Why does every woman know a woman that was raped but no man knows a rapist??

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Only niggers brag about raping women.

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I've known rapists, so statement is false. Imagine a woman lying... shocking.

Rape has been codified as illegal in the West since at least Charlegmane.

Simple. Cunts lie.

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Daily reminder that CIA and FBI traffick children for kikes.

Death to America the whore of zion

because one of the two sides is lying

Women want to be raped, men despise rapist


There is one rapist fucking all of these cunts and we don't all know him.

He meant a man knowing of another man user that is a rapist.

The fuck stupid gibberish is this shit?

Serial rapists on the side of men, false claims on the side of women.

Women Casually lie about rape all the time...Without even being asked or you bringing the subject up.

Men don't even joke about rape.

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Correct, and I don't know that jackass.
And it's sexist to the extreme to suggest otherwise.

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Because women lie for attention

rapists have no friends?

Men are not "GULLIBLE". Next question

because only women rape

They just need something to bitch about for sympathy and attention

This. Rapists are men and therefore very efficient. One man can rape many women, just as nature intended

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Can you losers please fuck off and die somewhere?

Seriously, dont you get tired of being so constantly hateful and bitter towards women?

Every single day, multiple times per day, incels feel this incessant need to post negative things towards women.

Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just MAYBE, if you stopped being hateful and started treating women as, jeez I dont know, HUMANS, you might find a woman who gives you the time of day?

Pic related, my face when you losers rage over women for the umpteenth time in a row

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there's one gigachad doing all the raping

no u

Most rapists have tons of victims where as most women only got raped once.

Why does no woman know another woman who is a giant slut but all men know men who plow lots of giant sluts?
Why is that?

Dunno, I've had women say I'm a rapist when I've never met them or been in the same city or anything, because i insulted them on social media. Telling someone they're stupid is literally rape.

You know the rules

Men and Wamen define Rape differently...

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Because most of those women are lying or just have post coital regret

No. I enjoy it.
Women are inferior beings and those who're confrontational need to be brought down a peg and reminded of it every so often.

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Why would a rapist admit to being one?

Is that your heroin spoon?

the answer is simple
rapists tend to do it multiple times to multiple people
and some rapists are women

A few rapists rape many women.

maybe if women contributed things to society instead of just posting their faces online for male attention

This. Unlike what you virgins think about women. PEOPLE are more likely to call out a crime if they're a victim than if they're the criminal.

After being divorced, women only know how to victimize themselves.

Honestly, it's true that women should of never had rights as men, and they most certainly do not deserve to own property.