What are you goy planning?

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>tfw starting a 2-day move across the country on the 19th

i stIll remember the sound. i could fucking feel it. nice memorial park now though.

quick! everyone be afraid of the return of the boogieman!

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What's Hillary gonna bomb now after her failed presidential race

Oh you'll find out soon enough goy

domestic terrorism has been on a decline since like the 70s. there used to be bombings, hijackings, political kidnappings/assassinations, arson etc weekly in the late 60s. it was called the days of rage. im surprised that we havent halted all domestic terrorism at this point considering how much spying and anti terrorist resources we have in the country

The Oklahoma City National Memorial should torn down and replaced with a gigantic bronze statue of Timothy McVeigh poised triumphantly atop a Ryder truck, arms raised as if to form an Algiz rune from his body, with a plaque that states the honest truth. Nothing would be a greater insult to these pizza-party guarding federal swine than a permanent monument honoring McVeigh’s journey to Valhalla or Fólkvangr atop the piles of their corpses.

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I wonder what the FBI has planned?

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Always Israeli false flag

killed my aunt : (

mcveigh was literally a fed you dumb dumb

He WAS a Fed,

Now he is a hero.

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I was in 7th grade Spanish class not very far away. I remember the sound and vibration. Wild

>FBI says increased threat from domestic terrorists on anniversary literally nobody remembers for an event barely anyone remembers without being reminded

Whatcha doin FBI

Hello my fellow 4channers.
I am young and hate the government.
I have heard a rumor that some of you are planning to blow up a government building.
Because of my political leanings I support you and would very much like to help you.
Just PM with details about your meeting places and times so that we can meet up in the real.

That post appears luminescent.

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Hello Yas Forums friend. As you can see from my flag here I also hate the government. We should definitely meet up sometime and discuss very illegal activities. What is your phone number and address? I want to meet you in person

Oh boy I wonder if it is my turn to die in a stage incident that will help push the agenda for another generation.
What will it be for the next 20 years: Religious Cults, Neo-luddites, Anti-Vaxxers?

>Alphabet soup agencies couldn't predict or prevent JFK assassination
>Alphabet soup agencies couldn't predict the fall the Soviet Union
>Alphabet soup agencies couldn't predict or prevent 9/11
>Alphabet soup agencies couldn't predict or prevent the Commie Coof

These alphabet soup agencies have such a piss poor track record of protecting Americans it would be laughable if it wasn't so insidious.

>Literal commie virus pandemic occurring
>FBI: The real threat are "domestic terrorists"

These people must think everyone is really dumb.

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People who dont have a reddit karma of over 30k

Hi FBI, seems you've been working some long hours. Enjoy some milkers.

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what gun is that?

Also... not enough gun nuts committing mass shootings, so they make it happen, like in Las Vegas.

Burger King in Memphis TN, come alone and remember, no tendies. Wear your standard issue Kekistani Pride t shirt and make sure you snell of Jovan10 musk fragrance or youre fuckin dead kiddo.

>These people must think everyone is really dumb.

Yeah but in reality, its the other way around. I honestly don't understand why they're so incompetent. Maybe it has something to do with the public sector hiring low IQ idiots or something.

Las Vegas was a success, was it not? They are not incompetent, not by a long shot. Stop assuming you know which side they are on.


OKC was a very obvious false flag

: (

He was a tank!?!?!?!!?

only ones threatened are FBI niggers and day care children

>Las Vegas was a success, was it not
Not really
It was meant to spin into detectors everywhere
It was less successful than my nephew dying in sandyhookshipbergsville

Wow they already know the date and everything! They must be really good at their jobs!

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I have no idea what this is. Did steevin coory rock the house with a 3?

Las Vegas was the attempt of taking the Saudi's princes life gone wrong I don't have the images but some other user has it


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Hello, I am also interested in committing domestic terrorism. Let's get together and praise kek.

>@FBI is warning

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I contributed to the recent glownigger thread regarding Timothy McVeigh. I larped as a McVeigh sympathizer in that one. I was as surprised as anyone at how cogent my points were. Relax, children. Nothing's going to happen...barring another RUBY RIDGE amirite! Boo hiss feds!!!!!

Christian Children Killer model 1956

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The blacksmith and the artist
Reflect it in their art
They forge their creativity
Closer to the heart
Yes, closer to the heart

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>nazi caught before he could bomb hospital
>nazi kills three teens on bus
>nazi rally in MI
Gee I guess I could be an FBI analyst too. Trump is emboldening these loons. It's no secret. He tried to start a civil war today on twitter. That was just today and we've had 4 years of todays.

>That post appears luminescent.
LOL Fgt, My girlfriend and I just watched this movie today. I haven't seen it since high school when it came out. Mike NesMETH - OTTO the MAN