Okay who did this?

Okay who did this?

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eep eep



Literally nobody accept the young dyke and her helicopter mom give a shit about this.

His name was


Why are you pretending to be a carpet muncher on Yas Forums? Sheer boredom from the lockdown?

justin beiber?


Looks like a antifa domestic terroist

Lol 1000 comments from old white whores

She's in for a miserable life
Woe unto her

Bet you $100 security was a nigger.

Fake and gay

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in the end... she herself did this.

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Things that never happened for $500.00, Alex.

So in other words nothing happened.

>Why are you pretending to be a carpet muncher on Yas Forums?
thats the only way i get pussy

things that never happened

Go to bed pants

human experimentation doesnt have to be all bad

she should be beaten for being so stupid

A girl with the name "Jules" is the biggest red flag there is. Every one I recall from my younger years got pregnant as a teen and was a drug addict and I knew several even starting back in middle school.

Based walmart wagie dabbing on trannyniggers

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slide thread

people should record discrimination and let the audio/video speak for itself


Is ((jules)) trans

That girl's name? Dr. Fauci.

what is sid vicious doing in leafland

Think it's just an ugly dyke.


What a terrific mother taking a photo of her allegedly traumatized child and posting for millions to see.

Im sure this happened Canada

>septum ring
>short hair
>dressed like a bum
i wouldn't let her in either

I thought this kid was dead but looks like he somehow lived on.

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>tells abomination to fugg off
He might have been black but could someone this based really be a nigger?

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Bro im from nanaimo, who the fug is this

security guards have no power over you, they can not even touch you. how will they stop you? by calling the police.

personally, i refuse to wait in these lines so i go to the grocery stores after 4pm, when these security guards go home and can not convince people to wait in lines.
no security, no lines.

Thats Long Island for you

Yeah they don't actually care

Pick one. Also, you need to go back.

lol is this pic from /lit/?

I get the feeling the security guard was Black.

Good on him either way. She's clearly a shoplifter.

Jules Weiss, Ursula's son.


pool was closed.

And that security dude's name? Albert Einstein

You should go fuck her bro

Too bad they don't turn her away at the end of the city, turn her out into the hills - shunnn! What a creeper.

It's my hand from before I started bulking, check my swole now

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I mean you lol, i asked a few friends who i know post here and it wasnt them. We were just talking about this in a group chat