Gday lads, praise him

>Expert backs claims that Australia has passed peak of coronavirus pandemic

>Numerous theories abound around coronavirus's origins, and Donald Trump's catapulted an unverified one

>'I was caught up in a degrading and corrupt parody of democracy'

>REVEALED: The popular household items you WON'T be able to buy in shops in Australia as the coronavirus wreaks havoc on supply chains in China

Attached: Praise Him .jpg (1488x1488, 522.6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why hello there agent Smith

Taking the safety razor pill, what razor blade brand should I be getting bros? I've had enough of filleting my face with a Gillette cartridge


the abode

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>be me
>told to go back to school with 500 kids
>no social distancing
>also told to get social distancing app
what did scomo mean by this?

dollar shave club has never let me down. I've got so many heads and shave butter I could start my own supply chain.

Feather, made in Japan. Yes, they're pricey and about double what you'd pay for other brands, but they're oh so worth it.

Is CennoAnon the hero of this timeline, lads?

How's it going lads?
My name's Andy, and I have been instructed by the government to turn my chicken hatchery into a cricket farm, to provide Australians with protein for the coming food shortages.
I need 20 hard working blokes who would be willing to get their hands dirty & harvest the crickets for me.
I pay $0.75 for every 500 crickets.
I provide cheap onsite accomodation for $30 per night. This includes 1 loaf of bread per week, 5 tea bags & 1 satchel of broth.
Let me know if your keen to get on board in farming for the future, cheers mates.

Can I just have your chickens?

those girls are prime wife material

Do you guys think tunnel machines will be the new front of warfare

Having build, operated, maintained, and repaired my fair share of road headders, power loaders, and tunnel borers I can unequivically say "no"
Ibet China has some tunnel machines.

Checked & Praise Him

do i still get the bread if i sleep in my car?

Why isnt my next payment double bros where the fuck is my coronabux.

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Digits wasted by glowpost.

apparently it's not going to display until the 26th or something

>new thread
>no tracking app news
fuck glowniggers

Just praised her, might praise her again later
>eatadick asio

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It won't help them.
>I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood.
>And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind.
>Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place.
>And the kings of the earth, the great men, [j]the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

This part of revelation describes a micronova and solar shell release - when the outer shell of the sun goes dark and is expelled from the surface.
It has happened before - in fact it happens roughly every 12000 years in our geological record and is due to happen again as we cross the galactic current sheet.
Check the whole playlist (earth catastrophe cycle suspicious0bservers)

keep her safe from the fucking chinks.

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Younger dryas impact?

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that would have been our last solar micronova. It wasn't a comet or metor, but the shell of the sun hitting the earth.

Seems like Germ Warfare is the current front.

>praise him

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>Checked & Praise Him

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>Just praised her

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>the shell of the sun hitting the earth.

Maybe they will grant access to underground cities if you don’t have plague

Can st tarent Send or receive mail now he is guilty

Based. Praise Him

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She was right all along

Don't care where you sleep, you only get the free bread when you pay for a room.

Can we just get a free loaf of bread instead?

No forced tracking app now boys
>Prime Minister Scott Morrison has ruled out forcing Australians to download a coronavirus tracing app, one day after the deputy chief medical officer left the door open to making it mandatory.
he is scared of riots

Where's me fucken sevenfiddy

I got mine ages ago.

Fuck ooooooooooooooooff
Fucking bill gates and his 666 patent, solar shell micronovas and the 3 days of darkness prophecy, 'stay inside balck out your windows and pray the demons away' and cowering in caves, stars of heaven falling to earth and the next meteor that's set to hit earth and break into pieces
I will fucking lose it if you christcuck jew worshipers will your shitty death cult prophecy into reality

praise St Tarrant