Indian scientists were right

February 14, 2020: "Scientists slam Indian scientists study which fueled Coronavirus rumours."

April 17, 2020:


This is the paper:

"Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag"



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Other urls found in this thread:

sieg heil

I’d rather Indian supremacy than Chinese

Also note how the MSM says "French professor", the motherfucker literally is a Nobel laureate who discovered the sequence of HIV.

Pol was right


Take Kashmir back from those sand niggers and chinks


or just maybe indian "scientists"are as great as indian "programmers" and its a load of rubbish

Pakistan isn't even a real country anyway.


Yas Forums is not honest enough for that.

>chink supremacy
get put into work camps before being butchered for organs and penis pills
die from pollution if above doesn't kill you

>poo supremacy
no beef allowed, but you can get beef anyways because pale people are higher cast than dark people
can't ever go barefoot or you'll get ringworm from street poo

lmao OK zhang

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Its 2020 pajeet yet your shithole is still not a superpower, its more of a.......

actually the lower castes eat meat, pedro

>Make thread about coronavirus
>Australian and Canadian flags start seething

holy shit. LOL

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>needing meat
Is there a more cucked existence I wonder.

Nope stay cucked.

How does it feel boy?
A foreigner comes to your country
Buys your house
Marries your daughter
Is your boss at work
Lives like a god while you follow his orders
How does it feel ?
Western civilization will soon be ours
White countries are rightful Indian clay

thanks for the input, onions sucker

Digits and the chingsects nuke pooland

Just in time to derail the thread
Glow more faggot

it’s just expected at this point

Ahmed is wrong too. Except Brahmins and Vaishya a(
>Implying you even know how to quarter a kill and separate the meat on a carcass

If you aint hunting or rearing your own source of meat you shouldnt be eating it you cucked consumer.

Now go shell out cash for big meat so they can inject hormones and shite into your meat.

>onion sucker
Rich coming from a hormone sucker like you cucksumer

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Mlecchas gon hate. They cant live a day without meat and go into withdrawals, fucking embarrasing to watch. Children need meat at least once a day because they are growing, once you are an adult you don't need to shovel in meat like a fat cunt because its meant to be occasional, these morons will never understand that until they start dying of stomach cancer.

India get based recently or what? noticing some high quality indianposting here.

Trump and crew just confirmed it in tonight's speech, too.
you may not be able to poo in a loo, but I guess you guys know something about infectious diseases.

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>The humble sage, by virtue of true knowledge, sees with equal vision a learned and gentle brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog-eater [outcaste] —Bhagavad Gita,Chapter 5, Verse 18

Attached: KrishnaUltimate.jpg (609x800, 131.64K)

What is the solution to the ultimate universal equation, number 2.

Poo is funny.

>implying the US isn’t chock full of hunters