This thread is dedicated to the discussion of all things small government, free market, and self-determination.
Welcome: paleoconservatives, minarchists, laissez-faire capitalists, agorists, ancaps, paleolibertarians, constitutionalists.
Anybody else is welcome to debate us.
Posting Soviet propaganda with no added information is spam and shall be treated as such.
/lrg/-approved people - Bastiat, Hayek, (((Mises))), (((Rothbard))), Pinochet, Timothy McVeigh, Hoppe, Llewellyn Rockwell, Ron Paul, Jeff Deist, Alex Jones, Augustus Sol Invictus, Christopher Cantwell, and the 1st Irregulars. Some of the Liberty Hangout goys are approved too.
Not approved - Anarchyball, The Libertarian Republic, Jeffrey Cucker, or reddit anarchists.
All others - ask before trying to use them as a strawman against us.

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*steps on your snake*

Now what faggots

I'm here to suck billionaire dick. Bill Gates implant your big chip right into my asshole

>*annexes Alberta*

>*loses 1812*
>*loses Korea*
>*loses Vietnam*
>*loses Afghanistan*
mutts are so funny

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Greetings my fellow (((libertarians))).

I'm glad to see so much support for the idea that we should all just mind our own business and stop imposing our archaic stereotypes about "acceptable behaviour" on society.

Like come on, it's twenty fucking twenty people, let's get out of the dark ages!

I really hope the party sees an insurgence after all the garbage taking place.
If people don't realize by now that both parties are working together and don't have their interests in mind I don't know if they ever will.
I mean what percentage of democrats and republicans are the actual corrupt elite and globalist infiltrators?
What percentage of the population is in on the scam and running the racket?

With how many lefties hate Trump combined with complete Democrat betrayal, yet again; Bernie selling out. Can they really drag themselves to vote for a child sniffer? Some old white guy that goes against all they stand for just because he's not Trump?
Knowing that the entire system is rigged.
It has to feel crushing for them.

The Green party and Libertarian party should both be seeing massive growth.

That's not how Hoppe think about this.

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>Population of Canada 37 million
>Population of US 340 million
>80% of Canadians live within 100 miles of US border, and basically share all the same businesses and culture

Are you so hung up on the Queen and Trudeau anyway?
Be honest, wouldn't you rather be part of the US than the UK?
Who would really be able to protect you in combat, the US or the UK and France?

Don't kid yourself, if we wanted Alberta there's not much you could do. You're lucky that's not the Libertarian way though.

Libertarians are idiots.

Why are libertarians always the left behind of society. The degenerates, the odd and the strange

Haha this burger is mutthurt

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Must be 18 to post

post the last libertarian you voted for

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>Puts markets ahead of your own people
>Is anti-racist, socially progressive but thinks he speaks for his founding fathers, because muh gunz or some shit.
These people call themselves patriots lmao

So, is there any libertarian movemente that care about race? What about paleolibertarianism?

Paleolibertarians are socially conservative, but not necessarly identitarians.

So, is there any rigth wing political movement that not advocate for a big Gov.?

Not in the US I think

I'd take out the nigger first. Make it look like an accident.
On minecraft...

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I want to restrict immigration from some countries and attract it from others.
I want to aggressively pursue those who broke immigration laws. Those that are here illegally have to rectify crimes and/or be deported.
I want to restrict the right to vote and hold office to natural-born citizens.

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Also, I would restrict citizenship at birth to children born to US citizens. Children born to non-US citizens will become citizens of their parents' birth.

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>Korea was a stalemate due to Chinese invasion, not a loss.
>We killed the majority of the population of Vietnam, leaving the nation in shambles
>Afghanistan was a success but the guerrila fighting slowed us down

Fucking absolutely single most retarded political-theory of all time.

The moment the first negro foot hit American shores, the possibility of "Libertarianism" was FOREVER thrown in the garbage

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God I wish that was me

>35 replies
Glad to know lolbergs are dead on Yas Forums. Stay in your locked Facebook groups, your self centered greed and hatred of your ancestors isn't welcome here.

Imagine wanting to give your enemies all the same freedoms as your citizens.

>no regulations
>crying to the mods over this guy exercising his free speech
This is how libertarianism works, now you see why is sucks