I think it's pretty clear that the decline (degeneracy) of the West is most directly tied to the decline in the...

I think it's pretty clear that the decline (degeneracy) of the West is most directly tied to the decline in the acceptance of Christianity and deviation from God.

>But it's the Jews!
No man has power over you if you know the truth, and have loyalty to God alone

>They program us and introduce stuff to destroy us
It only hurts us if we accept it

This has caused:
>acceptance of homosexuality
>acceptance of communism
>the whole "my truth" ideology
>murdering the unborn

INB4 reddit tier BS.

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Bumping because this is based af

Going on:

The only reason they can deceive so many is that people do not know the truth. With this, their plans are revealed. Their lies are shown for what they are. By moving away from Christ, people have willingly chosen to blind themselves to that truth and, thus, accept the lies they put out.

Panic, scarcity, the new enemy this week, the newest outrage- all cleverly manufactured to manipulate you and keep you under their control.

You can go on and say, "It's the Jews (and to an extent, it is)." However, have you ever bothered to go beyond that to ask who they're taking orders from?

lol degeneracy is for the weak
Christianity is literally Jesus praising the weak

er-fucking-go you're wrong
We get degeneracy FROM Christianity

Jesus praises the weak, because they have their strength in God. The weak humble themselves before God, and are therefore strong through Him.

so are the weak weak or strong? stop equivocating

Continuing from this, looking at all of their plans, you can trace the root back to this central idea- the rejection of Christ and the pulling of man into further degeneracy.

The current measures being taken for the panic are just another example:
>hoard for yourself
>stay away from church
>fear worldly sickness and trust the government as your true masters, who your loyalty belongs to

>metric megatons of chemicals and hormones pumped into the food and water every year since the 60's
>iTs CaUsE wE dOnT lOvE JeBuS!
It's fucking biochemical warfare you dunce, simple as

>stop equivocating

No. Some concepts are complex and multifaceted, having subtle nuance. You can't simplify everything down to a single phrase.

>It's fucking biochemical warfare you dunce, simple as
And who allows it? Who says, "Yeah, I'm okay with doing this?" You don't think that if this person weren't willing to sell their ethics, this wouldn't happen?

Stop looking at things so one dimensionally

The decline of religion is a natural part of the life cycle of a culture. Eventually our Faustian culture will finally croak and people will be forced to find faith again, or succumb to death.

Are you calling the European white race weak? Seeing as we used to be Christian, and are now festering in degeneracy. And if so, then what would be the point in preserving it if that were the case?

I disagree. I think the decline is basically rolling out the red carpet for the one world government.

When there are manufactured scarcities and a constant police state, many people will worship the state and the head of it.

>Whos doing this
People who think they know what's best for others. People who can't mind their own fucking business. People who see themselves as savior's. Sound familiar?

You're right... just because the temptation is presented doesn't mean you have to accept it. If more people would shun the degeneracy, it would at least just become background noise.

It's the fucking chinks.

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Read Spengler. Imperium Mundi will be the final gasping breath of our dying culture.

>People who think they know what's best for others.
And why do they think this is good? Very few evil people think what they're doing is wrong. They've been misled by their own corrupt degenerate desires.

Exactly. It would still be there, but it would be shunned from both an ethical and social perspective- reducing the chance of being degenerate to "stand out" and "fit in."

and some concepts are frauds

No one know which race is strong or weak. Is racial strength in jawline or immunity to disease? I'm saying through the Sermon on the Mount, Christianity is the religion of the weak. Whatever race accept Christ, accepts weakness. Whether this is a good thing or bad thing is up to you. But to say that a race was good and strong when it was Christian is a complete paradox. If the race was strong then it would purge the weak and that is anti-Christian. So a strong white Christian race is impossible - either it is strong and anti-Christian or weak and Christian. It CANNOT be both

Oh boy another Christian "fascist" who thinks he's got all the answers.

The decline of the west is directly tied to two things alone, Demographic shifts (christian importing christian niggers and spics) and acceptance of Jew (or as christians call them brothers in christ).

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you are a degenerate. Christians used to execute fags like you. we should bring that back.

>Oh boy another Christian "fascist" who thinks he's got all the answers
Not a fascist, but thanks for playing.

>Demographic shifts (christian importing christian niggers and spics) and acceptance of Jew (or as christians call them brothers in christ).

"Homosexuals and trannies are okay if they're white"

People sit around waiting for the degeneracy of society to be punished.
Never realising that the degeneracy of society /is/ the punishment.

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and before they used to execute fags they wrote their "bible" in gay loving Greek and borrowed their entire gay loving culture.

Once Christianity starting executing the weak, they revoked the Christian license. Not Christianity anymore. Just toss the words of Christ right out the window

"Tolerance" is a poison that kills slowly.

>acceptance of homosexuality
>acceptance of communism
Yes, previous christian sects tried to attempt it.
Universal to all human groups.
See Above.
>the whole "my truth" ideology
>murdering the unborn

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Nah, Christianity had been perverted and corrupted by evil degenerates. Plus, Christianity is declining in the West by said degenerates that wish to take God out of every facet of our lives. If anything Christians should grow a fucking back bone and stop putting up with this bullshit.

>and before they used to execute fags they wrote their "bible" in gay loving Greek and borrowed their entire gay loving culture

>"What's the Old Testament"

What are you talking about?
When Jesus says "the meek shall inherit the earth" the word "meek" means strength under control. It doesn't mean you're weak. It means you have self control. Niggers can be strong, but rarely have self control.
So Jesus meant "those with self control shall inherit the earth"
Look into the Stanford marshmallow experiment that studied children's self control and monitored their lives afterwards. Children with more self control were more successful in their careers as adults. That experiment proved that people with more self control, become more successful in their lives.
So when Jesus said "the meek(those with self control) shall inherit the earth" he is correct.

Who gave women the right to vote?

Who goes all over the world telling brown people to come her?

Who makes people have indifference about the future of the world since the world is going to end any day now?

Christianity is a tool of endless subversion for immediate convenience. This is evidenced by so called Christians by all of the various denominations, flavors, churches and their tolerance for anything but one single truth. Christianity is cuckery, it leads to all degeneracy, it does not protect against it.

>they wrote their "bible" in gay loving Greek
They wrote their Bible in the most commonly spoken language at the time. Alexander the Great is the reason so many people spoke or wrote in Greek back then.
The Old testement was written in Jew though.