettering ourselves but we start to languish in our own proverbial filth. Comfort and ease breed stagnation, stagnation is death. Struggle and hardship breed growth and growth leads to prosperity.

You don't get them gains by staring in the mirror, you get them by making yourself uncomfortable in the gym doing things you probably would rather not do. You lift that bar until the pain makes you grunt from exertion. As above, so below. All observable concepts apply to everything else.

Whereas, look at the common gibs nigger or neet. What will you find? Certainly not drive nor willpower. And, why? Because they don't need to. They've adopted a mindframe where the paltry gibs they receive provide them with everything they need and want. They have castrated their own desires in the interest of ease. They have even sunk so far as to mock those who find it within them to better their own situation, calling them uncle tom's or wage slaves or similar ridiculous phrases.

These people are truly sad examples of the depths that humanity can sink to without struggle. They even choose to partake in "hobbies" (vidya, porn, cartoons, drugs and degenerate music) that actively prevent them from fixing their shit by both occupying their time with foolish endeavors and reinforcing their faulty belief that they don't need a better life than they have.

Do you want to be like them? Or do you want to be a shining example of the best man you could possibly be? Pain? Struggle? Hardship? The possibility of defeat? These are only as real as you allow them to be. Pain is weakness leaving the body. A plant that struggles for light grows the tallest. Hard times breed strong men. Defeat only happens if you quit trying.

And, most of all, look at how much negative attention you get when you speak of truly bettering yourself. Embrace infamy.

I get fucked up on various things once a week and vent my retardation to u guize. It's a ritual. Idk it's still better than Reddit.

what kind of link is this?

>40% shameless propaganda
>15% mentally ill musings
>30% questionable coom material

You just listed everything to be found on television and general entertainment.

>"Why reason do you even have to watch two homeless men beat up a transsexual prostitute"

you gotta look

Because this is one if the few places that see this clown world for what it is.

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For the 1% good memes? But I completely agree with you. Goddamn glowniggers, boomer and reddit have ruined this board.

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You can get all of Yas Forums headlines directly from Fox Jews or your favorite Jewish-run "alt-right" outlet. They're exactly the same.

Gahoole is that you

I have autism and I like to shitpost into the void and maybe collect some (You)'s. Its an addiction

can i not be all of that?

The 5% is better than the 0% of the rest of the internet. Everywhere else you'll get banned for even the slightest misgivings about New Politik and New Science.


I'm too scared to show people in real life my true colors, because if they did they would realize I am a racist neo nazi and then no one would want to be around me.

Mindless banter?

>What reason do you have to even be on Yas Forums?
I only pop in to get a basic gestalt of the news of the day. Yas Forums is fucking dead now I know we say it was shit before but now it's complete fucking garbage. We need a new place to communicate if we are going to save western civilization.

Why are homosexuals constantly posting this guy's blowhole?

That this is even on your computer proves you are into gaynal.

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I hate this place but what else is there to do? And who else an I suppose to discuss this stuff with?

>missing the point this hard

Quality post.

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Does cooming weaken the immune system?

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Because every other site is much worse.


I'm here for it all. The alphabets and kikes shilling and all. I smell fear.

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It's backwards... But I wouldn't go on that crap anyway.

>.moe top-level domain name
Some weeabio shit.

We must go to war with your prostate.

>What reason do you have to even be on Yas Forums?
Bants, shitposts and news
This place is entertaining and I like to talk to my frens
pic unrelated, it's my cat

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>5% rapidly dwindling but actual hopeful debate and discussion
There isn't much debate anymore because everything is clear-cut in 2020. So what's there to talk about? Just bullshit around while we wait for Trump to win.

Anyway, I'm quitting this site tonight. See you tomorrow.

And despite all that it's still better than anywhere else on the internet. Really makes you think.

No matter how retarded shit can get around here, it's still doesn't come close to normie-tier retarded.

>hey you sexy boys. im here to rock out and suck cocks
>anyway here's wonderwall

to learn how propaganda and glow nigger operations work, their fatal flaw is consistency