Jared Diamond is accidentally based

This sounds ridiculous but hear me out. Jared Diamond's whole argument Is based around the idea that Niggers couldn't build a functioning society because Africa is a bad place to do so.
This actually means that geography is correlated with IQ, meaning people living in better areas for civilization became more intelligent. Say you have one group of people in Europe, and another in Africa. In the African group, a retard with a spear could easily get good at running down animals, and would thus reproduce. However, In the European group, said retard would die in winter, while the smarter ones prepared. In the European group, there is also natural eugenics taking place, as those with more intelligence could learn how to build, farm, and trade. Yes; farmers aren't very smart, But it at least requires skill development and learning. This means that higher IQ people will be the ones reproducing in that group.

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Wrangle it up or shut your mouth you disgusting dweeb.

Go wrangle Jared's cock faggot

Yea why don’t you run your mouth some more.

Are you going to debate or spout one liners?

the book is fundamentally wrong on all counts so Jared Diamond is actually just a retard
but he is Jewish and got the nepotism book deal and advertising

Yes, it is. But do you agree with my point? There must be some reason why niggers are so dumb.

Interesting. I've not read this. You seem to have summoned the shills though, so it must be good.

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Are you going to say something that isn’t worthless? You need to run your mouth some more.


The land shapes the genes which result in higher IQ over time for northern peoples, which then causes those people to have an even higher IQ culture which further shapes the genes etc. Jared Diamond leaves out half of the feedback loop. Now go read '10,000 year explosion.'

This is projection, please make a quality post sir.

Thanks I will.

Farmers are a hell of a lot smarter than 90% of the fucktards I see running around in society.

Explain the Irish then...

>t. Autist

because they are an old evolutionary dead end kept alive by the poorly thought out good intentions of the western world

Please condense your blather to not be a faggot, OP.

Irish people are smart though.

>Yes; farmers aren't very smart
No, only debtors and cubicle slaves are smart.
Farmers who work the land and are still connected with God are retards.
Your argument is horrible.

Worthless post

Condense your anus

Hmmm which is smarter, Joe who knows how to work the land, or Jamal with a spear and fast legs.

This is why we need to colonize mars. Only the toughest conditions so we can have high IQ martian babies.

Chaim who convinces Joe to enslave Jamal to do his work and fucks up the world forever


i'm not finished but i'm getting something different

he says we measure intelligence incorrectly and that a person's skill set/intelligence is correlated to their enviornment.


guy A lives on a tropical island he will be skilled in hunting shit with wooden spears and making those wooden spears. also, navigating by the stars to all surounding islands


guy B lives in a temperate landlocked area that required him to farm and stockpile his food. consequently allowing him to allocate his thinking towards other affairs than what or how he will eat. develops writing proficiency and whatever

guy A goes to guy B = dies bc he cant farm

guy B goes to guy A = dies bc cant navigate or make spear
there are different kinds of intellgence

sadly true.

True, but the B intelligence is better at make civilization.

Smarter than Africans at least.


Pro nigger freedom just like a good SJW jew cuckold

>enslaves nignogs
>whites and nignogs butthurt about slavery
>free slaves
>Jamal is ruining america instead of dying to aids in Africa

farmers have always been a slave class.
agriculture fosters larger populations and stupider, more complacent people. Hunting tends to produce more intelligent creatures in general, we can very easily see this in animals today.
Think of it as being analogous to r selection and k selection if you will.
You have small populations of hunters(ex: tiger, primitive spear chuckers, jewish elite(you are their prey) ), large populations of castrated dumb slaves who are life energy for the hunters(deer, cattle, agricultural societies, you)

yeah, it's actually getting harder to listen to because i get his points but...one intelligence is extremely more relevant than the other.

he is just trying not to offend anyone

some people are just fucking retarded

As if anything you think or say matters. It's just "white bad" "non-white good" don't you get it fagot?

This is similar to the way I walk friends onto the reality of significant racial differences. I ask them if it's reasonable to expect that humans, who evolved with very little communication for tens of thousands of years in every corner of the globe in vastly different ecosystems, to differ only in facial structure and skin tone. Sports are meritocratic by necessity, and they lay bare these deep-seated racial differences that have manifested from millennia of divergent evolution. Why should we not expect intelligence to have been similarly affected? Usually the people who have the hardest time accepting this, in my experience, are progressive atheists, so sprinkle in subtle implications that they are creationists if they can't accept evolutions impact on mankind and that usually helps win them over, if not salt then significantly.