/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3284 - CCP Virus Editions

► Detected: 2,250,737 (+1,873) ► Died: 154,256 (+111) ► Day: 100 (-22:59:06)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 8.4x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 4,208 strains have been sequenced —


Very high excess mortality in Spain, France, Italy, UK

China says only 3% of Wuhan developed immunity

Very high excess mortality in Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden

Novel coronavirus can survive high temperatures

Virus might cause micro blood clots, dangerous even post-infection

Texan tests negative twice, then positive

Virus infects T lymphocytes, simultaneous coinfection possible

16 year old without conditions dies in France

24 year old patient dies in the US

Patients infectious after "recovery"

Deaths in the US already surpassed highest estimates for swine flu

Coronavirus is now 1st cause of death in the US

China changes definitions 3 times in 8 days

China "suspected" deaths outnumber "confirmed" 6 to 1

Wartime conditions in China

01:00: 15 new deaths in Washington, USA
00:42: 89 new cases and 7 new deaths in Argentina
00:05: 578 new cases and 60 new deaths in Mexico
23:11: 272 new cases and 20 new deaths in California
23:00: 238 new cases and 18 new deaths in Georgia, USA
22:30: 634 new cases and 40 new deaths in Florida


Attached: CVG.png (426x423, 154.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 154,256
lol, still only 154,256.
How many days has it been stuck at 154,256? Four days? Five days?

Attached: still.png (727x1895, 154.04K)

How long until it is infected?

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someone post the symptoms list

> still more than 30% deaths to all recovered outside Red China

Attached: Screenshot_20200418-110157.png (720x638, 72.82K)

Are you retards really still making threads about this fake fucking virus? Holy fuck give up the larp already

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never, astronauts would be evacuated down long before corona was in danger of reaching them
I dont need airborne space aids

Attached: mommycorona3.jpg (300x300, 48.71K)

>someone post the symptoms list
picrel is the largest contributing factor in my state.

Attached: tyrone yall.png (1416x805, 179.71K)


Attached: 1587113079813.png (960x1280, 2.66M)

Fuck china, fuck chinks, fuck faggots, fuck jews and fuck jannies.

Faggot fix your script nigger

> leaf

Attached: 1584464373897.jpg (1002x857, 54.03K)

>liver damage
>kidney damage
>brain damage
>heart damage
>testicular damage
>lung damage
>2nd kind of lung damage
>low 02 aspyhxiation
>ctyokine cascade
>permanently immuni-compromised
>no cured, no recovery
>keeps coming back until it kills you
>lays dormant like HIV
>asymptomatic transmission ('heathy' people spread it)
>inter-species transmission (live stock can get it)
>blood transmission (mosquitos can spread it)
>SARS-like mutations make vaccine a pipe dream

Attached: bodybags.png (601x665, 435.3K)

Gary is the Yas Forums equivalent of KROGAN COCK that was infesting /gif/ a few years back.


Here's a better pic of the construction dump I found last night, behind me Is a few broken brick flooring, might salvage the concrete scraps, im kinda worried if it was a former meth lab or something

Attached: foto_no_exif (37).jpg (3170x4221, 2.41M)

Gray is BTFOing you doomers he is literally the hero Yas Forums needs

Yeah it's like if you tried to describe what something looks like to a blind person, then have them draw it

Now imagine how fucking bad things are inside the PRC.

>subhuman junglegook who eats with a fork in one hand and a spoon in the other and cleans his ass with a communal cup


Attached: _20200417_195615.jpg (1010x680, 191.48K)

homeless, towel-wearing user? why is that a worry?

Cheer up, that still means you get a 70% chance of living as a cripple with all major organs fucked up. Until something else comes along.

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It's basically the same symptoms of flu until you have a really really bad dry cough

Currently, yes. I do have some land in rural wyoming which i may bug out to at some point. GF is living there right now.

33 As. Ayyyy.

Fuking screencap
>potentially apocalyptic virus reaches US, it can still be delt with if smart and decisive action is taken
>governont immediately lies about the nature and sevearity of the virus and lure normies into false security
>national lockdown that nobody follows because its obviously a nothingburger
>economy collapases
>nation wide focus on tests that do nothing and are not accurate and building ventilators that wont save anyone
>trump:"mission acomplished" and leaves reopening of the country to governors who will wipe out state populations to get a few days of green stocks
>normies now believe that the virus is a hoax to take away "muh freedoms"
You are here
>country opens up by mid may
>normies flood out into public places and huge gatherings, cruises, beaches, sports, ect
>economy explodes
>normies die by the millions
>mosquito transmission turns the entire south into a nyc tier death zone by the end of autumn
>economy crashes again and this time cant recover because the manpower is sick or dead
>logistic chain falls apart
>mass starvation and public unrest next to a now apocalyptic virus

Listen faggots
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000 a year
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>falling off ladders kills 40,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>botched transsexual surgeries kill 500 a year
>food poisoning kills 6 million a year
>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>lightning strikes kill 500 a year (double if it strikes twice)
>Medical malpractice in the US claims 250k lives a year alone
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A YEAR
Total nothing burger

very much more hygienic than you, for sure.

Anyone have the graph of total mortality? My cousin thinks the virus is going to just disappear in a month. Thinks it’s fake.

ty for noticing. that pasta has gotten me more (you)s than any "you mother..." post

Attached: chinkjoker.png (814x482, 651.86K)


What the fuck?! There's no way this is a coincidence

Spoiler Alert: It's still the first wave.

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Yeah, I think it's time to panic.

It's still the first wave. They never really tested that much in the beginning because of muh Olympics

You're right if get

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Jacksonville has opened up. I wonder if anything will happen in our state regarding a second wave in FL. I live in a more populous city, but we're also told to stay at home.

#1 United States 710,021 (37,158) #2 Spain 190,839 (20,002) #3 Italy 172,434 (22,745) #4 France 147,969 (18,681) #5 Germany 141,397 (4,352) #6 United Kingdom 108,692 (14,576) #7 China 82,719 (4,632) #8 Iran 79,494 (4,958) #9 Turkey 78,546 (1,769) #10 Belgium 36,138 (5,163) #11 Brazil 34,221 (2,171) #12 Russia 32,008 (273) #13 Canada 31,927 (1,310) #14 Netherlands 30,449 (3,459) #15 Switzerland 27,078 (1,327) #16 Portugal 19,022 (657) #17 Austria 14,595 (431) #18 India 14,352 (486) #19 Ireland 13,980 (530) #20 Peru 13,489 (300) #21 Sweden 13,216 (1,400) #22 Israel 12,982 (151) #23 South Korea 10,653 (232) #24 Japan 9,787 (190) #25 Chile 9,252 (116) #26 Ecuador 8,450 (421) #27 Poland 8,379 (332) #28 Romania 8,067 (411) #29 Saudi Arabia 7,142 (87) #30 Denmark 7,073 (336) #31 Pakistan 7,025 (135) #32 Norway 6,937 (161) #33 Mexico 6,875 (546) #34 Australia 6,560 (67) #35 Czech Republic 6,549 (173)…

#1 Mexico +578 (+60) #2 Brazil +539 (+30) #3 United States +286 (+4) #4 Panama +194 (+7) #5 Argentina +89 (+6) #6 Australia +27 (+2) #7 South Korea +18 (+2) #8 Bolivia +28 #9 China +27 #10 Venezuela +23 #11 Cameroon +21 #12 Jamaica +20 #13 New Zealand +13 #14 Uruguay +6 #15 Paraguay +3 #16 Eswatini +1…

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Yo I saw a video where a dude recovered a bunch of nasty meat from the dump then cleaned, cooked, and sold it. Do people do that for real?

My uncle has it. This is his wife talking about it on her facebook and how he can't get tested. He has a bad dry cough and flu like symptoms and has been in bed for several days now. His doctor said he couldn't be tested, because there's not enough tests to go around in Michigan.

Attached: coronavirus uncle.png (515x471, 39.81K)

The graphs never dipped, but the numbers are going up again.

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It's nice to know political insanity is global.

You better hope it isnt, or youll wish Corona killed you

You live in a third world country. Stop coping textilenigger

My friend from college who has it says it started with a cough that got progressively worse and one day he could barely walk down the stairs. His fever came AFTER that.

happening is over, everybody go home

>inb4 "it's not a flu, bro"

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Hope he gets better. Did they check to see if hospital allows for visitors? Some do not and it's a one way ticket if they don't survive.

You forgot to blur out Mike at the end, Mike's nephew. Good luck.

The wet market is unironicly more libertarian then anything in the west

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based bunker user, how do you charge your electronics?

That sucks.

It's happening, that's why everyone is at home.

Same story up here they only test if you're almost dead. But if you're already dead or mildly ill theres no way they test you. Plus they arent even tracking cases here so god knows if sick people are walking around. The kicker is my province is starting to ease our quarantine restrictions

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Flips are literally the most disgusting trash on earth.

95% sure im infected, iv had all the textbook syntoms BUT fever

It's still the first wave... Just because NY had cases and deaths slightly decline for a few days means fuck all for the rest of the country. Trump really fucked up by having that press conference yesterday instead of a few weeks from now. We are still very much in the middle of the first wave.

Saved, my Southron brother


>libertarian policies will be the end of us
My god, and to think I was worried about the roads.

Yup first comes the coof. The the fever

>blood transmission (mosquitos can spread it)
oh fuck

anime sucks nowadays anyway

Attached: 1586853787757.jpg (650x530, 66.03K)

It's also stupider than anything in the west

>sick people arriving in ambulance
>doctors and nurses

Attached: toohard.jpg (1280x720, 79.09K)

Former WW2 gas chamber, 6 Gorillion kikes were shoad here

poorest of the poor do it, the type that will literally starve to death the next day. they're about more than 10% scattered across our islands


stop denying the existence of a pandemic virus, random leaf

can we kill all filipinos and/or send them back please. i just want them to leave why are they here.

Pssst. I have a message from the future:

We're fucked.


80% put on ventilators die, better not to go if your still able to walk


I just want to take a moment to say this post is a considerable notch higher in quality compared to most leafs

the main thing to be worried about is asbestos in construction dumps. old HVAC is covered in the shit. Old fake kitchen side tiling/backsplash can be cement-asbestos board as well.

What's the consensus final mortality rate for catching it? 5%? 1%? 0.2%?

Attached: Thinking face in a hazmat suit.png (954x729, 328.06K)

Yes, garbage is routinely served as a delicacy in the Philippines. Nasty.

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Would we have this pandemic if WHO was legit and did what it was built to do?

It's all over, everything's back to normal, go hug a chink, go party with your friends, go and watch the ball game. It's all good, everybody.

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True. I miss old hand drawn on cells anime. I have a hard time getting into alot of the new stuff. I'm just not a huge fan of the art style

Third world shitholes are libertarian paradises when it comes to many things
Keeping exotic pets, beating family members, zero regulations on building sites etc

>why are they here.
blame your cryptojewish politicians, they want cheaper laborers

just tell him trump also said that a month ago and start laughing no matter what he says
BTW you can't force feed a red pill

>We're fucked
Someone alert the incels!

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>he had to build a time machine to discern this

Shit hope it turns out to be nothing, user. I thought I was infected a couple weeks ago, I'm pretty sure it was just tonsillitis, since I'm not dead or anything and my tonsils were hugely swollen, still are gotta get em out one day but not anytime soon.

Why are we using ventilators instead of oxygen? Seems cheaper and safer.

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The fucking curve never even remotely flattened. This is insane.

Who else getting some booty in quarantine?

Attached: booty warrior.gif (480x368, 3.37M)


Odds on leaf being a Brit expat?

>i-it's the 1st wave
>w-wait 2 more weeks
>m-millions will die by mid may
Doomfags are pathetic

>libertarians can't comprehend negative externalities
>still advocating for open borders in the middle of a pandemic

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>beta tries to stick a roastie
get this gay shit out of here

Attached: patriot.jpg (960x640, 48.42K)

i haven't finished a seasonal anime in ~5 years. i try every season but it's all shit


Why do japs use early 90's Vans for ambulances? I thought they were first world.
Looks like an extended astro kek.

Attached: astrovan.jpg (1600x1008, 136.87K)

What kind of society prioritizes old crusty entitled fucks over everyone else? It's only because they are the investor class that got early on the debt bubble.

An ague - leaving many dead.
And physics find no remedy
For this is worse than leprosy.

>why are they here.
That Brazilian investment company that bought out Tim Hortons realized that they can make more money by importing Flips through the foreign workers programs instead of employing locals. Most Flips in Canada work for, or have a relative working for Tim Hortons.

Attached: rc_an (51).gif (355x201, 2.99M)

Alberta tested 4k ppl yesterday. One symptom and u get tested. Why all u other provinces so shitty at everything ?

Yeah, I mean you are screwed.

Praise Kek!

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wouldn't bet against you, compatriot. pic not related

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95% chance to survive the initial infection if your not old, fat or degenrate
100% fatality rate between 3-5 months depending on environment and health coming out of initial infection , due to reinfection or reactivation

how? China already recovered, it's all getting better now?

You have expanded my universe user

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2 more waves

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He's just at home with his wife right now. I don't think you can have visitors right now. I briefly had to take an elderly family member to the VA hospital and I had to drop him off on the curb.

My uncle's sister is sick too. She got sick working in a group home with elderly and handicapped people and many of the nurses are sick also with a mysterious illness. Her job insists the tests they've given everyone have come back negative, but she's got a flu symptoms also and a dry cough. They're forcing her to keep working with it. And they may be infecting patients.

Yeah. It's not like I live in Miami, but I'm getting the feeling that things will definitely get worse

Kek is nothing to God. Repent and be saved.

Attached: Your Brain on Corona.webm (720x1280, 1.32M)

glows, glows everywhere

You can see the current death/total cases is over 6%, and that is with deaths lagging by days to a week.

let the system burn
i want to roam the post-corona wasteland in my V8 scavenging guzzolene and killing warlords

Dude, they literally just landed in Kaz the other day. I would hope they were immediately tested so that we could put to rest the media bullshit that it may have been circulating in the global populous for up to two years.

>the woman who passes by without noticing it

what the fuck

Please sort properly.

listen faggots
>food poisoning kills 6 million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A YEAR
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Medical malpractice in the US claims 250k lives a year alone
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>falling off ladders kills 40,000 a year
>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>botched transsexual surgeries kill 500 a year
>lightning strikes kill 500 a year (double if it strikes twice)
Total nothing burger

Thanks to the user in previous thread.

It'll be over by August.

>permanently immuni-compromised
>no cured, no recovery
>keeps coming back until it kills you
Proofs? We've had the majority of our cases recover.

they noticed it they just dont care

The happening is happening