It’s just the flu

It’s just the flu.

That’s what Fox News said in February.

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Other urls found in this thread:

now show how many people died of flu/pneumonia this year

that's the most stupid fucking graph I've ever seen in my life

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I didn't think it was possible to hate leftist more than I already did, but the amount of lying you faggots have done has made me despise you fucks even more than I thought possible.
I hope you fucking die OP, you lying shitbag.

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How many people that ever died of a heart attack or cancer also had a virus?

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Why? Its a stupid comparison for reasons so simple a baboon could figure it out

Jesus christ this board has gone to shit

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it's up to 112 now, chart is out of date

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all deaths from pneumonia are being listed as corona deaths.
nothing burger


So its on par with cancer. Whats your point?

this is what fauci said in february

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Kek and sad.

Media needs to get roped.

there's treatment for cancer.

this. Corona exists but they are inflating the numbers by counting the deaths of all who die with the virus

You cunts just cant handle the concept of being wrong can you. Cant wait to see what your fuckheads are saying 2 weeks from now

Don't you mean, show how many people died of the flu/pneumonia since March 16, when most of the measures were put into effect?
That might actually be a fair comparison.

Oh lookie there you didn't put in SARS, jackass. It's just a flu.

Fauci is a fraud (like every other doctor). His "we need to be adaptable" shtick is just sneaky way of say "we have no idea whats we're doing or whats going to happen."

Why is the blue straight when every blue death is labelled as a red one?

There is zero evidence that that tweet ever existed, and if you show me an archive of the tweet, I will literally eat my own shit on livestream.

>February article clearly says "for now"

Yas Forums is the lowest IQ board on Yas Forums/

Yeah it's easy to say this when you count people who are dying in hospice as C virus deaths. If they fag stubs his toe and dies it's a coronavirus death

>publishing articles downplaying the danger right as the virus is entering the country
serious fucking kill yourself

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fake news

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>start classifying every death as coronavirus related
>surprised when there is a huge uptick in coronavirus related deaths

big think emoji

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Yeh Jan 14. The situation may have changed a bit since then America. You know what the word "Novel" means?

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New York
New Orleans
San Franciso
Nancy Pelosi
Joe Biden
Jim "Accost Her" Acosta

>eat my own shit
How does differ from any other day fag

March 2; now we are talking

So the Chinese shutdown started "officially " on the 23rd of jan. Youre saying in 10 days its just a coincidence that they locked down half a billion people and that the rest of the world shouldnt have taken notice? Sure thing chang.
>WHO lied and people died

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All of them. Several gunshot victims in chicago were classified as coronavirus deaths

So you have clear, undeniable scientific proof of person to person transmission that was published before January 10th?