His best tweets


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Other urls found in this thread:


Post 3 fag

someone post the coca cola garbage one

that one is great

Seems like a fun thread

Trump sticking up for Biden

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The tweet that blasted millions of asses.

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someone post the selfie of Trump sucking kike dick while getting fucked in the ass by a nigger

I bet a lot of you don't know about this one.

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Does Trump have a twitter?

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He had to know this was a dumb choice of words right?

What was this in reference to?

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This isn't /gif, you total degen

man, you think Obama is super salty now that Trump basically told Obama how he should handle it, and now that he's president Trump is handling it exactly that way, and he's getting high approval for it?
Lock down travel asap, put someone in charge with experience handling epidemics, make sure they are prompt, don't miss meetings, and has real accountability (pence is an elected official after all)

Trump isn't getting high approval for the Trump Epidemic though. It's actually tanking his re-election.

boston marathon bomber

the man is a legend

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unequivocally based and redpilled

What kinda larp is this?

Trump was still saying it’s just the flu literally 9 days before lockdown happened. He’s now comparing himself to Bama’s H1N1 deaths when covids US death toll is already twice as big as the entire H1N1 epidemic

lol, where have you been?
I think one gallup poll put him at lower than his peak high, but still at his average. everyone else has him going up

a classic

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tippy toppy tweet

Holy based

what THE FUCK did he mean by that?

I fucking love my president

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Cause it is like a flu?
Like, it's a new disease, so it is dangerous until we figure out how to combat it, but it's still comparable to a flu.

People downplay the flu for some reason

Also, swine flu was infected 20% of the country

We're at like... 1/100 that

Missed it by 2 seconds. Bad Captcha? Oh well the other fag is a leaf so you get the bump and... Checked. DJT will always be the ShitPosterInChief.

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how can you fit all this
in one post

agent covfefe, pepe covfefe

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I don't understand not loving this man, at least on some level.

Covid19 is less contagious than the swine flu, but is much more dangerous for elderly people than the swine flu

If you were paying ANY attention, you'd know that

pol is officially a twitter repository

you are a repository

potential GOAT tweet exchange

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Fuck trump the zog puppet

i wish he still tweeted stuff like this. his quality has gone downhill

my favorite by far. you niggers don't even know how bad this makes kikes seethe

if twitter still exists on January 21, 2025, things are gonna get lit

my favourite

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honestly sounds like a Yas Forums exchange with a turbo retarded shill. A+

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dont get triggered so easily...someone might post a picture of a blonde chick with a black guy and you are going to have a panic attack

hilldawg gets btfo

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even more based

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One of my recent favorites

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Q tards are still trying to link this to current events

Better than a humor thread

Kim better watch out

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Not a tweet but one of the many emails I get from his campaign.

I love when he talks shit about Warren. It's always shit about her and beer.

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No, this is all satire

friendly reminder this man is now the President of the United States.