Always Remember We Do This For Free

This is the key to our power. We dedicate so much time, energy and thought into protecting humanity and we do it for free. No one recognizes our accomplishments or gives us credit or praise. But, we literally create reality by giving away all of our ideas for free. If we want something to be real, we simply present it to the chans and if the idea is good it will get the credit and recognition it deserves and will be promoted until some rich kike sees it and decides to steal it and make millions of dollars. So, he gets the money. But, we made it happen. How many millions of dollars and how many man hours have been wasted to infiltrate and shill this forum? To keep us from discovering the truth. To keep us from sharing it with each other. To keep us from reaching our full potential. Because, they know we are gods. Immortal souls with iron wills that will rise up and slaughter every single one of them for their treason against mankind. Amen and Godbless you anons!

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Other urls found in this thread:

this is why they fear the neets and autists

God bless

>protecting humanity
Nigger I just want to dissent and have my posts judged solely for the content they contain.

Duty before paycheck

fight me in the aquagon

>I just want to dissent
By doing that you are protecting humanity user.

Always have ideas good enough to steal. If you are good at ideas, you can think of many more ideas than you can possibly bring to realization. So why not give them away for benefit of all? Patents are only a license to hire a lawyer to sue someone who steals your idea. Why bother if you have better things to do? Sure if you are in a company that pays you royalties, but I know too many inventors got royally screwed out of large sums by thieving management, with no recourse.

Based thread
I love all you moral cunts

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The clown is the true source of enlightenment. He says what no one else can.

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>doing normal human things is now protecting humanity

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Drinking alone at home is not a good idea.
This fuggn qjarantine man, I nearly wrote a post like yours too after 6 tennants and a viewing of Braveheart on dvd.

The awe inspiring reaction to truth's will

Proof your post faggot! God bless!

When it just feels so right.

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Based real Yas Forumsack.

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This is the true nature of the human spirit.


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>Protect humanity
If that's what I'm doing then it's wholly unintentional.
Every redpill I post I do for the lulz and my unconstrained hatred of leftists.

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>We are gods
>Amen and Godbless you anons!
Schizo detected

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The only thing I ever regret was taking down scientology.
Now I like their madness, and they are a rival to my main enemy.

New jannie confirmed, kys fatso

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If you do something masterfully, no one has the right to question how you achieved it.

Kek. I didnt even think of the fucking jannies, but damn I'll give credit to the ones that arent kike shills and actually care about free speech. There's probably a few. Keep up the good work boys! You'll be rewarded in the next life.

Big Pharma?

And Hollywood propaganda. They are attacking that with their own people.

Yas Forums: the well of eternity

Agreed. Good jannies are needed.

You're delusional and your only influence is creating more retards who work against your stated intent in various ways. Culture and genetics are a runaway train

I applied once, but I think I used the word kike in my application 6 million times.

>You're delusional and your only influence is creating more retards who work against your stated intent in various ways.
Remind me, what was my stated intent again?

I'm a jew and I'm stealing this.

i thought that would be mandated?

>I'm a jew and I'm stealing this.
God bless you jew for doing my work and bringing my reality into existence. I pray that you repent your evil ways before it's too late.

Me too user, me too... I've got the board culture down to a T, but apparently the admins are a different beast entirely.

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ive been here 12 years, Yas Forums for a few early years.
i think of myself as an unpaid jannie, smart posting against enemies.
I find it amusing.

I'm actually a nufag, came here after I got banned everywhere else, but I've been everywhere else for a long time since the early 90s.

That explains the idealism. It'll wane in time.