When did women lose their classiness?

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Because real men prefer hoes

They never had it

In the 1960's when the boomers rebelled against the traditional values of the Greatest Generation

When men started letting them make decisions for themselves instead of directing their lives rigidly from cradle to grave.

Hijab isn't bad and should be a Christian value

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coronavirus is a joke, a virus that actually kills people will shut these hoes up


Yas Forums is now the new /normie/

cant research anything
cant check anything
cant read anything
sheeple in effect

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Females are disgusting animals. That's why they must be ruled with a whip. They are degenerate by nature.

baaa.... baa....its not reeeeeeeeal...baaa

Oh shit, turns out she's not really classless or a hoe.
Pack it up guys, we've been had. fuck OP.

that muppet has a fat ass

Twitter for android

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germs and viruses dont exist


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Why does america fuck up people in the head so badly? Ive noticed immigrants that leave to the states become degenerates.

>over 99%
so 100%

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a man steps out with a hoe. a real man never marries one.

Started in the 60s and was a very slow burn, and then then social media came along and it exploded.

fly your colors zogbot

Same goes for faggots, trans and over turbo leftism.

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Rap music

Nobody cares if it's real, bruce. This isn't a news story.

yea thats what is known as a complication.
people who die of regular flu have other conditions too lol you sped cunt.

I died of coronachan last week ama

based nipponchi

Are you disappointed that you're still Canadian in the afterlife?

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Women are useless now. They don't cook clean or give birth. They are all hookers now that no one really wants except for a quickie

Ever notice that most Thots are on some type of Anti depressant ? And they have no Moral compass to go by ... BBC is the Fad thing .
Dating Older men because the younger guys just cant compete
Not like they have role models these days ..
But in the end we all know you cannotturn a whore into a housewife no matter what you give them or the opportunity they have they are THOTs always will be ..

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Did she die?

When the Jews started pushing ghetto/rap culture on the west. Now they're all bitches n hoes.

The overcompensation is so sublte...
>Oh look we didn't blame corona for this 21 year old ^^

Replace women with human

Bangable tacophone/10.

They were bred out of existence because too many men instead knocked up whores.

this. amen

Stop asking stupid questions

The phone, maybe. The chick next to it, eeewww.

In high school in the early 2000s (1999-2003) women were fighting for equality and I could still alpha anyone of them into bed. And did. They wanted attention more than being equal. Blame the media and entertainment industry

The fuck is that outfit girl

It's a hellish psychological nightmare here and people don't even realize it. They don't know any better. The older I get, the more I want to leave.

fake and gay

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Isn't there anything that Yas Forums cares about other than Ivanka being a whore?

Yes I let the corpse fart in my mouth

unquestionably based

The Garden of Eden


>wall of next
Yas Forums is the new /normies/
no. shes on insta.

user, female nature 101....


shit's brazy