Tranny here AMA

Hello I'm that tranny that you bedroom naizs always post, my friends from /leftypol/ messge me on discord on how you fucks like to post my beautiful face, I do agree it's somewhat menacing.

Anyway time for some question, okay boyz and sexy gals

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Shove the bottle up your ass you fucked up faggot

Will you please kill yourself?

this nigga look like the real life version of how a serial killer would paint himself while locked in death row.

Show flag mutt

This is probably bait and you probably got that image of twitter or something but
It's not too late to change back to your true self, feel the glory of being a man and not the façade that you attempt to achieve.

Kill yourself.


This post is a LARP, but if it wasn't, you'd be joining the 40% gang for sure.

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do you think that you will ever pass as a real woman?

never gonna be beautiful forver and ever

Attached: Demade that remade.jpg (400x400, 20.06K)

Never seen you before, no idea who the fuck you are.

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Show penis or get out

i honestly thought it was that alcoholic tripfag 5am5on or whatever

thats a $40 uber from your eyebrows to your hairline

I just wanted to tell you how much I fucking love Money Machine

You're a genius, not even gay

There's my discord, hit me up and I can make you into something more then what you are

Attached: Discord.jpg (402x109, 5.34K)

Should you be drinking on HRT?
> Shouldn't you be drinking more?

fuck off buffalo bill

>sad fag god complex
could make a decent prog rock band name desu desu

Kill yourself.

That’s not how discord works dumbass

you want a personal army? I'll be your fucking personal army, me and all these retarded Yas Forumsfuck summerfags

He is the lead drinker from the hit band Liquid Coof

Nice hairline dude

Ax wound or get out.

Attached: tranny.jpg (540x309, 46.87K)

Join the 40% already you fucking drunk faggot

Chin chin!

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I'd tolerate you if you didn't act like a faggot.
>ok boyz and sexy gals

drink leftover blood chalice from the surgery

God just shave your fucking hair off it is receding.

Here Here
I am what I am because of those things that lead to me being what I am. If you don't like us trnanies so much why don't you just 14 something already

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>not sure if actually the faggot alco from /soc/ or a repost

Lmfao HAHA

show wound

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Every girl has a dick some big some small

Calling bullshit.

Said pic goes around on the Brit/pol/ thread a lot since the balding thing is an bit more common these days (this is on Yas Forums so you should be able to find it, but it is late for most bongs though).

Will request an time stamp pic otherwise fuck off fake shill.

hear hear, my fellow coomers!

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