Dairy farmer: Why excess milk cannot simply be sent to food banks, homeless shelters

>"There is no food bank in the United States of America that can receive an 8,000-gallon tanker truck of raw milk. I mean, it's not even legal to sell raw milk in most states, let alone who could process or package that?" he continued.
>"So, the dairy farms are suffering because of the flow in the middle. A plant that's set up to process 25-pound bags of mozzarella cheese can't switch over like that and start bottling milk to give it to homeless shelters or food banks," Mason concluded. "I mean, it's a really complex food system that a lot of folks just don't understand."


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Fox news could tell me the sky was blue and Id start imagining a green martian sky

You can feed it back to the animals

>join dairy union
>agree to dump milk like FDR said
>later, appear to disagree
they can always give up their free marketing and stop being members of the dairy union

I knew this was fox before i saw the link.
What a tool

That would be very helpful to homeless people and shelters, problem solved.

No you can't.

>Wickard v. Filburn
>An Ohio farmer, Roscoe Filburn, was growing wheat to feed animals on his own farm. The US government had established limits on wheat production, based on the acreage owned by a farmer, to stabilize wheat prices and supplies. Filburn grew more than was permitted and so was ordered to pay a penalty.

>In response, he said that because his wheat was not sold, it could not be regulated as commerce, let alone "interstate" commerce (described in the Constitution as "Commerce... among the several states").

>The Supreme Court disagreed: "Whether the subject of the regulation in question was 'production', 'consumption', or 'marketing' is, therefore, not material for purposes of deciding the question of federal power before us.... But even if appellee's activity be local and though it may not be regarded as commerce, it may still, whatever its nature, be reached by Congress if it exerts a substantial economic effect on interstate commerce and this irrespective of whether such effect is what might at some earlier time have been defined as 'direct' or 'indirect.'"[2]

>Not namekian
Not gonna make it (to super saiyan)

Big dairy is spending a lot on damage control, been seeing commericals too

Homeless people dont provide an ounce of value other than to self masturbatory fucks that dont have anything to live for aside from feral human daycare. Animals are the logical choice in this scenario

Make cheese, bunch of faggots.

He's not wrong you need to centralise suppliers so that you can have plants that produce all dairy products instead of single product suppliers.
Then your Farmers wouldn't need to dump milk if they exceed their quota that the plant can handle.

>how does a complex division of labor economy work
>dont care just make cheese mkay

This is why you turn it into powdered milk and box it up. Duh.
Once again Yas Forums solves the world's most perplexing problems

they dont want to pay for the distribution so they dump it? seems wasteful as fuck, but profits above all I guess

Wickard v. Filburn is no longer used for that purpose, nobody cares if you grow shit for your own use

FFS pull uo the tanker, empty big tanker into smaller food grade tanks, have the public come and get the fucking milk. Let them decide how to use it.

>standing up for even their most fundamental liberties, ever
every good gun-toting conservative in michigan is currently voluntarily surrending to their governor's lockdown
not allowed to grow their own food
not allowed to hunt or fish
not allowed to get major necessary surgeries like joint replacement
but ARE allowed to get abortions

the founding fathers spelled this all out VERY CLEAR what you were supposed to do when this happens

but you are c u c k e d permanently
USA is already dead

>no capacity
>no market
More like a reddit solution

Trump just needs to flex that executive order muscle but he won't because farmers vote red

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not even legal to sell raw milk in most states
>be restaurant
>give end of night leftovers to homeless
>homeless dies because degenerate drug addict
>family hires schlomo
>schlomo sues you, claims leftovers killed bum
>schlomo judge agrees with schlomo lawyer, liquidates your company and holdings and gives to schlomo lawyer as reward for excellent talmudry
There's a reason nobody gives food to the homeless and shelters only accept packaged and canned goods.

They should just make it work, excuses are not of the american spirit.

There's something here that needs investigation
Something very wrong occurs if a natural product that everything can consume without issue is regulated like this
Like Cannabis.

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I heard dairy can have an opiod effect... Hmmmmmm...

We already did this before.
Look up how "government cheese" came to be

Because too many idiots die from it. You can do it on the farm or close by. I drank it straight from teet to cup on my aunts farm. Wouldn't want all the bacteria though from transport without treating it.

Too bad that's not an option now.

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>There is no food bank in the United States of America that can receive an 8,000-gallon tanker truck of raw milk.

Yes they can and it'd be funny to watch.

They should drive it to a Mexican neighborhood and open it up. They love free stuff.

Kek, exactly what I thought of but with more hobos.

Distribution to whom, you fucking retard. You can't sell raw milk in most states. So, they are forced to sell it in only a few states. In in those few states, there are probably only a few actual plants that can process it into cheese or pasteurized milk or whatever the dairy fuck. So, if those places close....you are shit out of luck unless you want to sell it direct to the very few customers that want raw milk. And then, you have to accept all the fines for selling raw milk illegally. In summary....faggot....there isn't anyone to distribute to legally. And there is not enough illegal buyers to buy all that damn milk. And yes...they are about profit because who the fuck would go into hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt from fines and still have to throw out most of it when you can simply just throw out all of it for free? And yes...you have to keep milking the cows to keep them producing. STFU faggot.

Just make ice cream lol

Oh yes, why doesn't everybody just give their money away. It cost those farmers MONEY to produce that. Why the fuck should they give it away. How about you go give some money to them and shut your little cuck mouth. Those farmers would slit your throat in a heart beat you neet

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This "farmer" sounds like a Kulak.

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You clearly have never been poor. That government cheese....spoiler alert....isn't real cheese. It is "cheese product". And that is why poor people on welfare tend to be fat as fuck.

they were able to process the milk before and they are able to do that now, just get some government gibs for the cost and then make cheese out of it or powdered milk or whatever