Why Don't Tough Stoic Women Want to be Mothers Anymore?

They just end up being dykes. Where are you supposed to get a strong mommy for your children now?

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That's not mud.


God imagine her sweaty ass riding a stiff BBC

We are strong and independent women, you bigot. We are worth much more and are capable of so many things, not only giving life. You miserable incels

That‘s sexist!

they cant find men that aren't pussies like you anime tranny loving fucks

Got lucky my girlfriend is one. The challenge now is to keep her through this corona bs

flag checks out

holy braperino that is one huge ass

law of mutt

my girlfriend is more of a man than me. before you make tranny jokes, we're a hetero male/female couple. I'm a masculine male but I've been fucked up from the pharma jew from a young age and barely escaped the pitfalls of extreme depression. my gf is strong and works hard and is beautiful, she holds me and takes great care of me. am blessed. sorry for blog post, I just love my gf.

There are no tough, stoic women, you fucking leaf. It only appears that way because some are marginally less cuntish than others. A low bar to clear.

go to church you dumb faggot. that's the easiest place to find women who are trad baby makers.

this seems oddly specific and projection-tier.

Shes ummmmm,.......stocky, yeah that's it, very very stocky. Look at those fug'n knees.

She's yours for now, she's his for later.
Guard your assets, make it clear she won't get any of it.

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>that flag
>that post
and they say the left can't meme

best type of woman easily.

Imagine the state of this German guy

That poor seat.


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I have nothing but my music equipment and we both live with my folks. shits cash. can't demoralize me, faggot. we hate degeneracy together and stay up all night talking about conspiracy theories after light femdom activities. I have no fear of her commitment, shlomo bergerbaumsteinowitz


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i think it's time to apologize for dresden.

and built for producing a litter. Too bad many become lesbians for some reason. They might be groomed, or maybe its their high test. Either way lgbt culture took them from me and I want them back!

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>I have no fear of her commitment
We'll see.

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Le slide along.

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she hot

Because its not affordable to be a mom and have an enjoyable life these days unless your idea of a good time is at home sitting on your flaps

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Eat a dick, louis

There's no such thing as a lesbian. Just impregnate.

>stoicism is all about controlling your emotions
>women being stoic

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