Jews created COVID-19

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Judge is based, great follow for anyone that hasn't been IP banned on Twatter

>Let's call it pure luck
How many times does the jewish world say this per day I wonder

political Discord
fascist/nazbol friendly

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To be fair, Iran blames Jews or Americans for everything

And the Obama admin funded it.

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Israeli embassies started closing worldwide in October

Sounds based

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Look which country never signed the biological weapons act

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Yeah, I never said they were wrong

This needs to be shared more what with all the CIA shills and the "Atlantic Council trying to shill us into WW3. Always the fucking Jew.

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look at all the Jews on this infographic

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BUMP! I love you frens

>for anyone that hasn't been IP banned on Twatter
I used to follow Judge when he barely got 5 interactions but oh well

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none of this says virus was developed by jews

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He's a monster, I miss my twitter frens

Thank you fed, very cool

Charles Lieber is accused and sent back to USA just before the outbreak of the epidemic in Wuhan.

It makes it seem like that he is a spy who spread the virus in Wuhan and was protected by US with an excuse.

I have been watching for news of this ((( Charles Lieber))), but nothing new. He disappeared in public view.

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Hey China, you fucking worked with him, you tell us.

CCP/Communism/Jews/NWO all the same thing.

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Nice try CCP shill but the changz are solely to blame for this.

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ok, China bad, as you said, NPC nigger. Repeat your lines and do not bother me, thanks. Don't forget to take your pill from your elites and have a nice day.

They both are retard, you shills are low effort, demoralized ass blasted faggots should quit your jobs.

You sound insufferable.

Go fry a dog alive chink

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The reason Event201 used "coronavirus" is because they are extremely common and are source of many other epidemcis/pandemics that people are familiar with.

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Filthy kikes working with chinks
Final solution soon

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