Imagine voting a guy to a second term as president when he has a resume like this:

imagine voting a guy to a second term as president when he has a resume like this:
>being the president in charge as China overtook the USA as the world's superpower

>allowing the country to be attacked by a communist Chinese bioweapon

>lying to the American people about the facts of the situation while fellating Xi

>allowing for an unprecendented amount of unemployment to occur, solution was to install socialist policies

>designating right-wing militias as terrorist groups

>showing support for red flag gun laws at the federal level

>allowing states to enact draconian gun control

>allowing states to circumvent constitutional rights and arrest Christians for worship during Christianity's most important holiday

>touting importing immigrants on work visas as a successful policy while over 10 percent of the american workforce is unemployed

>failing to bring American companies back to America, they tell him to fuck off despite Trump using laws designed for war to get them to produce products for Americans(LMFAO)

>not actually acting on any of the policies that got him elected

>completely failing to install any sort of travel ban or check on immigration, despite that being a key reason many voted for him

>allowing for voter fraud nationwide despite acknowledging its existence

>had a republican majority house and senate, passed nothing other than gun restrictions(LMFAO)

>being so repulsive to the average person that republicans have lost almost all local, state, and federal elections in any state that isn't guaranteed to vote republican, simply because of the party's association with him

>even the ones that are guaranteed are many percentage points closer than ever before

>more democrats voting than ever before, genuine possibility that republicans may never win another large-scale election
and THIS was the right-wing's last hope... kek, Trump's done more for democrats than he ever did to help republicans or actual right-wingers.

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Other urls found in this thread:

see pic.
do you think they even know?
or care?

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left can't meme

Come on man. China isn't our competition. China isn't going to eat our lunch.

Attached: 35v43t.jpg (833x500, 94.52K)

>wall of text
didn't read lol

i'm NOT voting for you joe you stupid fucking chink

this is how i view him

Good job, user. This is a high quality anti-drumpf vaccine. I'm going to save it for future threads so I can harvest the maga butthurt.

Attached: hesright.png (532x398, 367.45K)

ok shekelsheinjew

>thinks in 2016


>allowing the country to be attacked

He defied the WHO to protect Americans, idiot.

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Literal burger pigs


I almost feel bad for china, everyone is pulling their factories out of there

why is it you /trumpzombies/ cant answer the question?
stay on topic,
just once...
just fucking once,

Attached: TrumpZombies.jpg (666x374, 83.77K)

He de-funded Obama’s pharmaceutical scam that Liz Fowler wrote. He gets my vote for that alone.

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>allowing for voter fraud nationwide despite acknowledging its existence

He started a nationwide investigation and the states refused to hand over the voting rolls. Wrong again, low info voter.

Joke's on you. I don't vote.

lady on the left is running for office, shes just acting out in front of other trumptards for likes

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to be fair, dems thinking in 2008-2016

Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests

I cooking some popcorn for this tread, I'm expecting Trump deranged supporters vs. Trump deranged syndrome sufferers to provide the salt.
Plz continue.

>imagine making a thread like this and doing it for free.
How embarrassing.

nice shareblue talking points

Listen, Jack. Just get your double-barrel shotgun and put a warning shot through the door. China problem solved.

Wow it's almost like Trump and Joe are both shitheads.

Vote Constitution Party 2020:

Attached: darrellcastle.jpg (752x440, 145.87K)

Trump gave me $1,200 cash, unemployment of $1,300/wk, and let me take $48,000 out of my trad ira without a 10% penalty, saving $4,800. I'm doing great in this shitstorm. I made $2,200 this last week buying and selling airline stock.

lol that guys face on the right gets me everytime

they are trying to demoralize you (obviously). Yas Forums and the people who run Yas Forums don't care for you and are letting people like this ruin the board. the guy who made kiwi farms is creating a new image board like place where there is sure to be moderation over content like this. when that site is up (probably next month) i encourage all sane people here to check it out because i am 100% sure it will be way better than this shithole

>Trump tanks the US economy intentionally but dismantling pandemic early warning systems, and refusing (even to this day) to acknowledge the danger we are in
>Says on national television the opposite of what virologists and epidemiologists are unified in saying... killing US citizens in the process
>Uses the fed to wipe out the real value of the USD
>You get a socialist handout on account of income redistribution
>but I made some $ parlaying it on a broken market for fun bucks
>it's great goyim!

KYS. move to Russia or Venezuela, spick.

You said trump supporters are voting against their economic interests. It turns out you're wrong.

Hillary and Trump were both shitheads. I tried that with Gary Johnson in 2016. It didn't go well.

I wish I voted Shillary.

The cares act (named something else originally) was sponsored by mostly democratic house of reps members. All trump did was bitch about shit a few times and sign it into law

The USD value has risen retard. At least do some research before you spam Yas Forums stupid fucking discord tranny.

>Trump says "cut 'em a check"
>I end up with cash in hand less than two weeks later

That's all that anyone will remember.