Why do normies freak out if you tell them you don't want children?

What is it that makes normies go crazy when you tell them that you want no part in having an offspring?

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Congratulations you are a genetic dead end. Nothing else you really have to say matters.

Not having children is the normalfag opinion now because it would be racist to bring more Europeans/whites into this world. Not only that, but it would be mean to do so without the child's consent. You hold the same opinion that normalfags do, not the other way around. You aren't cool and part of a special group for being a selfish nihilist because that is what is considered normal nowadays. Kill yourself.

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because once you have a kid its different and people forget

so you just seem like the type of person who hates that feeling so people think you are weird

You just made this thread a few minutes ago, shut the fuck up.
answer to your question is that it's normal and healthy in most cases to preserve your family and carry on your genes.

im only 22 and im making $400k before tax, children would only slow me down

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cope harder normie retard lol

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Nigger have you talked to any of the normies your age? THEY'RE THE ONES WHO DON'T WANT KIDS! I'm disgusted by how many couples I know that refuse to have children. God willing i'm in a position someday where I can have 3+ Catholic kids and a loving Catholic wife.

what is it that makes educated professionals not want children?

i think its potential & future growth.

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You seem really happy with your life needing to post about it on Yas Forums

Because your existence means nothing. If you died tomorrow, it wouldn't matter. You are merely a stain, a spec of dust blowing in the wind.

>implying OP is white

Your future will be sitting on a chair watching tv, smoking your carton of cigarettes. But you won't be completely alone, 15 neglected cats with asthma will keep you company.

Oh, so if you have children, your dead now becomes meaningful?

Not having kids means that you're an asshole. You aren't contributing to raising the next generation which is to help finance social security in the long term.
People who don't raise children should pay double the payroll taxes for social security so they can finance their own programs because they have no children who will help them.

(You) are basicallly one of the normies OP mentioned.

Yes, since they and their eventual progeny wouldn’t physically exist without you, moron

I've never once met a normalfag with this opinion. Every antinatalist I know is mentally unstable.

>Immediately start screeching about shekels at the mere mention of children.

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what are you talking about, not wanting children is pretty much the battle cry of the millennial

>imagine having children just because you want to improve the economy

I have many and yes it does actually bear some weight to the future. My children have given me something more than just things to consume.

>t. future cat lady

Dead end faggot

yes, my dev team is working on shit and im too lazy to do anything, lazy weather since morning

literally provide service to people on autopilot while making 6 figures on auto pilot

normies coping so hard when people with skill bring up no children lol

i pay people to do my groceries, you'll never be alone if you had actual money, oh you normies always making silly remarks

haha yes i pay more tax than you ever will and im only getting started in life =)

yes people without money get upset when you bring it up, weird.

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I want children, but my mommy won't let me get married.

Ahahahah and all of it goes down the drain in 50 years

You're such a good little taxpayer

>imagine not having children because you want to save time and money
Social security is financed by young workers. People who don't raise children shouldn't get a penny because they didn't do shit. They are no better than welfare queens in this regard.

Checked and true.
Checked and also true. My post was a little exaggerated but the normalfag reasons I've heard in reality are:
>I need to worry about my career first.
>No thanks. I like my "freedom."

You honestly would be less of a burden if you just died at this point. Your life only has some small monetary value, but beyond that you're nothing.

And how does the fact that they wouldn't exist without you makes your death any better?

Damn it thought that was a BBC

>muh seekret club! mommy said im speshul!

They don't? Normies are the ones who freak out when you tell them you want 3 kids.

I have kids, and its one of the most meaningful things you can have in your life. If you don't have kids then you wouldn't understand that. Its a natural process of being an adult.

Nobody freaks out. It's just genetic dead end retards trying to convince themselves that failing to have children makes them somehow edgy enlightened cultural subversives.

>Still kvetching about shekels

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stop replying to the gay freckfaced faggot kike, he sucks his uncles dick for permission to play nintendo while bouncing on his lap like a fagboy

>bro I’ll just die a hedonist and leave no legacy

Absolute meme-tier life

Did you misinterpret my post? What are you talking about?

haha with my money i can afford ER visits every few days, i have the best health insurance money can buy and i eat well

you see health can make your brain work better, which can help you make money

don't tell normies about it, we need normies to do basic labor that professionals do not want to do

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try to come up with a better larp

This might be shocking to you but most people don't actually care what the 'how do you do fellow white people' twitter sphere says.

I too make 450,000 a year with my dev team at Wendy's. I'm also black and have a 12" dick.

>genetic dead end
implying you aren't. No one will know who you were in 80 years and your progeny will be unrecognizably diluted in 3 generations. Live for you.