Undocumented migrants actually need so much help right now. Why give stimulus checks to employed whites when there are starving immigrants that are laid off. California should be like a city on a hill, influencing more conservative states to follow suit. Government assistance HAS to be better allocated for the people MOST marginalized. Don't be a stingy bigot. What would Jesus do?
Immigrants Need Help
If I were governor, I would pretend to pass this law just to deport every shitskin that filled out the paperwork
We will replace you
Fellow white people, don't Gimmegrants deserve reparations?
Then what? You gonna be king of the favela?
What makes you think this will remain a developed country when it is populated by 85 IQ Squatemalens?
>go to California
>tell them you are an illegal alien
or maybe donate a rope
America is first and foremost a meltingpot. I don't mean replace you like your conspiracy. It's in a figurative way since you're on the wrong side of history. The future will be less fascist. America needs to embrace it's roots. We've always been a multi ethnic society that still found ways to work together. If marginalized groups can't get a fair shake, how can we say we're being true to our ideals?
whats to stop from them getting right back in the gibs line?
You got my vote bro
Why care about ILLEGAL immigrants? Care about your own people first shithead.
Please run for office user
I'm going to my local hospital and calling ICE on it once they're cleared goodbye pedro.
hahahaha, 50% truth 50% very deceptive. Our ideals were independence, hard work and self sufficiency. Immigrants came to America to be American and do something m,meaningful with their time here on earth. Immigrants today are fucking worthless.
>we always worked together
Government and the media make that happen. Without those, people go back to tribalism
>only 150,000 illegal aliens living in California
And become corporate slaves for tysons chicken? Lmao have fun inheriting hyper capitalism with zero benefits while i retire on my 401k and benefits package. Oh no, dont replace us and make my groceries cheaper while being treated like literal slaves by our political class! That would be just awful!
Chang here. The Cali government tax the shit out of me but I have to say that it's nothing wrong to help illegals on Coronavirus. They will infected everyone again and again if you just ignore them.
> tfw call a mexician dude to repair your bathroom
> get infected
>melting pot
Bullshit. More like a salad bowl. Everyone lives in their own communities
I'd rather run for the next reincarnation Hitler if he had actually succeded in anything other than killing Europeans. Maybe Trump has pushed the overton window to the right enough that an ethnic nationalist style of populism. We have to figure out how to take our country back but unfortunately it probably won't be through voting for public offices.
Amen brother
Wow, incredible, how about you fix your own bathroom? You could hold every tool at the same time given you have six appendages, and any water spray should run right off your slick thorax given that you have an exoskeleton. I guess it might be difficult to fit your pyramid shaped head and protruding mandibles under a sink, though! Really though, you are the worst kind of person — they do the jobs I won’t do! So I guess I have to take care of him!
Eh, they are human beings and we should help them. Letting people starve is a fucked thing to do. But, they aren't supposed to be here anyway. Also, this whole bullshit is just ripe for corruption and scamming. If we help them we encourage them but if we ignore them we are no better than shitskins.
Correction, America has been a European melting pot. Not the worlds welcome mat.
SJWs and third worlders deceptively misuse "melting pot" to claim they have some sort of entitlement to the immigration process, even as far as cheating the process. We dont owe you shit, go fix the brain drain in your country.
No you won't. The hispanic population will increase for a bit more then level off. Eventually America will pull its head out of its ass and help Mexico become a first world country. Then, a large portion of Mexicans will go back to Mexico. Maybe then we can move shit out of Chinklandia and back to North America. We wouldn't need a wall if Mexico wasn't such a shithole and the sooner Americans realize that the sooner we can get rolling on a North American centered world. The EU is done for and Asia is, well, Asia. A unified NA is the future. The Burger, the Bean, and the Leaf.
Take it from state taxes, not federal. If you Commiefornians want that shit go right ahead. I cant wait for exodus 2021.
The working class funds the government through income tax, social security, medicare etc. It's not sustainable to let your tax base dwindle as your welfare checks increase. Just look at what happened to Detroit or anywhere white flight has happened. Open borders and a welfare state are a recipe for the end of a country. You can't reward a group of people for violating your national laws. California is undermining the sovereignty of America by subsidizing an illegal act that will ultimately ruin us. Allowing illegals to vote AND giving them money from the actual taxpayer pocket is a travesty of justice. A nation that can't control its borders is not a nation. It's wrong legally, morally and financially.
Based Magic Eye poster
Immigrants are a fucking plague. They don't make a country richer. They increase their debt and inflate housing, food, basic needs, and create a futureless society where natives are shamed by the liberal media into becoming a minority. Think about this shit.
Immigrants are a fucking infection. Nationality should be protected like Japan's, not fucking raped like the UN wants to do with the west. And to our fucking demise it has done so quite effectively. Thank the dumb fuck retard boomers who autovote lib every year, and the limpdick simps universities and colleges create with their pathetic excuse of an education system.
Fuck immigration, and fuck big corporations that lobby these practices into existence. Nobody needs niggers, pajeets, or chinks in their country. Whites would do more than ten times better without them all.
I'm with you on all of that but letting people starve is fucked. Giving money to illegals is fucking retarded. I don't know. Maybe food banks? Give out rice and beans. Nothing fancy, nothing that can be quickly resold. The Red Cross set up a relief area during one of the Cali fires; Everyone was taking what they needed and helping each other out. Then, a Mexican saw all the "free" stuff and made a phone call. About ten minutes later car loads of Mexicans showed up and started grabbing everything they could. So, should we let them starve? No. Should we shower them in cash and freebies? Hell no. I honestly don't know what to do in a situation like this.
lol shut the fuck up beaner, if you think America is fascist then you just wait beaner