Be me

>be me
>at friends house
>supposed to stay overnight
>something comes up
>leave earlier
>find my gf fucking some faggy as shitskin in our bed
>loose my temper
>beat him up and my gf too
>throw her out of my house
im not a lawfag, am i going to jail pol? maybe it wasnt the smartest thing but im not some beta cuck who takes shit like this, feel like i had to do this and it was satisfying desu

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Beating up a woman and a shitskin at once in Europe?
See ya in some years.

Should have killed the invader and his traitor whore, honestly fampai.

im not ehtnic german myself , maybe i can play that as a card somehow? im ethnic hungarian

i did loose my temper but i didnt go that far cause in the end i realized i would be fucked for life if i did that.

Just kill everyone in minecraft

i wish

You are under purrrest

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Digits confirm. I'm sorry user

cute cat

say that you're muslim

well i guess i have to hide in a friends place till this settled down

Go to an abandoned house. Friends and family will be Asked about you

Digits again. You better be careful user

Just standby in case the police come.
You can press charges against her for potentially giving you an STD as well since she did not tell you about her current guy.

Also trespassing for the guy.

Well... I was positive you krauts we’re all cucked to hell and back.
Pretty damn based hanz, if the coppers show up, lie your sweet ass off.


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Based if true. If they try to pinch you, please turn your home into New Waco. God bless.

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Crime of passion OP, Idk how yall do it in germany but I've heard a story of a dude who caught his wife in bed with a cop and threatened to kill them but didn't. He would have gotten less time if he just killed them. (he got more for threatening a cop)

Good luck hans, the bobbies are on their way, dont go out without a fight

The story you heard is bullshit. That's not how this shit works, retard.

I swear, people should need a license to be online.

Jeeze dude you seem pretty upset, like you need to get laid or something.

Oh and here's a little something for you

"Punishment for a murder that’s premeditated and is a first degree felony includes a fine of up to $10,000 and prison time between 5 and 99 years."

"But when murder was a crime of passion, or a felony of the second degree, punishment includes the same fine of up to $10,000 but prison time is limited to as little as 2 years and a maximium of 20 years."

Probably the best thing you can do is say it was a Sharia honor beating if you go to court.

animal abuse charges at worse

>I swear, people should need a license to be online.
hmm bonhams case says i dont need a licence for shit

Deny everything.

We'll come get you out when we take over

imagine losing your temper over a girl. it means she owns you no matter how much you beat on her.

i say end both of them and right after neck yourself as well for being a weak beta cuck

Fuck off chink

meme all you want, if OP was desirable and truly alpha she wouldnt be cheating on him. she knows hes a beta cuck and he just proved it.

if i was embarrassed like this by a girl i would probably just end it.

I doubt germans have any rights, but you never talk to the cops for any reason ever. Get a lawyer and tell him everything, then do what he says. Its your only shot.

You did the right thing anyways.
Should've done worse.
Good luck bro.

The maple nigger is right. Imagine actually caring about some fucking slut being a slut.

Maybe he forgot that women are like this.

Kicking their asses probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, since your freedom could be in jeopardy over something that really won't matter to you in the long run, unless you let it.

Getting rid of her out of your life immediately was the right choice. But beating them up, not so much.

And if you are even considering killing yourself like this pathetic leafposter is suggesting, that would be worse than killing your ex.

Shit. That's hard if true. I would leave the country honestly. It's not worth staying after that.

imagine being that fucking retarded

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