Can you feel it? The crisis is over

There has been a change in the air the last couple of days. I can feel it. There is a peace and a calm. The fear is going away. We are returning, but we will be returning changed. It as similar to a mushroom trip. I know I am coming down now, transformed and renewed.
>Does anyone else feel it?

Attached: Renewal2.jpg (1600x933, 150.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Does anyone else feel it?
I don't drop acid.

Attached: 414123123132.gif (496x360, 2.44M)

Yes, COVID is over

Agreed. That's how you know the market will go down from here.

Attached: 1776.jpg (1024x627, 149.09K)

Yes now return to wage slave in your progressive globohomo world about to go through a severe depression.

Now comes the period of normalization

I am sorry you haven't experience that yet.

You should

Your fee-fees are not sound epidemiologic advice.

You sound like a gay retard

This thread does NOTHING to improve our power in the current power struggle against the idiotic and genocidal left!!

I’m Going insane with you idiots! Falling for such BAIT! WE MUST IMPROVE THIS SITE! NOT DETERIORATE IT! You have lost yourselves in the instant gratification of the pleasure of expressing such values that would not otherwise be expressed in the media. BUT, the time has come! We must ADVANCE our knowledge in National Socialism, for the well being of our nations! We have been losing the mainstream debate, and youth opinion ever since we ended the Meme Wars of 2016! We MUST Regain Political power! We MUST Disenfranchise secretly REDDIT Trumpfags! We must empower ourselves and those who align with our EURO Views and defeat the Mainstream Leftists who are NOW Becoming Mainstream!

Muh external world is all that is real.

Suck a fucking cock you shithead faggot
The media is letting up? Phweph

Feelings and intuition are important, but unless you have training and experience as an epidemiologist, your intuition on this isn't worth any more than my gut feeling that the reason my car won't start is because I didn't treat it to premium gasoline for its birthday.

Positive enegry, bro. Not bad

>The crisis is over.
It has barely even begun ya big dummy

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i noticed it today.
a week ago in the shop, queuing outside, people nervous even with 3 yards between them. being fed into the shop one at a time, minutes apart.
inside the shop,people staying two or three yards back, suspicious.

today, no queue outside, people just going up to the door, walking in after a few seconds. workers inside generally uninterested.
inside, people generally closer together, passing each other in the aisle, most not concerned with other people being near them. more people in the streets.
either the mindflip is ending, or the mass hysteria is beginning to burn itself out.

Yah user, went out for a walk with the wife tonight, sky clear after a nice rain. Cool and green. You can feel the change, we are finding our way and turning a corner. We are coming down from a bad trip, but it's not a crash. We will mellow out from it together. There wont be any pain.

Perhaps for those who didn't take the time during this lockdown to sort out their lives. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to go into yourself and transform. The rest of our lives we have the convenient excuse of "I don't have the time. I am too busy." Imagine squandering such an opportunity.

Remember, what you're observing is how afraid people are, not actual risk levels.

Yes. This is exactly the way I was feeling today too. I went for a walk this evening before sunset. Something washed over me.

These niggers started catching too much heat. Now they are going all in to burn down in the invading infantry.

They're going to either release an even greater bio-weapon, start sending down the artificial asteroids they've been building, who use homosexual Masonic asset Xi Jinping and Jewish Masonic Russia to stage WWIII.

This is the battle of Armageddon.

Remember, these people snuff children for fun. It can never go any other way but hard war, and this is how they go about hard war.

>"When you see the smoke in the sky, you'll know it's the end. And then it will be too late."

Attached: fakeasteroids.jpg (724x483, 273.45K)

Lol, nope. It's still a hyperinfectious enveloped virus that would literally end civilization if it were even marginally more lethal. Sorry my dude.

The depopulationists use compassion as a weapon, my dude or dudette. We're softies. Well, some of us are jerks, but we know what we're doing. :3


>calm before the storm
>trust the plan
niggers tongue my anus

Seems like you can't differentiate between the calm before the storm and the calm after the storm.

Ready to vote trump out of office.

It is hubris.
there will be a second wave, this time much worse.

If Russia sides with the USA soon then it's over. If Russia takes China's side it's ww3

On which issue, specifically?

Sorry, you're not getting your happening you worthless fag

makes no difference.
the risk was always very small, the real figures show it and have always shown it.
media and governments push mass hysteria.
the mass hysteria is to control people through fear and shame.
with the fear gone, shame reduces too, and soon enough control is shaken.

Weird I woke up with bad nasal allergies today

oooh just shut the fuck up already.

You can stay inside, run out of money and starve.

Fuck off.

The wuhan lab cover up issue

>This is what people said about the second wave of spanish flu
>he has not been growing his own food for decades to have the experience needed to do some if the demand arises
>He does not hunt
you aint gonna make it city slicker.

anyone had their email spam disappear over the last month and a half or so?
mine dropped from 30-40 a day to 0 for several weeks.
it has remained at on average 0 per day, but a few days there have been a couple.
don't know if the chinks were the ones spamming, as it stopped before the virus reached europe.

US government, bankers, and business leaders don't give a shit about that. No sides will be taken, because it is irrelevant to them.

They will take the side of China because it is a good investment in the world pre Corona chan.

keep living in fear, retard.

Holy shit, ive also noticed that as well

Ok, have fun staying home like a bitch

That's the 5G cycles they are running.

keep in mind that my spam had been escalating for about five years, then stopped abruptly, no trickle off.
i thought the spam folder was broken at first.