Right-wing accelerationism

What does Yas Forums think about right-wing accelerationists? The idea encompasses a large range of ideas, but central to these ideas are:
>The balkanization of the United States along ethnic, cultural, and political grounds. Accelerating this process by highlighting the differences of the groups of the country.
>Acceleration of a transcontinental Green capitalism and the creation of a Technocratic, fascist neo-China, consisting of various European nations and a white American state, unified by a common market.
The reterritorialization of the U.S. into a white state, followed by the de-territorialization of the western world to facilitate the common green market.
These are just a few of the ideas. Thoughts?

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Oh, come the fuck on! Engage in this discussion. This is actually a fucking important one!

Bump. Faggots

Have you been following the recent Moldbug at all?

Moldbug is a subversive Jew. What about him, though? I read his clearpill "everything can be revised but the Holocaust Jews dindu nuffin" bullshit. What about it?

nick land is still alive?

no one cares old/pol/fag

get with trap metal n shit, nigga

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Does nu/pol/ even read?

I read Fanged Noumenomenaneaa
it was try-hard

I read his Bataille book in college
he missed 80% of the bataille and added a bunch of pigshit

yes, I read

yes, Nick Land is a dead end

a very very old dead end, dude.

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fuck off (((nick land))) you commie betamale faggot jesus christ buy an ad

Yas Forums has no idea what accelerationism is.
There are very few individuals here who have the requisite intelligence to understand the ideas posited by Land and D&G

Bump for effort


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What do you subscribe to now? Also, what did you study in college?

the problem with right wing accelerationism is that what the want to increase the speed of is nationalism and white people becoming aware of the shitskins blatant hatred for them. But the self hating whites are growing to such a large number and are so deeply indoctrinated now that they will never reverse course. and most are calling to exterminating whites themselves as they call themselves allies. the white race is doomed

I've read him. I thought this board was still high iq...

The plan is to only attract a portion of whites. The rest are genetic dead ends. We only really need the whites of middle America. High iq, German/Scandinavian/French admixture. Pic related is from the Midwest.

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Land is the ultimate midwit filter.

Explain, nigger. What do you read, then?

the important thing isn't grouping whites together but rather to exclude any whites that are hostile to the white group as a whole.

Pretty much this. Besides, the spiteful mutants that make up the left are hardly prime genetic material.

accelerationism is treason

Explain. Stop being a retard and contribute to the thread, rather than making blunt statements.

Miga with greater on top

Can you tell me more about it?
i've never heard the term

I am moving to the NFW and putting my life/money/family where my beliefs are.
What the fuck are you doing about it besides posting and moaning on here?

Mean't NWF... too many gin & tonics on a Friday night.

Accelerationists, particularly the right wing variety, is a philosophy developed by nick land which champions accelerating the processes of capitalism in order to speed up technological progress and human events. It sees capitalism as a force coming to know itself.

That's a fed Honeypot. Literally. The NWF website was created by feds.

your hitler digits accentuate that nationalism is a an old meme inadequate to the crisis of our times. At least, it will have to be refurbished extensively, to prove even slightly capable.

what do you mean with coming to know itself?

Fuck the website, I mean the actual geography.
The people up here are white/conservative/patriotic/gun-toting.
Its fucking based.

>the creation of a Technocratic, fascist neo-China, consisting of various European nations and a white American state

Unlikely. The chinese don't have the will or the history of an expansionist empire in the same sense that indo-europeans do.

Quick Rundown on the green capitalism?