Is undrinkable tap water a clear indicator of a third world country?
Is undrinkable tap water a clear indicator of a third world country?
Like nigga just leave flint for fucks sake
I think it's the 57% black population that indicates a third world country, user.
they should go back to Africa to drink from the clean rivers like their ancestors.
>Is milk in a bag a clear indicator of a third world country?
No. Plus only whites drink milk.
If it's not poisoned by an irreversible fuck-up by government, and occurring in more than just one city, yeah, it's a useful metric.
>'Is undrinkable tap water a clear indicator of a third world country?'
>Implying you should ever drink tap water
It's not the country as a whole, it's Flint. The part that people neglect to mention is that they caused the issue themselves by switching from the Detroit Water and Sewage Department for their water source, to the Flint River. And then they didn't add anticorrosives to the Flint River water before piping it to peoples homes. Surprise! The old pipes in everyone's houses corroded, leaching lead into their water. Now even if the city fixes all the water mains, Flint residents will still have lead in their water unless they also replace the pipes in their house. Which they wont do because niggers don't do home improvement.
didnt trump give them billion of dollars in 2017 and tell them to replace the pipes? how long could that possibly take?
Most of the US has poor drinking water and wastewater management.
imagine thinking its ok to drink water thats been through mechanical pumps and metal and pvc pipes and shit without filtering it
The embezzling nogs they voted into positions of authority did that to the infrastructure
It was an indicator decades ago, but now the contamination of water resources is big business.
When drinkable water is horded and the only accessible water is poisoned without access to treatment technologies, you have a control mechanism.
Water is liquid gold.
It's got what plants crave
See Even if the city replaces pipes it will still have lead in it from the pipes in their houses.
that aint shit. toughen up pussies
Fucking based. Kek agrees as well, judging by those digies
need dat to be hunnit %%%%% BLACK den all dat problem go away when da white devil leev
We're also getting rekt. Our stats are listed as "Genesee County," but they mean Flint.
that scene in ghostbusters 2 always freaked me out
Flint is run by niggers. The mayor is a nigger and the city conical are all niggers and the workers at the water treatment plant are niggers.
It’s a clear indicator of Niggers
>live in urban area
>have shitty city water
>live in country
>have fantastic well water
Hmm. Tough decision.
That's what happens when you vote for democrat niggers for decades.
>Be me
>Live in 3rd world country
>Can drink tap water without any issues or worries
wow usa is a shithole. in europe we can drink tap water without problems
Please show me the faucet your tap water comes out of or it is impossible for me to believe you have anything but a communal spigot.
Wtf, I just gravity filter tap water and drink it like a god...
They still not fixed the fucking water
>Be Swedish
>Go to get some water from the tap
>Grenade comes out of the faucet
>Get blown up
No, it’s a clear indicator of a bad water supply.
Once a water supply becomes so bad, there’s zero point in wasting the effort/expensive of making it potable.
At that point you move to where good water is available.
>t. Well driller
PS: you realize this is as retarded as stating that instead of abandoning Pripyat, they should have sat around and demanded the contamination be magically cleaned somehow. Sorry for Flint. But it isn’t worth a blank check to fix.
flint city council created this problem and they. have to fix it
More like 3rd world COUNTY.
The nigger infested urban county next to none has open sewer main breaks and shitty water pressure. My mostly white County has no problems besides high speed shoplifters chases by the police.
>corpse gets raped by refugee
Just dick milk? That's pretty gay friend.
I can drink tap water without problems. It's just Michigan is ran by dummies.
These are basically all Flint. County has 406K people.
>niggers never paid their water bill bcs whypipo are racist
>no money coming in so can't do required maintenance like changing out the old pipes
>nigger democrats in charge steal money to fix problem
like pottery
Fuck, forgot pic.
Imagine not being able to drink tap water without having to cook it
Imagine not having drinkable shower water
Imagine not having drinkable washing machine water
Imagine not having drinkable toilet water
it's a clear indicator that your area is run by low iq shitskins
Flint's entire local government is niggers! Also, the niggers haven't paid their water bills in like 20 years!
>only whites drink milk.
Milk is full of estrogens, so i guess you're right.
1/3 of freshwater lakes and rivers in the US are contaminated and unfit for drinking.
Us is run by greedy tyrants that don't give a shit about anybody.
It's a debt slave country.
>not having drinkable toilet water
Stop right there, criminal scum.
When you elect retards to the city council who waste tax revenue on progressive bullshit programs instead of maintaining infrastructure you get water like this.
Your country is hispanic, you are capable of more than africans so long as you don't go socialist otherwise the genetic edge you hold over them gets nullified.
>A third of the water consumed by the Chinese is undrinkable by US standards
let that sink in. On second thought don't.
Boiling it won't help. Its lead contamination.
>FLINT, Mich. — A 91-year-old patient at a Michigan hospital was stabbed and beaten by a fellow patient on Good Friday and died on Easter Sunday, though his cause of death remains under investigation, authorities said.
Lemeer Rozier Bell, 25, is accused of beating the victim, Henry Henderson, with an IV pole and stabbing him in the right eye with the plastic IV catheter out of Bell’s arm, authorities said.
>“Mr. Henderson was sedated during the whole time, there was no conversation, there was nothing that prompted it,” Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson said. “That’s why these kinds of cases are so unusual, because there was no premeditation whatsoever.
My uncle was in the Peace Corps in the 1970s in Mozambique. He said people could simply not grasp the concept the not shitting and pissing in their own drinking water was a good thing.
I think that uneducated zoomlets should learn the definitions of terms before trying to use them to sound smart on the internet.
The US and it’s allies, by objective and literal definition, will always be 1st world countries, as that is the very metric by which 1st world countries are defined.
The former USSR, and it’s allies, by literal an objective definition, will always be 2nd world countries, as it is the very metric by which 2nd world countries are defined.
>but my feelings to the contrary are real in my head
Not an argument.
pic related is the shittiest faucet in my house, the one on the backyard by the washing machine. Oh and that shit on my hand is paint
>not cutting both end of the milk bag
>the fucking faucet flow
what the fuck are hospitals doing that allow them this absurd amount of flow? i wish my residential water would have that pressure. my shit basically virgin leaks out compared to this chad waterfall
fuck all ya niggas water on the east and west coast
here in minnesnowta we got the best and the most
fuck you california go die of thirst
raise ya glasses midwest to thee i toast
Costa Rica may as well be a first world nation compared with the rest of Central America.
Thanks for the update.
Michigan is a 3rd world shithole. Thats what happens when Africans run anything.
What about the governor?legit question I don't know how politics works