WTF I thought Nebraska was a red state?

Are even Republicans falling for the "free college" meme now? Why are we treating bullshit classes and SJW propaganda like it's something that society should be paying for? If anything red states should be defunding public universities altogether and Trump's Department of Education should do the same until they agree to get rid of the useless classes and propaganda.

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Publicly funded universities brainwashing students should honestly be one of the biggest issues for conservatives but most just don't care. I don't get it, even on Yas Forums it's rarely talked about

I agree.

If you go to university and get brainwashed by it you were hopeless to begin with. The only thing to hope for is that these npc brainlets get brainwashed to our side instead.

But why are my taxes paying for Women's Studies courses? Why do I have to pay so some kid can learn about hating men?

We are. Its the faggots in Omaha and Lincoln that ruin it for the rest of the state.

Universities that restrict freedom of speech should get stripped of their federal funding

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It's a love hate relationship here. Love the Huskers but hate the professors. A lot of funding was cut because some lib professor went off on a student.

You can have socialism without globohomo nigger degeneracy.

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It’s complete bullshit, I just graduated from there and worked my ass off because my parents didn’t help me, now the spics of our state get fucking tuition free college

>free college but only if you're poor
really cool definitely wont breed resentment at all

It's State (National) Socialism with the intent of persuading natives to remain loyal and not pack up and leave to Chicago, LA, or NYC.

I actually go to UNL (biggest campus), and it’s actually pretty left-wing compared to what you might expect. Needless to say I’m shocked at the move, given that Nebraska still hasn’t even implemented a stay at home order yet.


where u live. i got a condo in the haymarket

how dare white people look after their own

Nice, I live a bit farther out around Saigon plaza if you know that

Nebraska is the last of the true German ancestors of the world. We're even more pure than natural born Germans in their own country.

Free college is a fantastic idea, but first you'd have to cut out all the cancerous bloat. 80% or more of majors are memes that shouldn't exist.

nice. nigville.

You can talk all you want, but until enough conservatives are willing to step up and enter the teaching profession the problem of Marxist indoctrination will persist.

Das rite. Seems like everyone else here thinks that Nebraska is 100% aryan chads or something.

Little too late academia is going online and will become a race to the bottom.

Funny that its also the home of the American Nazi Party...or was.

Lol, no. It likes to think its the reason the world continues to spin though.

Most universities already do this

South Lincoln is nice. the Haymarket is nice. but north Lincoln has pockets that might as well be Detroit. or beanville.

>Universities don't educate doctors, engineers, lawyers, or anyone except the 1% of students studying women's studies and black history

Spoiler alert: the blacks already go for free and those Starbucks baristas are never paying back their loans anyways

This desu. I went into Uni a bluepilled liberal onions faggot and left a bitter redpilled conservative due to the exposure with so much left-winged faggotry.

why are your taxes paying for art, sport and education programs? If corporations want specialized workers they should educate them themselves.

Yeah, imports from big cities shitting it up, see niggers and fags all the time now, 20 years ago it was unheard of to see a fag and rare to see a nog

I haven’t even been to south Lincoln. Is it worth seeing?

after going to UNL, UNO is even worse. even with it being free now i dont know if ill go back. I might just finish at UNK

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Why is it that big cities always turn in to degenerate liberal hotspots and rural areas seem to be conservative? Does it have to do with small group tribalism in the rural areas?

wonder how "income" is defined here because what if I accept a nominal salary for a business I own and my income is in capital gains?

do my kids get to go to college free if I'm not technically making money while being rich?

it is 95 percent white. make a trip to Southpointe mall, get some food, and buy a gun at Scheels. there isn't really much to see or do, but its nice to get away from poor people and nogs.

It does get mentioned, but we have the media to destroy first.

What do you guyz think of UCONN? Unfortunately I'm going to their Waterbury camous. Planning to get a B.S. in Physiology and Neurobiology. I want to go to UCONN's Med schook and enter Sports Medicine.

Helping poor whites become educated leaders is bad.

Sorry for the typos, I rarely phone post. I should mention I'm a current community college student (gpa is 3.95) and am 80% done with my associates... also have guaranteed admissions to UCONN

No dude go to Nebraska Gun! That blue shack off of Antelope Parkway. Jeff is truly based and redpilled, we need to support him.

I’ll have to check it though.

Yes. The town of Elkhorn is a prime example of this. Wanna read a wonderful book about my state user? The Franklin Coverup.