Wheatpaste Warfare

I have 24” commercial printer and plenty of wheatpaste.

I'm seeking the best images to further our cause. We need statements that even the most brainwashed normalfag will agree with. "Diversity means less white people" for example, is value neutral, and true. Liberals and conservatives both agree that a group of white people isn't diverse, and a group with only a single white person is more diverse.

It's undeniable, yet everyone knows what you're really saying. Diversity goes against the interest of white people, white people can never completely embrace diversity, because ultimately, white people are not compatible with diversity.

You will have the left react to your message with hatred and vitriol, and reasonable people go "Hey, isn't it true though?" and "It's not a hateful poster!". Another good example is "islam is right about women", ignore the message itself, the way the propaganda is crafted, is very good.

IOTBW worked because it's true and undeniable. #whitegenocide is a dead end (currently) because too many people have been taught to shut such thoughts down. Also, you're too far separated from the reality that normalfags live in. They don't see white people being genocided. However, they are seeing less and less white people. Less white people on tv, less white people in the store, less white people at their workplace.

"Niggers are retarded" Bad propaganda

"Different races have different average IQs" Better propaganda.

Lastly, having the word "NO" in your poster is another garbage idea. You don't want to push a negative onto people, make it at least neutral, if not positive.

"Separate spaces for separate races" means you want to create something, "white ge*NO*cide" means stopping. The former works better in practice. Identify the threat, let people come to the conclusion that they need to stop it on their own.


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Op, post when you have updates

>not posting the original

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These pictures are based, but I doubt will further the cause. Step it up anons. We came up with IOKTBW, we can do better. We should at least aim for local news. I live in liberal college town.


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and this too, plenty of good old messages

Attached: with-jews-you-lose-save-money-37721967.png (500x621, 144.49K)

Fighting for black interests is good
Fighting for Native interests is good
Fighting for Latino interests is good
Fighting for Jewish interests is good
Fighting for white interests is... racist?

well done, user. it's going up.

are you sure your printer doesn't print to the eye invisible tracking information?

god speed

Beware of glowniggers

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That is a plotter.

Theyll kill you. You know that right?

>Thought Police: its okay when Google does it.

>Have you practiced PureThink today?

>watch your tongue or lose your job.

>life, liberty, and the silicon valley way.

>censorship is good when Facebook and Google do it.

>control the thought; control the man

Attached: guillotine-French-Revolution.jpg (1229x1600, 307.8K)

In order to work at the FBI you have to pass a rigorous set of requirements
You’re a cop probably first, also a college graduate, maybe a lawyer as well
Then you show up and the dudes with the higher GS # make you post on Yas Forums trying to recruit neo nazis

Lol it doesn’t pay that well
What a waste of loosh
Depressing shit

Maybe just


Simple. Easy. Resonant.

"Sneed's Feed and Seed... Formerly Chuck's?"

No BS user. Close read except the glowing.

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i like how the shills are saying your're a glowfag. but youre actually right. the redpill process needs to be slow and gradual. otherwise the normies are gonna be scared away. because of 'Muh nazie conspiracies!!'

I'm not clever enough to make it into a slogan, but mass migration has literally never had enough popular support to pass a referendum and only benefits the top 1% of society, and yet it's been the unquestionable law of the land for almost 70 years now and the same people who constantly screech about democracy and defending the common man will use lawfare or actual violence to shut you up if slandering you as a Nazi doesn't work to keep it that way. It's an absolutely absurd situation and there's got to be something there, but I can't figure it out.

Youre onto something but you dont need a slogan just to dig deeper. It needs something. Its definitaly dancing.

A slogan only unifies a movement. Its like a branding. The 1%, IOTBW, innactivists.

This isnt a slogan. This needs something different. And all that is, is truth. What is the truth?

This is EXACTLY why IOKTBW was SO successful. Such an innocuous and obviously true statement met with vitriol shows that the system is broken. I might just go with IOKTBW because of how potent it is. But it's stale.

Thats just a branding.

What is it you want to say? What is your truth?

For feminists it was that men opress them. For blacks it was systemic racism. What is it for you. What truth do you want the world to know?

ay tone, but as a collect them all type series.

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Way too wordy IMO

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