How are whites the master race if they are controlled by the Jews? Wouldn't that make Jews the master race?
Jews Vs Whites
go fuck your mother troll s aged slide shit
Does this make the slave angry?
That’s a good point
any questions?
I was hoping someone could enlighten me on the mental gymnastics required to think that youre the master race but also controlled by another race.
The White Chinpout is near. Shitskins should find their children and apologize to them, God hates animals that abandon their young.
The better question is why do so many Jews hate white people?
Jews hate whites for the same reason whites hate blacks. The superior race holds disdain for the lessers.
I can't wait to see trumpanzees getting drone striked
And this proves?
Don't forget to report and hide memeflag threads
Thanks, mudslime.
Not smarter or superior only more prone to trickery and manipulation.
Is Bill Gates stupid because he lets his wife donate away a bunch of his money and also allowed his wife to nag him into doing menial tasks like picking up his kids from school?
Of course not, it's just that she is more skilled in the art of being manipulative or the way she thinks is more geared to trying to bend his will. The same is true for most white gentiles and Jews. Many white gentiles believe tired tropes such as nepotism being bad, that hard work is all that is needed to be a success and that the good of the collective is more important than the good of an individual or a small community. Whereas Jewish attitudes are much more self-centered or Jewish-centered and as a result they and their people prosper.
I know you won't respond to this, because it's not some easily debunkable meme argument, but I think it's necessary to put it out there.
Comparing bill gates and his wife to jews and whites is completely different.
Being tricked into slavery is completely different than a man agreeing to picking up his kids. Youd also be a complete retard to think that he cares about the small amounts that she donates. Lots of men allow their wifes spend meaningless amounts of money on things. It keeps them happy.
Bill Gates is totally involved in his own Foundation dude. Him and Melinda work together on this. He's been leading programs to deal with dysentery in the 3rd world among other projects like working with Buffet to get other billionaires to contribute their wealth to charity on their death. That's Bill, not just Melinda manipulating him.
Nepotism is bad, it's counter to capitalism and what's fair. It's different if it's a private owned business but nepotism is bad in a public owned company or in government. Jews don't just prosper because of nepotism, they have a culture that's big on education, entrepreneurship and achieving excellence. This is counter to modern day American conservatism among whites which is now distrustful of academics/experts/authorities. America is losing its sense of capitalism and entrepreneurship with policy like Trumps which just bailed out wall street. Republicans should have been against him on this but they allow it because it's their team doing it.
I remember the outrage of Republicans when Obama bailed out the economy and banks in 2009. Where is it now?
Imagine the smell, argh.
If you're taking that logic to its extreme the Chinese are the master race.
They look upwards and see their own ethnic group dominating politics. Not the parasitic dual citizens of a middle eastern police state. And they are growing in influence, not shrinking like Amerisrael.
how are jews the master race if jews can't compete with whites? Jews always whine about how whites control the world and jews can't compete.
Hello new friend. Spend some more time on this site and youll find that every "white" you encounter on this board blames every issue on the jews.
Thats not really related. This is simply to discuss the conflicting idea that whites are the master race but are controlled by jews.
Very disingenuous reply. The analogy is flawed because like any analogy, it doesn't perfectly encapsulate a unique situation. But instead of replying to the point you replied to the analogy
Let's be clear here, the United States had built up a vast and successful country prior to being "tricked into slavery" as you put it (personally I put this point as the second world war). Versus your Jews who could only ever exist in nations that had already been built up. Nation building takes intelligence and ability. Furthermore the US was largely white, and Jewish power was not nearly as extensive as it is now. Then, largely out of benevolence, we decided to help and feel bad for the Jewish people in the aftermath of the holocaust.
That sympathy is the seed from which Jewish influence grew. People were tricked, but it was because they showed a smidge of kindness to a people who frankly don't deserve it. There's a difference between genetic traits and social attitudes. Sympathy for a suffering people is a social attitude not a genetic trait.
Also if your point is that the Jewish people tricked whites into slavery wouldn't that make paleo-conservatives and other Jew-Haters smart for seeing through the tricks?
Pretty obvious looking at history esp modern history, along with scripture, that Jews think they are the master race and project this onto whites. Jews literally think they are chosen to rule the world. They show this to be what they think all the time. Then they project this hateful ideology on whites who tried to fight back against Jewish crimes.
T. Black guy who is aware of the JQ
We will prevail and we will rid the world of Jews. They think that by gettong rid of whites black people will fall in line to their plan. Big mistake. Whites have more empathy and were fairly nice to Jews. We will eat them alive. Jews always have their plans blow up in their face. Very very stupid race.
>How are whites the master race if they are controlled by the Jews? Wouldn't that make Jews the master race?
Keep up God's work, user.
>being aware to jewish tricks but bending the knee to them anyways
Then that just makes you a cuck.
Blacks are even more foolish and stupid than whites. More blacks fall for jewish tricks than whites.
>jewish tricks
Plenty of whites are big on education/achievement too. However one big flaw in it is assuming that a lot of education is useful.
No conservative is lamenting professors who teach STEM or business, although I don't know if a business degree is really necessary.
Mainly it's just social """sciences""" that use their platform as a way to spread their own beliefs masqueraded as irrefutable fact
Personally I don't care if Jewish people want to leverage nepotism, it's their right, but my issue comes in when media companies staffed with many Jews, and politicians with donors who are disproportionately Jewish, and Jewish professors at a university call me a Nazi for doing the same thing but with white Catholics.
It matters not. The demographic force combined with in group preference combines with (hilariously and ironically might I add) the propaganda that kikes pushed to bring down whites will be the end of kikes. That end will be very brutal.
What kikes like you do not understand is that blacks see you very clearly as much worse than whites. You are conniving christ killers. You are manipulators. You are the most privileged and oppressive group in society and it is people at the top (known by blacks to be you) that are responsible for black peoples low standing (it mattera not if that is even true - you are to blame either way). Everything you tried to paint whites with has fallen on you too. In every bad light you painted whites you are also seen - but to a higher degree. Oh and there is no feeling bad for you. There is no care for you fake holocaust. Your alleged suffering not only look disingenuous but also is nothing compared to real suffering - yet you act like ultimate victims. Which again makes non whites hate you even more. Conniving manipulators.
Blacks just hate jews for the same reason they hate whites. They hate superior individuals. So it makes sense that blacks hate jews more than whites.
Black people aren't a monolith and anti-semiticism transcends race.
I understand you are slow but it is because everyone on earth knows what jews are up to, yet they hilariously think with their little neurotic circle jerk minds that they will someone connive their way into power, while they dig deeper and pit themselves in a situation where they lose their major aspects of political power - racially fitting in, pity, victimhood. Very very stupid people. That is why there is still so few of them after thousands of years. They do not understand how the world actually works.
What have your people achieved?
Any form of hate coming from inferior groups transcends race.
It also transcends "inferior groups."
>location signifies the race of the individual
Must be hard being that stupid.
>everyone on earth knows what jews are up to
Then why do you let them do it? That just means youre a cuck then.
>very few jews after thousands of years
Work smarter not harder. Only a nigger would think that more people means better. If that were the case, china and India would be the best countries in the world.
Exactly. 3 thousand years and only a few million people that get squashed like bugs every few decades. It is srupidity. Then they tell themselves they are superior again and get squashed. It is like they cannot comprehend reality. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over incorrectly and thinking it will work. With jews it seems worse, they keep getting into worse and worse situations and still convince themselves that their reality is different.
That would be impossible to prove since there isnt a superior race to the Jews. Unless youre telling me that whites arent the master race.
That is some serious inbred
>implying jews dont make up lies in order to force countries into submission
There are next to no countries in the world where you can openly criticize Israel or its people. Sounds pretty powerful to me.
>Then why do you let them do it?
Jews are the most killed off group of people ever as a percentage of their population as a result of their stupidity. They do not understand how to fit in and how the world actually sees them. They also get in increasingly more trouble. The only reason they still exist is because the world is more complex than to remove an entire group completely. How is this hard to understand? Are you slow?
Americans are slaves of jews, that picture is the result. It's sad. I'm not even trying to make fun of them, I am genuinely sad this is what jewry has turned them into.
Would you not agree that the Lion is mightier than the snake? Yet the snakes poison runs deep
There are such things as self hating Jews.
Yet they still maintain almost uncontested control of the world. If thats stupid, then what does that make every other race?
You must be high. Do you not know what people actually say and think around the world? Govs or media trying to obviously hide reality should tip you off. You are repeating nothing more than an astroturf reality.
post face
That is what you think is the narrative right? So then they are to blame for problems that arise? And they will arise.
What do you think you're conveying with thar image? I can't even interpret a meaning
That is by definition, a mental disorder. For one to hate oneself, one must lack the interest in furthering oneself. Much like how a white that hates its own race would be considered mentally disordered.