How did hitler oven 60000000 jews when NYC lacks the capacity to cremate the eight thousand who died from Wuhan Flu?

How did hitler oven 60000000 jews when NYC lacks the capacity to cremate the eight thousand who died from Wuhan Flu?

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Dont question it GOY! Auscwitz had 4 million burnt in 4 year with 13 ovens.

he used the electric pools to zap them all
also the masturbation machines

NYC wasn't preparing for over a decade to cremate thousands of bodies you moron.

How dare you question the 15 million dead Jews murdered in cold blood by white monsters like you. 23 million Jews perished in this horrific event. My grandpappy, a survivor, saw 30 million of his fellow Jews be gassed alive right before his very eyes.

The death roller coaster and electric floors helped a lot.

jet fuel

I forgot that Hitler was the leader of Germany for 40 years. God, what a villain.


Are you telling me you don't believe 6 million Jews disappeared with no trace, no bodies, nothing?

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You FUCKING BIGOT. Don't you DARE question the holocaust in MY COUNTRY! Over 600000000 jew's died in the HOLOCAUST! By the way, I reported your IP to Justin Trudeau. This hate speech won't fly in my country. Expect a knock from the mounties any time now. Nothin personnel kiddo.

>not evil


Well, comparing a city to an entire country is perhaps a bit misleading, but yeah, there's a reason people call it the Holohoax.

The marvels of German engineering combined with whacky Estoric Hitlerist occult magicks

It never happened, and couldn't have happened

this is offensive and very antisemitic

Obviously didn't
We all know this
Do something productive and tell normies to research typhoid

It has been said time and time again that not all the jews who died were cremated. Jesus fuck, like if you're going to try to debunk something with a ton of proofs, at least know the basics


This is hate speech, you antisemit. I've already called my lawyer. Good luck explaining your goyish conspiracies to the Toronto Shomrim Police Force.

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>dignified individual cremations
>industrial scale human pizza baking operation

Not anadda Shoah

As long as they do not cavity search me. It would be extremely haram

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They clearly lacked the Holocauster.

wow you're either joking or in total denial

that madman Zyklon Ben went there

Preach brother. I can't believe they sold those lampshades to buy more gas. True sinister efficiency.

I like Mosley moustache

that guy on the bottom right looks like Antonio Banderas

show me the ash piles, it would be easy to a forensic scientist to go on the roof tops of the buildings and find human dna
that has never been done

Based Benny Z.

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Are you seriously comparing skeltal and diseased ww2 jews to HFC fed american hogs?

That is Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, leader of the Iron Guard. Always brings a tear to my eye seeing pictures of him.

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New York is full of US american citizens.
By definition they cannot handle a problem.
They said they won't stack corpses.
Now they are stacking corpses in cooling trucks.
Burgers gonna burger... whata you do?

Also.. very hateful posting you have. Please check the facts. I always do.

In order to break all power of resistance of the Romanian people, the Jews will apply a truly unique
and diabolical plan:
1. They will try to break the spiritual ties of the Romanian to heaven, and to earth.
To break our ties with heaven they will engage in widespread dissemination of atheistic theories in
order to separate the Romanian people or at least some of the leaders from God; separating themfrom God and their dead they can destroy them, not by sword but by severing the roots of their
spiritual life.
To break our ties binding us to the land, the material source of a nation's existence, they will attack
nationalism, labelling it "outmoded," and everything related to the idea of fatherland and soil, in
order to cut the love thread tying the Romanian people to their furrow.
2. In order to succeed in this, they will endeavour to get control of the press.
3. They will take advantage of every opportunity to sow discord in the Romanian camp, spreading
misunderstandings, quarrels, and if possible to split it into factions fighting each other.
4. Will seek to gain control of most of the means of livelihood of the Romanians.
5. They will systematically urge Romanians on to licentiousness, destroying their families and their
moral fiber.
6. They will poison and daze them with all kinds of drinks and other poisons.
Anyone wishing to conquer and destroy a people could do it by using this system:
Breaking its ties with heaven and land, introducing fratricidal quarrels and fights, promoting
immorality and licentiousness, by material ruin, physical poisoning, drunkenness, All these destroy
a nation more than being blasted by thousands of cannon or bombed by thousands of airplanes.

Hitler didnt give a shit what ashes belonged to who so he could just burn all the kikes together, while modern crematories have to burn bodies separately.

Did you realize now how stupid Holocaust Deniers are, and what kind of retarded bullshit you've been believing in without questioning it?