Daily reminder for goyim that debt is good

Daily reminder for goyim that debt is good.

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just as the god emperor trump(MIGA!!) wanted

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Good goy.

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Debt is not. But credit is in this fucking pozzed world.

But you can't have good credit without taking on some debt.

So yeah debt is good in a fucked up way. So long as you can make the payments.


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It would have been even worse if they hadn't pumped so much money into the economy. They should have printed even more money than they did.

is this boomer damage control? fucking hell

So in the end Mugabe was right?

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(((NYT))) so tiresome.

>tfw the U.S economy is now centrally planned
>Tfw the U.S is the most culturally Marxist nation in history
>Tfw Jews own everything
>Tfw we're now the USSR


>It is frequently supposed, on the basis of a sort of post-Marxian economic determinism, that two modern industrialized states like the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are bound to become more and more alike in politics as well as socially and economically, and to “converge” presumably toward some model of welfare-state liberalism and international concord. This theory has challenged two leading American political scientists, the one a specialist on American government and the other on the Communist bloc, to make a joint appraisal of political institutions and trends in the two countries to determine whether in fact the systems are growing more alike or merely exhibiting circumstantial parallels. The result is Political Power: USA/USSR by Samuel Huntington of Harvard (formerly Columbia) and Zbigniew Brzezinski of Columbia (formerly Harvard) .

Our boy Brzeziński was right with his convergence theory I guess.

All I can think about is how many loose shekels I could have grabbed when they started draining the reflecting pool.


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>spending creates wealth

Yea right faggot. You become a debt slave, paying (((interest))) to raise your credit score.

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All the world's debt will eventually get restructured, or debt between Nations will be erased. We're still on the 20th century system.

>that's a good thing
They arent even pretending to be a neutral publication that let's their readers be informed. They are just telling people what to think.

What's he doing while sporting that intense expression?

I hate all the "thats a good thing" articles.

Boomers punishing zoomers for the OK boomer meme by leaving them with crippling debt combined with a wrecked economy just as they enter retirement en masse. Outplayed.

The comment section in that article is open. You know what to do
>inb4 nypa
shut the fuck up faggots ur all my army now
go show der juden who is boss

>bad things become good if we say so
Journalism was a mistake

That's a good thing.

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>you can't have good credit without taking on debt
100% false.
Using a credit card and paying it off every month = no debt, no interest, and your credit score goes up.
I don't take on debt but I have excellent credit.

i like the template of those "article" "That's a good thing" sounds like "submit" or "abeeb it"
That's the most blunt and shameless display of brain washing. The jew york time has no shame at all.

>Default on the (((dollar))) and declare a new national currency


No one will ever be able to fuck other generations the way boomers have

I make you a favor and explain how money works. First of all there nothing to actually compare the value of money (like the gold standard) so in the 21 century we dont use money we use credit. Credit means you create dept that increases its rates yearly or not, this debt is bought by banks who make percentages of it, the banks lend this money to companies and people along with other bank incentives from gvt. So yes, debt is good in 21 century. Stop reading economy books before the 19 century.

? So paying your debt means you didn't make debt? So who did you pay? Just because your debt lasts 1 month, you want to compare to a debt of a country who is planned to be paid in decades? You Americans are simply idiotic.

Can't wait for the fire sale of US assets