Science is not a religion-it just debunks yours

Science is not a religion. It's the methodology for discerning the nature of the natural world & how to apply that knowledge in a useful & constructive manner. You call science a "religion" because scientists looked at the claims made by your holy book and found them to be less that credible. Just remember, before the 19th century, virtually all scientists in the Western world were creationists and Christian. The shift away from a belief in the metaphysical/supernatural only took place after a mountain of evidence proved the literal interpretation of the Bible false. They gave biblical literalism a chance and found it lacking.

BTW: even if science went stagnant and never went pass the 18th century, history disproves biblical liberalism.

*Jesus was suppose to be born when both Herod the Great was alive AND during the census of Quirinius. But the census took place in 6 CE while Herod died in 4 BCE (CE=AD and BCE=BC)
*There was no tradition, Roman or Jew, of releasing a prisoner during Passover. This is the writers of the Gospels making up a tradition based on the Yom Kippur goat sacrifice ritual
*There was no record of the following
---A would-be messiah named Jesus who was crucified by Pontius Pilate
---Disturbance in the temple when money changers and livestock was driven out
---No ripped temple veil
---No three hours of total darkness during Passover
---No record of Pilate mixing the sacrifice of Galileans with those of their sacrifice (that was another Roman pontius)
---No record of Herod massacring infants anywhere let alone Bethlehem
*The Bible is contradicted by the Bible itself
---Isiaiah's so-called virgin birth prophecy was not about a virgin getting birth let along birthing the messiah. It was a prophecy about invading armies seeking to conquer Judiah
---Matthew, Mark, and John says Jesus was crucified on the day before Passover while John's gospel says it was on Passover
--All 4 gospels give contradictory accounts of the resurrection

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It’s impossible to be atheist once you go deep enough down the Quantum Physics rabbit hole. Atheism is unironically small brained low IQ normie tier.

>I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!!! Except when it says things I don't want to be true, then it's racist.

Oh hi Deppak Chopa. That's sum nice woo you're peddling there.

Go tip your fedora faggot. Being a nihilistic atheist is the most self-centred SMALL BRAIN mindset one could be... ever noticed how loads of the smartest people in the world believe in a simulation theory? Something/some being would have to be running the simulation. That thing/being would be our creator AKA our GOD.
>if you can’t accept this, you are a low iq normie who needs to shove their fedora up their anus and get THE FUCK off of my board.

Real scientists are 1 in a 1000. The majority of "scientists" have the paperwork but don't have the mind. From what I hear, most "researchers" spend their time begging for grants and subsidies from universities and/or governments. This leads to major scientific corruption, as then scientists are not in search of truth, but in search of ways to justify to continue their budgetary existence.

Real science is and never has been at war with God. That is a modern meme. Real science seeks to understand nature and the universe. Whether you believe that universe to be god-created or just nature is irrelevant.

Where science becomes a religion is people that are extreme believers in the big bang theory. Everything created from nothing is no different than saying god created everything in a short period of time.

Science can debunk many religious claims such as the Earth being 6000 years old. However, science is not even close to explaining why/how the universe was created. Therefore, spirituality will continue indefinitely.

Oh shit someone with the same theory as me. Except I don't think there is super direct involvement. I think the Infinite just kind of sets the parameters of what is possible (probability) and sits back.

Someone better call the fucking based department on you m8 holy shit

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>Real scientists are 1 in a 1000. The majority of "scientists" have the paperwork but don't have the mind. From what I hear, most "researchers" spend their time begging for grants and subsidies from universities and/or governments. This leads to major scientific corruption, as then scientists are not in search of truth, but in search of ways to justify to continue their budgetary existence.

Religion is infested by con men known as televangelists and you're complaining about corruption in the scientific community?!? Also, anyone can duplicate an experiment conducted by a corrupt scientist and debunk their claim. OTOH the Bible's supernatural claims has no way to be independently verified.

> Real science is and never has been at war with God. That is a modern meme. Real science seeks to understand nature and the universe. Whether you believe that universe to be god-created or just nature is irrelevant.

And despite not being at war with religion, science is always debunking their claims. Sorry but if the Bible says one thing but reality is the complete opposite, I'll stick with reality.

> Where science becomes a religion is people that are extreme believers in the big bang theory. Everything created from nothing is no different than saying god created everything in a short period of time.

Except religion claims the thing that created the universe from nothing demands worship, tithes to the priest, complete unquestioning obedience to the priests, accept the priests' word without question (you get the picture) while science doesn't.

> Science can debunk many religious claims such as the Earth being 6000 years old. However, science is not even close to explaining why/how the universe was created. Therefore, spirituality will continue indefinitely.

People like you disregard religion because you have a "truth" that you believe invalidates a religion. People call science a religion for the same reasons. When your ideology is questioned, you refuse to see the flaws. Science stopped being about truth and has been politicized beyond recognition.
>that's settled science
>that has been debunked
>global warming
>infinite genders
>all races are the same
>awarding/taking away Nobel prizes
The truth is that science has been broken for a long time due to politics. Bad science is accepted and built upon because it can be monetized. Only science that can generate money is deemed important.

>Something/some being would have to be running the simulation

argumentum ad turtuleum

all the way down

see if your big brain cant figure out what i'm implying

also rip .. John, big brain plus

>meme flag
>shilling pro-science without recognizing or acknowledging that 99% of the use of the term "science" in political discourse is non-scientific nonsense, consensus-based belief, and effectively religion
>some bullshit meme picture
>hating on Christian uniquely for no reason

Your Judaism is showing

nearly but i believe that it is still functional enough to invalidate all religion

Contemporary science is not the actual ultimate all knowing science.

your litterally make blocks out of dog shit in the grand scheme of things.

Still waiting for a sciencefag to reconcile the big bang with the second law of thermodynamics

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what is your end game?

And explain to me if mutation is truly random, why isn't the fossil record full of 99.99999% mutations.

LOL...meds, take them.

can neither confirm or deny
not having prior knowledge entropy at t0

Hurdur if you can accept my retarded rambling you are the tard

that one is easy, poor retention of that which doesnt increase breeding sucess

>Only science that can generate money is deemed important.

yes but that still does not make religion real.

i mean that is essentialy the foundation of the theory?
are you messing around

if religion was real. why do you think they would want to reveal its truth to the common man?

The way science determines what is credible and what isn't relies on baseless assumptions of reality, i.e. the "laws" of physics are consistent through out the entire universe (scientists are constantly baffled when they find shit contrary to their dogma of gravity, and had to erect an entire phylum of unobservable substance, dark matter and energy, to rectify their miscalculation). Science isn't unbiased or unemotional; it's a billion dollar business and the current relativistic model has great incentive to propagate it's own existence regardless of how true it is to reality. Scientists are basically the new clergy; normalfags, who wouldn't know a pulsar from a magnetar or a up quark from a down quark, just believe what they are told by public education, and by Bill Nye and his sidekick Black Science Man. If that doesn't scream religion, I don't know what does.

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>>global warming
>>infinite genders
>>all races are the same

The first one is science. In fact, without some greenhouse effect, the average global temperature would be below freezing. We can argue over the predicted consequences of global warming since many of these predictions did not come true, but average global temperatures has increased as CO2 has increased from human activity.

The second one is a matter of degrees. Human beings are actually less genetically diverse than any different breed of dog even though any breed can reproduce with each other. However, there is enough differences between the rcace to be contributing factors in health (blacks have above average cases of sickle cell anemia since that trait helps resisting malaria) and physical abilities (certain ethnic groups native to high altitude environment have a respiratory system better suited for low atmospheric pressure) in addition to being a factor in physical traits.

The last one is just SJW pseduoscience that no one in the scientific community take seriously.

>book written by humans is not completely accurate.
This doesn't disprove religion as a concept in any way, just means that this one in particular was not right about these things, it's like trying to prove ghosts don't exist, just because there is no proof that they do doesn't mean they absolutely don't exist in any way.

?? religion perhaps is the answer to your question , can get pretty screamy

no but it does mean we shouldnt consider them in any way other than metophorical


Undergrad physicist here, would like to inform that you're wrong.
All the interpretations of q.m besides Bohr-Copenhagen are retarded, in time: It's just statistics applied to particles, you need zero I.Q to do stuff like calculating the general solution of the wave eq. for a harmonic oscillator or collapsing it for a hydrogen atom, just follow the even more retarded "special" linear algebra for it and you're fine.
Maybe the only thing that can make you question reality schizo-wise is general relativity since Einstein proposed that gravity is the distortion of space time itself (ironically, it's the most mathematically rigorous theory created), even so, g.r and q.m don't go well togheter and quantum gravity is plain retarded (we don't consider the gravitron in the std.Lagrangian density).
Q.M = Statistics + Linear Algebra.
Gravity = Differential Geometry.
Q.F.T = D.G and fancier algebraic theory.


"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."-Denis Diderot

The Enlightenment Era philosophers saw the evils committed by the alliance of the church and the state and realized both are the enemies of free individuals.

The Founding Fathers, having learned the lessons taught to them by the Enlightenment era philosophers, their oppressive British overlords, and the centuries of sectarian violence in Europe, built a government on the Enlightenment principles.

We are not a Christian nation and those words were uttered by our second president John Adams.

thoughts on Kochen–Specker theorem