How do you explain this?
How do you explain this?
Global Corporatism has replaced virtuous capitalism to the point that consumers no longer have a choice.
This being the case, advertisement have become social propaganda rather than the marketing of competitive ideas or products.
A more obedient, servile, docile consumer class benefits all.
That is the first goal of all advertising these days.
You will buy the product regardless.
You have no other choice.
are burgers good for you?
The Synagogue of Satan serving their father's agenda.
just trying to put niggers there for "representation", it's not really a conspiracy.
Having said that it's a bit funny that the black token is always a dude. Guess nigresses aren't very attractive lol.
women are fucking useless
If you leave a nation of free niggers in your homeland don't be surprised when miscegenation happens.
1. There might be a conspiracy to normalize or encourage interracial relationships.
2. Businesses or advertisers try to hit as many demographics as possible while incorporating unrealistic ideals.
3. They are virtue signalling.
white women and black men are both vapid consumers look at the amount of shoes in their closet
>You have no other choice.
You do have a choice on many things.
You're just lazy.
Small, local brands are usually the way to go.
Intentionally trying to dumb down the gene pool
They're not there in Asian or Israeli ads.
White girl here. My husband is a lanky African and I’m blonde. Fuck you nazis
cherry picking
>women are fucking useless
>White girl here. My husband is a lanky African and I’m blonde. Fuck you nazis
I rest my case
handholdless asian boy confirmed
Fire. Yellowstone is begging to be unleashed. You want to see Demons, they exist.
Racetraitorous whore your children and grandchild will have been marred by your comingling.
Thanks Wu XI "Andrew" Yang
Agreed pole user.. its like they secretly have slave fantasies but want to be treated like a queen looking down on her servants.. maybe a queen who needs to know a real barbarian to put her in her place. Bitch do love the bad boys.
how do you explain this?
It’s always funny to see white bois in denial as if the same wasn’t true for you guys with the hottest blonde getting BLACKED OUT
Don’t shoot the messenger idk why they do it but it’s a fact they do and I’ve seen it myself many times if you say you haven’t you’re just straight up a in denial faggot
the sad cold hard truth, which is us boomerfolk talk for "redpill", is that white boys these days are low test limp wristed faggots who dont even try to get with these girls but the black boys pursue so there you go nerds keep jerking off to anime and see how many white girls ya get
> I’ve seen it myself many times.
There's no "hot blondes" in Hackney.
True, but the average person will not seek that out because it's less convenient and more expensive.
Global corps have effective monopolies which is why they can ignore advertising their product and just promote social goals.
Small, local biz isn't competition though I agree they should be supported vs global corps, obviously.
Household consumption is driven by impulsive roasties
Not really a surprise they would appeal to woman's impulsivity and poor decision making to sell them shit
the "hot blondes" from porn are barely 8/10s
good point chief leaf
This, also mixed race couples are trendy right now.
Jew controlled media