Have you noticed that right-wing males are incapable of literally everything?

Here is their eternal refrain:
>only faggots kikes and women care about tech
>only faggots kikes and women care about programming
>only faggots kikes and women care about writing
>only faggots kikes and women care about money
>only faggots kikes and women care about becoming lawyers
>only faggots kikes and women care about becoming teachers
>only faggots kikes and women care about becoming judges
>only faggots kikes and women care about art
LITERALLY the only thing a right-wing male can do is eat, shit, and sleep. It's a subhuman animal.

Attached: fact.jpg (680x339, 30.23K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>only faggots kikes and women care about protesting
>only faggots kikes and women care about finance
>only faggots kikes and women care about caring about something
>only faggots kikes and women care about having IQs above 85
>only faggots kikes and women care about grasping abstract concepts

Don’t forget voting. If they see a tweet from Richard Spencer saying that Trump is about to open the borders, then they’ll say

>only faggots and likes care about politics, there is no political solution

a furb

if your car breaks down though, who you gonna call? a blue collar redneck or a gay vegan sociology major?

theyre the dregs of their society
and only 70% functional

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Mexicans fix cars better and cheaper than right-wing subhumans who can't do anything at all

Are you sure you realize your audience right now?

For that, their response is a bit different:

>dude, you’ll blow your back out and get addicted to painkillers if you work in a skilled trade

For one thing, women suck at all those things, except teaching.
For another, you're on a board of right wing autists that study art writing software mechanics etc etc. Maybe except for being a judge but lmao who wants to be a judge. But they definitely care about IQ, maybe too much desu

>posted from my safe space while wrapped in a blankie

No, there's not a skill among them. That's a defining feature of the online right-wing male. No skills, no gf, no future.

lmao boomer

No gf is true for me sadly.
Aside from that, lmao faggot


Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-04062A,_Nürnberg,_Reichsparteitag,_SA-_und_SS-Appell.jpg (553x795, 282.58K)

The nazis were left-wing too. Even had a marxist wing for a long time.

This thread does NOTHING to improve our power in the current power struggle against the idiotic and genocidal left!!

I’m Going insane with you idiots! Falling for such BAIT! WE MUST IMPROVE THIS SITE! NOT DETERIORATE IT! You have lost yourselves in the instant gratification of the pleasure of expressing such values that would not otherwise be expressed in the media. BUT, the time has come! We must ADVANCE our knowledge in National Socialism, for the well being of our nations! We have been losing the mainstream debate, and youth opinion ever since we ended the Meme Wars of 2016! We MUST Regain Political power! We MUST Disenfranchise secretly REDDIT Trumpfags! We must empower ourselves and those who align with our EURO Views and defeat the Mainstream Leftists who are NOW Becoming Mainstream!

True but I'm not a nazi. Admit it, you're assumptive faggot.

work, have a family so they can work after you die, then die.

dont you have a doorknob to lick?

Karen, if the quality of your shitposting does not improve I'm going to be forced to ask for your resignation.

lol, muh laotian shadow puppet enthusiast forum is serious business

But remember, it's illegal on other planets though.

Pic related

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I'd be happy if faggots and kikes move to Africa and have their own country.

Have you noticed ALL construction and truckers are right wing males ?
This kind of makes you look like a retard. Kek. We build and maintain the country and without us you would have nothing. Stay mad commie cunt. Go on a construction site spouting commie nigger shi and see are how fast you get your ass beat. Goodluck.

>Yas Forums did a massive collective effortpost 4 years ago
>wah, why doesn't everyone want to talk about Nazi shit all the time

This is what you sound like

What's so wrong with remembering glory days? Those are days to remember, cause they will not last forever. These are times to hold onto, cause we won't although we'll want too.

>Not Continuously expanding the effort of our values and ideasl
And I thought the jewish left were absolute cucks.

Attached: Cryin_Cunt.jpg (633x758, 62.29K)

These are the times, the times are gonna chaaange.
I've really seen the best of you,
but now I need the rest of you.

>o yea? grug do manual labor that can be done by literally anyone and grug is actually on drugs right now while mexican do manual labor

user, you say 'right-wing' as if it's a bad thing.