I have 24” commercial printer and plenty of wheatpaste.
I'm seeking the best images to further our cause. We need statements that even the most brainwashed normalfag will agree with. "Diversity means less white people" for example, is value neutral, and true. Liberals and conservatives both agree that a group of white people isn't diverse, and a group with only a single white person is more diverse.
It's undeniable, yet everyone knows what you're really saying. Diversity goes against the interest of white people, white people can never completely embrace diversity, because ultimately, white people are not compatible with diversity.
You will have the left react to your message with hatred and vitriol, and reasonable people go "Hey, isn't it true though?" and "It's not a hateful poster!". Another good example is "islam is right about women", ignore the message itself, the way the propaganda is crafted, is very good.
IOTBW worked because it's true and undeniable. #whitegenocide is a dead end (currently) because too many people have been taught to shut such thoughts down. Also, you're too far separated from the reality that normalfags live in. They don't see white people being genocided. However, they are seeing less and less white people. Less white people on tv, less white people in the store, less white people at their workplace.
"Niggers are retarded" Bad propaganda
"Different races have different average IQs" Better propaganda.
Lastly, having the word "NO" in your poster is another garbage idea. You don't want to push a negative onto people, make it at least neutral, if not positive.
"Separate spaces for separate races" means you want to create something, "white ge*NO*cide" means stopping. The former works better in practice. Identify the threat, let people come to the conclusion that they need to stop it on their own.